Haitians come from…

I like my presidents to know that program is an Air Force Base in Afghanistan, and not an oil field in Alaska. It’s the little things.
Trump knowing nearly nothing does not hurt him with his voters. Trump can be wrong, and he often is, and he will be forgiven by his sheep. If Harris said that, it would be all over right-wing gnus and be disqualifying.
The real retarded one is Yakadoo, he always proves his scanty intelligence by the foolish tripe that he post.
Another mindless contribution from the JPP retard. At least the other idiot leftists on this site post something substantive from time to time but you just don't have the capacity to do that it seems. It's sad really
Trump is using the Haitians the same way that Hitler used the Jews back in the days of Nazi Germany. Everything that comes out of Trump's mouth is hate and prejudice, designed to appeal to the feeble minded Magatard who are ready to believe anything.
In Trump's defense, he had to hire someone to take the entrance exam for Wharton School of Business, so it's not like he ever pretended to be interested in learning anything anywhere.
And Kamala went to a low rated college and Law School and funked the bar exam. And that was at a time when Ivy League schools were falling all over themselves for Black females.