Half the country will vote for Trump. What is his appeal?

Dutch Uncle

* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
An interesting article that explores the mystery of Trump's appeal to half of American voters.

Half the country will vote for Trump. What is his appeal?

For me, Donald Trump is like pornography — he has no socially redeeming value.

He’s a narcissistic, misogynist, bigoted, autocratic bully who is a congenital liar and dangerously detached from reality.

Yet almost half the country appears poised to vote for him.

Democrats certainly needn’t like Trump, but we damn well better understand why so many people do and not simply brand his supporters as “deplorables” like their candidate....

...Denouncing Democrats as the party of Big Government has been standard Republican fare for decades. Today, slightly over half the country expresses an aversion to a government they consider too big, and almost all of them support Trump. The large minority who look favorably on a more active government reside overwhelmingly in the Kamala Harris camp.

Aversion to change emerges from classic conservatism’s respect for tradition. As Edmund Burke wrote: “When ancient opinions and rules of life are taken away, the loss cannot possibly be estimated. From that moment, we have no compass to govern us, nor can we know distinctly to what port to steer.”...

...Moreover, voters seem to recall a successful pre-COVID economy under Trump. Almost two-thirds tell pollsters the Trump economy was good. As President Obama reminds us, it was his economy, not Trump’s. But Trump benefits from having been seated in the Oval at the time.

Trump’s appeal was sealed by his authenticity — never a word I would associate with the former president.

But by giving voice to the concerns of his constituents, saying aloud what they said only in private and by being willing to suffer the opprobrium of the establishment for doing so, Trump proved to his followers that he really meant it — that he was authentic.

Despite the appeals, Trump’s weaknesses are legion, and he can be defeated. But no one should underestimate the challenge or the wellsprings of his support.

A clear sign of the disdain felt by a majority for the cultural transformations wrought in this country comes in responses to a poll question asking voters to evaluate the changes in “American culture and way of life” since the 1950s.

As in 2016, over half now say it has gotten worse since the 1950s.
From your short opinion piece. You have your answer.
From your short opinion piece. You have your answer.
Yes the dumb right wing mother fuckers are too GOD damn stupid to even listen to what Trump has been saying he wants to do and MOST of it is what DICTATORS do NOT Presidents of the USA.
Weaponizing every government agency he can to go after his political opponents, taking peoples guns away and dealing with the due process thing later, Shutting down all left leaning MSM outlets are again things DICTATORS do NOT US Presidents.
The MAGA right wingers on here say they stand behind and for the CONSTITUTION but turn around and support a guy like Trump who has said he wants to do these things stomping on left leaning AMERICANS Constitutional right.
They are a real bunch of lying hypocrites.
And I still have not got an answer from any of them to my question , what are they going to do when Trump is done taking left leaning AMERICANS Constitutional rights away from them and turn and goes after theirs?
Cry I guess.
I can hear them now " we NEVER thought he would do this to us we supported him".
And as Trump has told them right out He doesn't give a shit about them all he wants is their vote and for them to keep giving him money. And they are too stupid to see it.
IMHO everyone voting for tRump is a closet submissive. They want to be dominated. They need someone to tell them what to do and when to do it. They are lost without a director of some sort. Fox and Breitbart and such have figured it out. You notice they don't provide information, they dispense directions. They tell the tRumplings what their opinions are. It's why the Evangelicals are a natural fit. No self will at all.
Yes the dumb right wing mother fuckers are too GOD damn stupid to even listen to what Trump has been saying he wants to do and MOST of it is what DICTATORS do NOT Presidents of the USA.
Weaponizing every government agency he can to go after his political opponents, taking peoples guns away and dealing with the due process thing later, Shutting down all left leaning MSM outlets are again things DICTATORS do NOT US Presidents.
The MAGA right wingers on here say they stand behind and for the CONSTITUTION but turn around and support a guy like Trump who has said he wants to do these things stomping on left leaning AMERICANS Constitutional right.
They are a real bunch of lying hypocrites.
And I still have not got an answer from any of them to my question , what are they going to do when Trump is done taking left leaning AMERICANS Constitutional rights away from them and turn and goes after theirs?
Cry I guess.
I can hear them now " we NEVER thought he would do this to us we supported him".
And as Trump has told them right out He doesn't give a shit about them all he wants is their vote and for them to keep giving him money. And they are too stupid to see it.
^ On a smaller scale this already happened with some of the insurrectionists, but I bet they'll vote for him again in spite of it.
Half the country is comprised of dumb, low-educated, emotionally immature, mentally unhinged, borderline psychos and just plain old everyday, garden variety idiots.

Nothing complicated about it. :dunno:
Clearly both the Democratic and Republican Parties have failed our nation for the past 40 years by failing to fix our schools and provide better mental health care.
^ On a smaller scale this already happened with some of the insurrectionists, but I bet they'll vote for him again in spite of it.
OH yes they will.
They will never learn, I guess they will have to have their CONSTITUTIONAL rights taken away before they smarten up.
As I have said before once you get what you THINK you want and it turns on you and bites you in the ass it is too late to go back.
And if Trump does get back in that time may not be too long from now.
^ On a smaller scale this already happened with some of the insurrectionists, but I bet they'll vote for him again in spite of it.
Which, IMO, proves they are irrational to support someone who betrayed them within a week of the attack and then failed to pardon even those who were non-violent and simply guilty of trespassing.


