H5N1 Bird Flu mutation has potential to destroy food supply and devastate medical community as the new pandemic

More proof MAGAts are poorly educated and never learned about the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918.

The year is 2025, Sybil.
Yep :thup:

They LIED about masks and totally made up the 6 ft. social distancing out of thin air which was then used to justify shutting down places of worship, small businesses and schools, and putting everyone on house arrest.

Then demanded people be fired for Not getting a jab. A jab which did Not stop the spread of covid, only mitigated symptoms for the individual.
And did you notice in the states that didn't social distance had a higher rate of COVID cases and deaths from COVID then the ones that did?
And as for the states in the N E that got it first there was no info on it and what to do,
Trump was spreading all kinds of lies, misinformation , conflicting information, confusing info, so the Mayors and Governors of the N E states did what they thought was best, maybe IF Trump had just told the truth and put out real, honest info they would not have had to.
Fact is NYC was hit hard at first , I believe it was about the First of March when 1 woman came in from the EU before Trump shut down the flights coming in from there and by the 30th there was OVER 79,000 cases in NYC alone.
Trump shut down the flights into the east coast several day after he did the west coast, I guess he wasn't smart enough to know people can fly all around the world and come in from both coasts.