Haitians practicing voodoo actually drink the blood from the cats

Far more times than not Trump is maligned for saying things of importance that are eventually found to be true. For instance, they were spying on him during his campaign for President on 2020. Another, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are effective in fighting the Covid virus.

No they were not spying on his campaign. No those drugs were not effective. You are a brainwashed dolt.
Facts are stranger than fiction. Haitians practicing voodoo actually drink the blood from the cats while they are alive until the cat dies from blood loss as part of a common Voodoo practice.

Surprise! Yet Another “Conspiracy Theory” Is True After All
By Glassburn • Sep. 13, 2024

Truth often sounds like fiction, especially when it does not fit the listener’s model of the world and what they believe to be in the realm of possibility. If you lived in Germany in 1933, you might hear news the new chancellor, Adolf Hitler, was arresting political opponents and putting them in a newly built prison. Unless you knew those people personally, you might dismiss the news as a conspiracy theory designed to hurt Hitler. Later, in November of 1938, when you heard the news of Jews being rounded up and sent to the same prison, you might dismiss it as well. So the smoke screen worked.
You are a total and absolute nutjob