H5N1 Bird Flu mutation has potential to destroy food supply and devastate medical community as the new pandemic

You know the scientists spent most of the 20th century telling us pandemics would become more common.

Thankfully our country is now being run by MAGA which is a movement dedicated to not understanding science and ignoring it whenever they get mad. It is a new philosophy that will make the new zoonotic pandemics a real treat to "live" through.
Inversion fallacy. It is YOU that discards theories of science. You can't blame your problem on Trump! :laugh:
The topic is about science Democrat. So ah, define what a woman is. Or a man. "Educated" one. I will wait.

Ummm, sorry Cletus, but if you read the OP it's about the H5N1 Bird Flu.

Can you read? If not maybe mommy can help you. Or one of the friendly attendants there at the special school.
How on earth would you know? I mean you've never read a scientific paper in your life, so how would you know what the research showed?

Science is not a paper. Science is not a research or study.

You can't laugh your way out of your illiteracy.
LOL. Wrong-o.

"The Trump administration cut staff by more than two-thirds at a key U.S. public health agency operating inside China, as part of a larger rollback of U.S.-funded health and science experts on the ground there leading up to the coronavirus outbreak, Reuters has learned." (SOURCE)

"In 2020, President Trump and White House officials interfered with the work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by blocking scientists and officials from speaking to the media about the dangers of COVID-19." (SOURCE)

Trump also shut down the NSC Pandemic Unit just before COVID hit
Science is not a bureaucrat or government agency.