H5N1 Bird Flu mutation has potential to destroy food supply and devastate medical community as the new pandemic

You are focused on biological facts.
Stop playing games. You were going to argue about other X and Y chromosomal combinations. So dishonest. :palm:

What facts are you focusing on? Social Constructs? Homosexual Sexual; fantasies?
Which means what? That it is a fantasy?
AI Overview

A social construct is a concept or idea that is created by a society through shared beliefs and practices, rather than being inherent or natural:

  • Examples
    The meaning of words, the value of paper money, class distinctions, race, and gender are all examples of social constructs.

  • Explanation
    Social constructs are not objective realities, but rather exist because humans agree that they do. For example, the idea that wearing a certain color on Tuesdays is cool is a social construct, as the coolness is created by the group's agreement.

    • Study
      Psychologists and social scientists study social constructs to understand how groups of people create social phenomena.
    • Significance
      Social constructs have meaning and consequences, and can be used to create social hierarchies. For example, the construction of the gender binary can lead to violence against marginalized genders, and can also limit cisgender people's gender expressions.
AI Overview
View attachment 39290
View attachment 39291
View attachment 39292

A social construct is a concept or idea that is created by a society through shared beliefs and practices, rather than being inherent or natural:

  • Examples
    The meaning of words, the value of paper money, class distinctions, race, and gender are all examples of social constructs.

  • Explanation
    Social constructs are not objective realities, but rather exist because humans agree that they do. For example, the idea that wearing a certain color on Tuesdays is cool is a social construct, as the coolness is created by the group's agreement.

    • Study
      Psychologists and social scientists study social constructs to understand how groups of people create social phenomena.
    • Significance
      Social constructs have meaning and consequences, and can be used to create social hierarchies. For example, the construction of the gender binary can lead to violence against marginalized genders, and can also limit cisgender people's gender expressions.
Do you have a point?
I recommend doing as much stockpiling as you can...keep everything on hand that you can use before it goes bad within reason.....for instance I currently have 10 bags of hound kibble.