HAHAHA. Case against Chauvin so weak prosecutor brings in George Floyd daughter

A dirty cop knelt on his throat for nearly nine minutes.
Chauvin and you can both sodomize yourselves with rusty fishing knives, you lowlife scumbag.

You are too emotional! I understand that a thug died, and probably shouldn't have, but one less thug! he was an ass!
Because they were attacking him.


He told them he couldn't breathe, so their response was...to make it harder for him to breathe?

You realize what you're describing is murder, right?

Right, but those conditions aren't what killed him. They may be contributing factors, but they weren't the trigger for his death.

The cops were.

Wrong they put him in cuffs, and then he complied, until they went to put him in the car!
There's no such thing as a perfect world,
but in a perfect world,
they'd put two behind Chauvin's ear right now,
then rinse and repeat on anybody who complained about it.

The guy is fucking garbage,
as is every single person defending him [save for his attorneys who are just doing their jobs, poor bastards].

Wait, that is capital punishment, are you ok with that, shouldn't he get three hots, and a cot for twenty years, before a liberal pansy lets him off?
Fascists love Candace Owens because she gives them permission to be racist.

Wrong we love her because she doesn't worship massa in the democrat party, she is articulate, and shuts down liberals in a heartbeat, she is everything you wish to be! Racist:laugh:
Wrong they put him in cuffs, and then he complied, until they went to put him in the car!

So then he wasn't experiencing breathing distress earlier like you said he was.

He only started experiencing that when your "very fine people" put the knee to his neck and then kept it there for 9 minutes.

If you don't think it's that big a deal, and that the cops followed standard procedure and what Chauvin did was harmless, then you should volunteer to let me stand on your neck for nine minutes to prove it's totally safe.

Do you have the courage to do that? I doubt it.
So then he wasn't experiencing breathing distress earlier like you said he was.

He only started experiencing that when your "very fine people" put the knee to his neck and then kept it there for 9 minutes.

If you don't think it's that big a deal, and that the cops followed standard procedure and what Chauvin did was harmless, then you should volunteer to let me stand on your neck for nine minutes to prove it's totally safe.

Do you have the courage to do that? I doubt it.

Yes he was, read a little, by the way he went to the ground on his own, faking claustrophobia! The Very fine people narrative has been proven false. Why, I have done nothing wrong, and you couldn't get me on the ground, let alone stay on my neck, and I wouldn't resist the police so I have nothing to worry about!
You are too emotional! I understand that a thug died, and probably shouldn't have, but one less thug! he was an ass!

As bad as he may have been, you're at least as bad and nobody has snuffed you yet.
I suppose that "yet" is the key word if you keeping spewing trumpanzee bullshit.
Actual humans won't endure it forever.
So if this chokehold is totally safe and OK, then you should volunteer to let me stand on your neck for nine minutes to prove it's not harmful.

Never said it was ok the police department approved the technique! You would never get me on the ground
Wait, that is capital punishment, are you ok with that, shouldn't he get three hots, and a cot for twenty years, before a liberal pansy lets him off?

Humane euthanasia is not the same as punitive execution.
Progressive liberals, who have IQs greater than shoe sizes, can do "nuance."
As bad as he may have been, you're at least as bad and nobody has snuffed you yet.
I suppose that "yet" is the key word if you keeping spewing trumpanzee bullshit.
Actual humans won't endure it forever.

You keep on insulting me and I will laugh, because it show your position is untenable! Come find me buttercup and see if you can handle the job otherwise quit with the internet tough guy act! I HAVEN'T SEEN MANY LIBERALS ON THIS FORUM WHO ACTUALLY HUMAN. A lot of insults, bluster, and liberal debate tactics, not much in the way of actual debating!
You keep on insulting me and I will laugh, because it show your position is untenable! Come find me buttercup and see if you can handle the job otherwise quit with the internet tough guy act! I HAVEN'T SEEN MANY LIBERALS ON THIS FORUM WHO ACTUALLY HUMAN. A lot of insults, bluster, and liberal debate tactics, not much in the way of actual debating!

If I ever get so low in life that it becomes my job to come and find you, a trumpanzee, lovey, I suppose that I'd in that case do it.
Yes he was, read a little, by the way he went to the ground on his own, faking claustrophobia!

1. How do you know he was faking?

2. Even if he was, why didn't the police err on the side of caution anyway?

The Very fine people narrative has been proven false.


Why, I have done nothing wrong, and you couldn't get me on the ground, let alone stay on my neck, and I wouldn't resist the police so I have nothing to worry about!

You are insisting the chokehold Chauvin used was harmless and not what caused Floyd's death, so in order for you to prove that point, you would need to submit yourself to it.

You're too chickenshit to do that because you know that if I stood on your neck for 9 minutes, you'd die.