H5N1 Bird Flu mutation has potential to destroy food supply and devastate medical community as the new pandemic

I agree it makes sense that the more populated states would have the most deaths, but when he says FLA was in the 40's then post a chart showing only TX and CAL had more deaths it shows he was wrong.
You need to look at the mortality rate which is deaths per 100,000. In 2021 of the states with the highest mortality rate only 3 of them voted for Biden. New Mexico, Arizona, and Georgia. All the rest were states that are very red. So of the 20 states with the worst mortality, only one would be considered a blue state.

Click the year to 2021 and then sort by mortality rate.
You can do the same for 2020 and 2022.

Of the states with the lowest mortality rates in 2021, 15 of the states voted for Biden.
You need to look at the mortality rate which is deaths per 100,000. In 2021 of the states with the highest mortality rate only 3 of them voted for Biden. New Mexico, Arizona, and Georgia. All the rest were states that are very red. So of the 20 states with the worst mortality, only one would be considered a blue state.

Click the year to 2021 and then sort by mortality rate.
You can do the same for 2020 and 2022.

Of the states with the lowest mortality rates in 2021, 15 of the states voted for Biden.
OH I agree to get a good comparison you would have to go by deaths per 100,000.
And my point was most southern red states had a higher rate per 100,000 then some of the states that distanced .
In the case of NY and NJ , Northeast states they were the first to get hit , they didn't know how to stop it, Trump lied and gave out bad, confusing, contradicting info and the Mayors and Governors of those states didn't know what to do .
so the shut down and had people start putting distance between each other.
NYC alone had 1 woman the first of March ( I believe ) and by the 30th there were 79,000 it spread so fast, that is why they decided to shut things down.
I'm pretty sure I am Patient # 3 or maybe 4 in the Bird Flu issue.
I just got out of the hospital after a week, first day of which was in ICU.
I received the shiny brand new updated quadrivalent flu jab the day after it came out, to avoid just this and
six days ago I staggered into the ER at PiH in Whittier and face planted on the tile, my lungs sounding like an accordion full of raped hyenas.

I will find out maybe tomorrow, and if my hunch is correct I suppose I may end up on the news.
I'm pretty sure I am Patient # 3 or maybe 4 in the Bird Flu issue.
I just got out of the hospital after a week, first day of which was in ICU.
I received the shiny brand new updated quadrivalent flu jab the day after it came out, to avoid just this and
six days ago I staggered into the ER at PiH in Whittier and face planted on the tile, my lungs sounding like an accordion full of raped hyenas.

I will find out maybe tomorrow, and if my hunch is correct I suppose I may end up on the news.
That's nutz, how much time after leaving the hospital the 1st time before you went back and face planted? How long were you in the 2nd time? How did they fix you up?
By your own chart Cal and TX were the only states that had more deaths then FLA.
In 2021, ... 39 States had more deaths than Fla.. In 2022, ... 38 States had more deaths than Fla.. In 2020, NY and NJ had the highest death rates.

And Cali is of course a Blue State. As I said, there is no consistent correlation as you tried to claim in your conspiracy theory.
You might want to double check your figures on the website you linked to. In 2021, Fla was 18th with a death rate of 111.7.
You are correct about 2021, TY.

In 2020, Florida was ranked 11th best.

My point still stands that there is no consistent correlation.
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The good news is we have never before had such great medical science to fight influenza. The bad news is we are about to put absolute shit political leadership in office, so we just have to hope we get lucky.

With trump in office, the threats against nurses will fly.

You never answered why the alt right goes after nurses? If you were to go after the people in control of the medical community, wouldn't it be doctors, or corporate executives? Nurses seem to be just hard working underlings, trying to serve their community. Even if I believed there was a massive medical conspiracy (I do not), wouldn't nurses just be one of the victims?
It's called the Alt Right because it is NOT the right. It is a tiny fringe socialist group that reverses the colors of the Democrats' racism.

I don't recall anyone asking about nurses. I must have missed that post. What news story are you talking about?
Keep in mind those pre packaged kits are overpriced. The cost per calories is very high. Make sure you have enough fuel and water to cook them. Instant mashed potatoes and instant oatmeal do no require cooking.

Prepping for Tuesday, not Doomsday ... starts with keeping a Deep Pantry. Buying extra non perishables that you normally eat and stocking the freezer. Then rotating your inventory, ... first in first out. Eat the oldest stuff first.

You can buy 3 weeks worth, 3 months worth, ... or whatever you personally choose to do.
In 2021, ... 39 States had more deaths than Fla.. In 2022, ... 38 States had more deaths than Fla.. In 2020, NY and NJ had the highest death rates.

And Cali is of course a Blue State. As I said, there is no consistent correlation as you tried to claim in your conspiracy theory.
Well not according to ALL the charts I see.
according to the CDC
Cal had 17504.
Fla 12165
NY 11129
TX 14573
But if you think it is different run with it.
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Well not according to ALL the charts I see.
according to the CDC
Cal had 17504.
Fla 12165
NY 11129
TX 14573
But if you think it is different run with it.
Because States have different size populations, the death rate per 100k is the only significant statistic. You should know better.

But even your stats show NO consistent correlation.
Because States have different size populations, the death rate per 100k is the only significant statistic. You should know better.

But even your stats show NO consistent correlation.
Well then POST a link.
Those are statistics form the CDC.
Well then POST a link.
Those are statistics form the CDC.
This is death rates for the year 2020. You can select 21 and 22, also.

NY and NJ were the worst, but viruses do Not recognize State borders.

My nazi blue State, Md., lifted the mask law (bandanas were sufficient) in May of 2021.
So. The plan seems to be: While Trump takes office, try to get him to once again shut down the economy due to a virus.

Does anyone here believe that he will do that?
Here is the search I did and nothing say FLA was as low as you say.
Yes, your search ranks California as the worst. As I said, there is NO consistent correlation.

In 2020, NY and NJ were the worst, but viruses do Not recognize State borders.

My nazi blue State, Md., lifted the mask law (bandanas were sufficient) in May of 2021.
Yes, your search ranks California as the worst. As I said, there is NO consistent correlation.

In 2020, NY and NJ were the worst, but viruses do Not recognize State borders.

My nazi blue State, Md., lifted the mask law (bandanas were sufficient) in May of 2021.
Here this might be what your looking for.
Lets see these are ranked best to worst .
Cal 257 deaths per 100,000 people. # 41
TX 323 per 100,000 # 33
NY 397.8109 per 100,000 #16
FLA 405 per 100,000 # 13
Those are numbers from the CDC
So. The plan seems to be: While Trump takes office, try to get him to once again shut down the economy due to a virus.

Does anyone here believe that he will do that?
Trump declared a national emergency on Mar. 13, but I don't recall him ordering a national economic shut down.
Here this might be what your looking for.
Lets see these are ranked best to worst .
Cal 257 deaths per 100,000 people. # 41
TX 323 per 100,000 # 33
NY 397.8109 per 100,000 #16
FLA 405 per 100,000 # 13
Those are numbers from the CDC
from your link ...

"States such as California, Michigan, and Rhode Island had some of the tightest restrictions during the outbreak, yet they had among the highest numbers of total deaths, cases per 100,000, and total cases."

As I have stated, there is NO consistent correlation.