HAHAHA. Case against Chauvin so weak prosecutor brings in George Floyd daughter

It is an approved technique!

Approved by Izraeli fascists, dumbass.

I watched the video, I answered that earlier. I watched the videos. And again, the ME said it was homicide, not due to the drug, and he said it was homicide due to the neck compression. Stop pretending that you know what you are talking about if you simply won't process facts as part of your opinion. You are not qualified to give them when you ignore what the autopsy actually stated and pretend that the drugs in his system was the cause of death which is contraindicated by what the ME ruled and what reason he gave for cause of death on the actual autopsy.

There is a clear je ne sais quoi, to the murder by this guy,.

As a jits guy, I cringe on the video, from about 90 seconds in,.
Floyd did 5 years for armed robbery of a pregnant woman but the kid does as told and says he was a wonderful man. HAHAHA

I think there's a good chance Floyd could be acquitted of all three charges he's facting: 2nd-degree murder ( there's no way the prosecution can make that stick), 3rd-degree murder (In Minnesota the definition of this crime is so wierd I can't understand it at all. I tried for about half an hour then gave up) and finally 2nd-degree manslaughter, which is also given a strange definition, that I cannot relate to Floyd's death at all).

The big thing Chauvin has got going in his favour, right now, is that the jury that was selected is majority White. BUT they might be worried that if they acquit Chauvin of all charges, then hell will break lose again in terms of violent race riots like the ones that took place across the US last year, only much, much worse.

I think there's a good chance Floyd could be acquitted of all three charges he's facing. --Dachshund

Floyd is dead.
Chauvin's on trial.
And he's being undercharged; he's clearly guilty of murder.

The lesser chargers would be quite appropriate for those of you pulling for him.
Wrong we love her because she doesn't worship massa in the democrat party, she is articulate, and shuts down liberals in a heartbeat, she is everything you wish to be! Racist

Not really when Cardi B can drag her all over Twitter with ease.
Since I will never put myself in that situation it doesn't matter!

But it's not about putting yourself into a situation, it's you proving your argument.

You are insisting that what Chauvin did was harmless and approved, but you absolutely do not want to prove it by submitting to the same chokehold yourself.

That makes you a gigantic fucking pussy.

It's just like waterboarding...you're all about using it, you claim it's safe, but then you're too chickenshit to experience it yourself.
Why don't we give it a try and see how it goes?

The evidence is that Floyd is dead, and that the ME said what Chauvin did was the cause.

Nope, no general statements like ‘neck compression’. I want the specific mechanism that caused Floyd’s death.

Show it to me.
But it's not about putting yourself into a situation, it's you proving your argument.

You are insisting that what Chauvin did was harmless and approved, but you absolutely do not want to prove it by submitting to the same chokehold yourself.

That makes you a gigantic fucking pussy.

It's just like waterboarding...you're all about using it, you claim it's safe, but then you're too chickenshit to experience it yourself.

Don't get too technical with these "people," LV.
You're straining their resources.
Nope, no general statements like ‘neck compression’. I want the specific mechanism that caused Floyd’s death.

There's a nine minute video that shows Floyd being killed in real time, that the Prosecution has played in full during the opening statement, and then portions of it again and again during the trial.

How is it possible that 10 months after this video has been released, you still haven't watched it?
Kneeling on the side of the neck constricts the carotid arteries which supply blood to the face , neck and brain. Very dangerous. Strikes to the spine or back of the head- or anything behind the ears, throat attacks of any kind, including restricting the trachea are banned in MMA. In short , the neck area is considered to be a lethal target- even by dumbass cops trained by Izraeli fascists to show no mercy to prisoners. Nine minutes ? The guy was murdered. Ask any fight fan.
Kneeling on the side of the neck constricts the carotid arteries which supply blood to the face , neck and brain. Very dangerous. Strikes to the spine or back of the head- or anything behind the ears, throat attacks of any kind, including restricting the trachea are banned in MMA. In short , the neck area is considered to be a lethal target- even by dumbass cops trained by Izraeli fascists to show no mercy to prisoners. The guy was murdered.

Chauvin wasn't the only one who murdered him, all three of those cops also murdered him by preventing anyone from giving him medical attention, even when an off-duty EMT was there begging them to let her help him.

I know their trial is next, but if Chauvin is found guilty, then they're his accomplices.
you are correct he is a murderer and dirty cop, but had he killed a trump supporter you would be cheering him, scumbag.

If killing trump supporters had a 400 year history of it, I would AND, I would expect that any person of consciousness would have a problem with as well .. which is also true watching a cop murder an innocent man with a smile on his face no matter who the victim is. I would have a problem with it if it was TDAK .. which about as low as I can think of. Barely human . But I digress.

More importantly, the defense case is so weak that it essentially claims that Floyd was already dead ... while 4cops had to sit on him, one with his boot in his neck to keep him from moving .. because he was already dead. That is their case .. which is why they opened their case with .. don’t believe your eyes or what you see .. a real popular mindfuck among conservative white people. There is no question that Floyd was murdered by Chauvin, none whatsoever. The EMT declared it. “THEY FUCKING KILLED HIM.” Of course they killed him .. which is why they paid his family 27 million dollars.

The only question left is how can they use the law to get him off when the whole word is watching you.
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My link proved otherwise, it's cool though, are you a drug addicted thug like Floyd was, is that why you can find no fault in him?

Your link didn’t prove shit. Only a claim by another RW liar. No police report of the incident mentions that she was pregnant.

Dumbfuck liar.
Though George was murdered brutally, nobody is aware of George Floyd’s Criminal Past Record/Arrest Timeline for armed robbery, pointing a gun at a pregnant woman pointing a gun at a pregnant woman and being involved in cocaine/white bag/baggie charges.

pointing a gun at a pregnant woman pointing a gun at a pregnant woman

RW lie.

Dumbfuck liar.
Chauvin wasn't the only one who murdered him, all three of those cops also murdered him by preventing anyone from giving him medical attention, even when an off-duty EMT was there begging them to let her help him.

I know their trial is next, but if Chauvin is found guilty, then they're his accomplices.

Absolutely, they are all guilty. But so is the department that hired them, and so is the cult of policing in America, and so is America for allowing it.

I’ve never heard of death by neck compression lol.

Strangulation occurs when the trachea [airway] is obstructed but unless Floyd was on his back it would be very difficult for Chauvin to obstruct his airway and cause asphyxiation with his knee *on the side* of Floyd’s neck.

Maybe Chauvin is guilty as hell but that still doesn’t make sense to me.