H5N1 Bird Flu mutation has potential to destroy food supply and devastate medical community as the new pandemic

Sybil repeats himself a lot. Kinda like Rainman but without the math skills. I doubt Sybil can count past 21.*


*first to figure out why the limit is 21 gets 5 likes. :)
I am not you, Sybil. Yes...you do repeat yourself a lot.
Did or did not the states that didn't social distance and wear masks have more cases of COVID and deaths from it then the ones that did?
Again states like NY and cities like NYC got it first and had no idea what to do because of Trump and his lies , misinformation , disinformation, confusing info, conflicting info.
Covid doesn't kill, Tball. Stop making shit up.
Paradox M. Paradox V.
This is another reason why I believe Sybil has a mental maturity of 9th grade or less. Probably even as low as 6th grade making him having the mind of a 12 to 13 year old.

Reasoning with him impossible. No matter how many links, genetic and psych studies or other facts are presented, he'll stick with "Gender is determined by DNA".

This is another reason why I think IBDaMann, gfm7175 and Uncensored2008 are his socks....unless JPP has been invaded by a 6th grade class of teenagers. LOL
The good news is we have never before had such great medical science to fight influenza. The bad news is we are about to put absolute shit political leadership in office, so we just have to hope we get lucky.

With trump in office, the threats against nurses will fly.

You never answered why the alt right goes after nurses? If you were to go after the people in control of the medical community, wouldn't it be doctors, or corporate executives? Nurses seem to be just hard working underlings, trying to serve their community. Even if I believed there was a massive medical conspiracy (I do not), wouldn't nurses just be one of the victims?
There's that fake 'science' usage again! Science does not fight anything. Your immune system fights influenza.
OH I agree to get a good comparison you would have to go by deaths per 100,000.
And my point was most southern red states had a higher rate per 100,000 then some of the states that distanced .
In the case of NY and NJ , Northeast states they were the first to get hit , they didn't know how to stop it, Trump lied and gave out bad, confusing, contradicting info and the Mayors and Governors of those states didn't know what to do .
so the shut down and had people start putting distance between each other.
NYC alone had 1 woman the first of March ( I believe ) and by the 30th there were 79,000 it spread so fast, that is why they decided to shut things down.
Covid does not kill, Tball. Paradox M. Paradox V. You cannot justify Democrats intentionally starting an economic depression.
YES and we were talking where FLA ranked did you forget?
YOU have been saying they were not one of the worst states and as you can see they were , YOU haven't put up a link showing they weren't.
And those numbers were from the CDC ,
POST something to back up your claim .
Attempted force of negative proof fallacy.
When the bird flu pandemic starts, I hope Trump doesn't give that order. All the smart people will wear masks, avoid crowds and get vaccines. Let all the dumbasses die in the streets taking their kids, parents and siblings with them.

It will be God's way of cleaning the gene pool. God bless America! :flagsal:
Still trying to fear monger, Sybil? Won't work.
Paradox M. Paradox V.
Masks don't stop a virus, Sybil.
Not you.

Again, never go to a doctor or accept a vaccine or medicine unless you see it on Facebook, Truth Social or TikTok, Kur. Please advice your family to do exactly the same, especially your grandkids and anyone of childbearing age. :thup:

Let people die and let God sort them out. :)
Fear mongering won't work, Sybil.