H5N1 Bird Flu mutation has potential to destroy food supply and devastate medical community as the new pandemic

Ok fascist antihuman globalist traitor shill.
Buzzword fallacies. Redefinition fallacy (capitalism<->fascism).

I was a shill. It's an honorable piece of work. This purpose of this position in a casino is to start poker games. Nine people just don't walk up at once to play poker. Casinos use shills in poker games to fill seats until real players show up one by one. They then leave the game, always keeping one or two seats open for real players. Shills play with their own money. The only reason you think the term 'shill' is an insult is because you don't know what one is or what they do.
Believes masks don't work but walls do.
Walls do work, if they are manned. No dust mask stops a virus, Sybil. Paradox M.
A mask? :rofl2: Most people do not handle masks in a sterile manner. They constantly transfer anything the Mask "caught" on its surface to their fingers.

My nazi Blue State insisted a bandana was sufficient to comply with mask laws. A bandana!!!
It's to keep your disgusting ass from spitting on us.
Walls do work, if they are manned. No dust mask stops a virus, Sybil. Paradox M.
I'd 'splain it to you, Lucy, but anyone who is capable of understanding knows it by now and poor, slow people with mental issues such as yourself will never get it. I'd link it for you but you and I both know you never see what you don't want to see, son.

Say hi to your mom for me. Please give her my best. :thup:
It's to keep your disgusting ass from spitting on us.
LOL Awww, you went and spoiled the secret. :)

It's not that people like Sybil and the pup don't want to learn, it's because they can't. Seriously. The pandemic began under Trump in December 2019 and ended a year ago last May. What rational, average intelligence American adult hasn't read all the issues about sanitary conditions and why they are important?

OTOH, the nutjobs heard Trump say COVID can be sanitized with bleach and the result was several emergency room visits for bleach poisoning along with some deaths. These poor bastards were in awe of Trump and believed everything he said and many still do.

During a tour of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) facilities in Atlanta in March 2020, Trump, whose grandfather died in the 1918 influenza, said something that quintessentially defines his presidency during the Covid-19 pandemic and its ensuing amnesia.

“Does anybody die from the flu?” he said. “I didn’t know people died from the flu.”

Trump’s time in the White House during the pandemic was fraught with stream-of-consciousness sound bites that often contradicted national or global health advisories. He suggested injecting bleach to fight COVID, recommended people take the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, which had not shown to be safe, and encouraged people to protest social distancing restrictions. In the early months, he denied the threat of the pandemic, saying some iteration of the fact that the COVID pandemic was “going to disappear,” over
40 times.
My nazi Blue State insisted a bandana was sufficient to comply with mask laws. A bandana!!!
I'll do you one better. Walter Reed, which locked down the entire installation and required everyone to be wearing facemasks and to socially-distance, also said that a bandana would suffice for masking requirements.

As long as people were OBEYING invasive, life-controlling commands from the government and incurring inconvenience and tyranny, the government was happy.