An interesting article that explores the mystery of Trump's appeal to half of American voters.

Half the country will vote for Trump. What is his appeal?

For me, Donald Trump is like pornography — he has no socially redeeming value.

He’s a narcissistic, misogynist, bigoted, autocratic bully who is a congenital liar and dangerously detached from reality.

Yet almost half the country appears poised to vote for him.

Democrats certainly needn’t like Trump, but we damn well better understand why so many people do and not simply brand his supporters as “deplorables” like their candidate....

...Denouncing Democrats as the party of Big Government has been standard Republican fare for decades. Today, slightly over half the country expresses an aversion to a government they consider too big, and almost all of them support Trump. The large minority who look favorably on a more active government reside overwhelmingly in the Kamala Harris camp.

Aversion to change emerges from classic conservatism’s respect for tradition. As Edmund Burke wrote: “When ancient opinions and rules of life are taken away, the loss cannot possibly be estimated. From that moment, we have no compass to govern us, nor can we know distinctly to what port to steer.”...

...Moreover, voters seem to recall a successful pre-COVID economy under Trump. Almost two-thirds tell pollsters the Trump economy was good. As President Obama reminds us, it was his economy, not Trump’s. But Trump benefits from having been seated in the Oval at the time.

Trump’s appeal was sealed by his authenticity — never a word I would associate with the former president.

But by giving voice to the concerns of his constituents, saying aloud what they said only in private and by being willing to suffer the opprobrium of the establishment for doing so, Trump proved to his followers that he really meant it — that he was authentic.

Despite the appeals, Trump’s weaknesses are legion, and he can be defeated. But no one should underestimate the challenge or the wellsprings of his support.
Trump, thru his entertain ent experience, has learned how to capitalize on the grievance populism that has been around since the rise of AM talk radio. Trump tells them what they want to hear, regardless of validity, which is why they don’t care what he does or what he does
Clearly both the Democratic and Republican Parties have failed our nation for the past 40 years by failing to fix our schools and provide better mental health care.
Well as we know those things have been left up to the states to take care of and we all know some red states don't hold their educational system up to some of the standards some of the blue states do. Can't spend that kind of money educating their kids especially the girls if they did their men wouldn't be able to keep them down home barefoot and pregnant
OH yes they will.
They will never learn, I guess they will have to have their CONSTITUTIONAL rights taken away before they smarten up.
As I have said before once you get what you THINK you want and it turns on you and bites you in the ass it is too late to go back.
And if Trump does get back in that time may not be too long from now.
Many, as exemplified on JPP, truly are stupid, poorly educated and/or demented.
Well as we know those things have been left up to the states to take care of and we all know some red states don't hold their educational system up to some of the standards some of the blue states do. Can't spend that kind of money educating their kids especially the girls if they did their men wouldn't be able to keep them down home barefoot and pregnant
Understood that our national government pays 8% of school funding. The rest is state and local. Poor states or locales, poor schools. Rich areas, better schools. This has been the case for decades yet no one in the White House, much less Congress, gave a shit over the past seven Presidential administrations or the past 14 Congresses.

IMO, our national security suffers if our citizens aren't healthy and well-educated. The divisiveness seen in the US today is a direct result of poor education. Poorly educated people can't differentiate between good and misleading information due to a lack of critical thinking skills. That's why some "Liberals" on JPP are anti-vaxxers along with all MAGAts.

In the 2019-2020 school year, 47.5% of funding came from state governments, 44.9% came from local governments, and the federal government provided about 7.6% of school funding.


Understood that our national government pays 8% of school funding. The rest is state and local. Poor states or locales, poor schools. Rich areas, better schools. This has been the case for decades yet no one in the White House, much less Congress, gave a shit over the past seven Presidential administrations or the past 14 Congresses.

IMO, our national security suffers if our citizens aren't healthy and well-educated. The divisiveness seen in the US today is a direct result of poor education. Poorly educated people can't differentiate between good and misleading information due to a lack of critical thinking skills. That's why some "Liberals" on JPP are anti-vaxxers along with all MAGAts.

In the 2019-2020 school year, 47.5% of funding came from state governments, 44.9% came from local governments, and the federal government provided about 7.6% of school funding.

As your links indicate, public education remains the local responsibility it has always been, and should be,
Those who all these years in claim to not know are either lying (they know) or willfully blind....they dont want to know.

Allowing them to suck up your time and energy is dumb.

Dont B Dumb.
As your links indicate, public education remains the local responsibility it has always been, and should be,
I go by results. The results are a poorly educated public which attacks Congress because they believe the election was stolen and that the media and medical experts can't be trusted.

You're free to think everything is fine the way it is, but I disagree. We can and should do better.
I go by results. The results are a poorly educated public which attacks Congress because they believe the election was stolen and that the media and medical experts can't be trusted.

You're free to think everything is fine the way it is, but I disagree. We can and should do better.
I think things are far from fine, that we should do better, but a politically guided federal government should not be in charge of public education.