Clearly you were so busy spewing hate-filled-Dem-Talking-Points you didn't even bother to read the post I wrote in this thread.Both of you should never, ever see a doctor or receive any medication or vaccines. Doctors are all work the FBI and Mossad and their medicine and vaccines are poison. Seriously, NEVER. Make sure you push your families to do avoid them too.
I've had 561 vaccine shots, to be world-wide-deployable for the military. Many of those shots were for diseases which do not occur in North America. I am a huge supporter of the general concept of vaccines, and will continue to receive them.
But I will never again take an mRNA vaccine!
Nor will I accept vaccines from Doctors trained in Leftie controled medical school Universities.
I will ONLY accept vaccines from safe sources and well trained people, which is to say, from conservative military corpsmen, medics, and doctors.
I will never again TRUST Progressive Medical Staff.
It is quite possible that the Covid Virus was created solely as a pretext. And the Covid Vaccine was a slowly lethal, politically targeted, Bio-Weapon.
They made sure such cannot be proven. But there is more than enough evidence that the people in Martha's Vineyard and the Hampton's did NOT receive the same vaccine that the working class people in Ashenville-Tn, or CedarRapids-Iowa received. This is evident by the huge numbers of Covid Vaccine side effects related deaths.
I hope Trump appoints a large and conservative controlled group to investigate the deaths caused by the Covid-Vaccines.
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