HAHAHA. Case against Chauvin so weak prosecutor brings in George Floyd daughter

How would you kill me with a properly executed neck restraint lol?

I guess we'll see, won't we?

The only way to be sure is for you to volunteer to have me do it to you.

If the neck restraint Chauvin used was proper, Floyd would still be alive. But he's not. So the neck restraint Chauvin used was IMPROPER, wasn't it, because it resulted in death?

Include all relevant anatomical considerations.

Shouldn't even need to do that because according to you, the neck choke Chauvin did to Floyd was perfectly proper.

So if by putting my knee on your neck, it results in you being choked to death, I can't be held responsible for killing you because I used a proper choke hold.

So would you volunteer to have me choke you out for 9 minutes to prove your case?
What makes you say that?

Perhaps we should test it?

How about this: You volunteer to have me place my knee on your neck for 9 minutes and if you survive it, I will buy you a Coke.

better challenge, I'll let you do that to me and I'll buy you a coke if YOU survive it.

But you are correct. there was no need other than punitive vindictiveness to keep ones knee on another person. if a cop can't restrain and control a person within a minute or two without causing death or injury he is undertrained or a sociopath.
Wouldn't you not be in a state of "excited delirium" if your whole world was going black due to being choked out?

That’s the point lol.

Properly executed, a neck restraint can’t cause death by asphyxiation because it would result in significant injury to the neck and/or larynx. Then the neck restraint wasn’t properly executed.

Do you have evidence of that in Chauvin’s case? As long as a person is able to breathe they could survive a neck restraint indefinitely.
It wasn't my claim. It's what the ME said. And which autopsy said "the cause of his death was cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law-enforcement subdual restraint, and neck compression?”

Now, please answer my question.

I watched the video, I answered that earlier. I watched the videos. And again, the ME said it was homicide, not due to the drug, and he said it was homicide due to the neck compression. Stop pretending that you know what you are talking about if you simply won't process facts as part of your opinion. You are not qualified to give them when you ignore what the autopsy actually stated and pretend that the drugs in his system was the cause of death which is contraindicated by what the ME ruled and what reason he gave for cause of death on the actual autopsy.
I guess we'll see, won't we?

The only way to be sure is for you to volunteer to have me do it to you.

If the neck restraint Chauvin used was proper, Floyd would still be alive. But he's not. So the neck restraint Chauvin used was IMPROPER, wasn't it, because it resulted in death?

Shouldn't even need to do that because according to you, the neck choke Chauvin did to Floyd was perfectly proper.

So if by putting my knee on your neck, it results in you being choked to death, I can't be held responsible for killing you because I used a proper choke hold.

So would you volunteer to have me choke you out for 9 minutes to prove your case?

You can’t ‘choke me’ with a neck restraint, that’s the point.

If you want to claim Chauvin’s technique was wrong let’s the see the evidence.
I watched the video, I answered that earlier. I watched the videos. And again, the ME said it was homicide, not due to the drug, and he said it was homicide due to the neck compression. Stop pretending that you know what you are talking about if you simply won't process facts as part of your opinion. You are not qualified to give them when you ignore what the autopsy actually stated and pretend that the drugs in his system was the cause of death which is contraindicated by what the ME ruled and what reason he gave for cause of death on the actual autopsy.

I’d be interested in a more precise mechanism besides ‘neck compression’.

To cause asphyxiation it would have to be by *airway* compression; and in order for that to happen, Chauvin's knee would have had to been on Floyd’s airway and not the side of his neck.

Compression on the side of the neck is too far away from the airway and by the time sufficient pressure was put on the side of the neck in order to obstruct the airway, Floyd would have some pretty significant neck trauma—and quite possibly a broken neck.

Were there any indications of neck trauma in the ME report?
HAHAHAHA. Yes - that's what all you WHRs say but the fact is floyd died of a drug overdose. This story has been a media lie right from the start. The FNP invented the floyd murder story just like they invented the covid crisis story. It was all done to hurt trump in the election

Other than to suck the pus out of syphilitic penis sores, TDAK, why the fuck does a lowlife like you even exist?
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I've explained the answer to your question multiple times in this thread already. I don't care if kneeling on a handcuffed stranger's neck for nine and a half minutes is a fucking commandment given to Moses. It's wrong.

Floyd was dying of a drug overdose . He was saying "I can't breathe" BEFORE he was put on the ground. When people can't breathe, they go wild and have to be restrained to protect themselves and others.
. Of course, given that Keith Ellison is heading the persecution side of things, this should be expected. Ellison is a bigot, racist, domestic abuser, and not particularly smart. Seems this case is turning into another 'OJ' trial...

MN AG Keith Ellison is the biggest WHR in america. He refused to release the body cam footage that proved floyd was saying "i can't breathe" BEFORE he was put on the ground. Fortunately someone leaked the video to the FOREIGN press ( the american press wanted it censored) and then it was all over the internet.
the case against chauvin is really weak but he will still likely lose since the jury is petrified of the press. They know if they say not guilty, they will be doxxed by the tv networks and their lives turned upside down.

I read most, not all of those articles. They all pretty much say the same thing.

...the medical examiner's office, in its report also released Monday, said that the cause of death is "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression." Cardiopulmonary arrest means Floyd's heart failed.
The medical examiner made no mention of asphyxiation.

From the CNN article.

They then conclude from that that it was a homicide, not that the medical examiner stated it was a homicide. That is, the opinion of the article writer(s) is it was a homicide, not that of the medical examiner.

Now, a separate autopsy commissioned by Floyd's family did state it was a homicide, but you have to consider that the family was almost certainly paying an examiner to find that result. Thus, that report is likely less than objective.
No it doesn't.

You haven't watched the video, have you?

He wasn't in respiratory distress prior to being subdued on the road...he was struggling before when they were trying to load him into the back of the SUV, and it took four of them to do that...so he wasn't having respiratory distress until after your "very fine people" put the knee to his neck.

Not when he stood on that neck for 9 minutes with half a dozen people (including a trained EMT) screaming at him to get up. He just stared at them with that Trump dead eye look that is common among your kind, it even looked like he was taking pleasure in what he was doing at times.

That's what the witnesses say, and that's what the video clearly shows.

Standing on someone's neck for 9 minutes is an approved method? Since when?

Chauvin didn't know about Floyd's past, all Chauvin and his three "Very fine people" knew was the situation before them, and all of them killed him...Chauvin killed him by putting his knee on Floyd's neck, and the other three cops killed him by preventing anyone from performing medical care.

He is claims it hard to breathe before the take him to the ground!
By David K. Li

George Floyd told police he was claustrophobic and struggling to breathe even before he ended up face down on the Minneapolis pavement, with an officer's knee planted on his neck, prosecutors said Friday.
A medical examination found that Floyd had coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease.
The technique he used had been approved by the department!
There's no such thing as a perfect world,
but in a perfect world,
they'd put two behind Chauvin's ear right now,
then rinse and repeat on anybody who complained about it.

The guy is fucking garbage,
as is every single person defending him [save for his attorneys who are just doing their jobs, poor bastards].
He is claims it hard to breathe before the take him to the ground!

Because they were attacking him.

George Floyd told police he was claustrophobic and struggling to breathe even before he ended up face down on the Minneapolis pavement


He told them he couldn't breathe, so their response was...to make it harder for him to breathe?

You realize what you're describing is murder, right?

A medical examination found that Floyd had coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease.

Right, but those conditions aren't what killed him. They may be contributing factors, but they weren't the trigger for his death.

The cops were.