Half the country will vote for Trump. What is his appeal?

Well as we know those things have been left up to the states to take care of and we all know some red states don't hold their educational system up to some of the standards some of the blue states do. Can't spend that kind of money educating their kids especially the girls if they did their men wouldn't be able to keep them down home barefoot and pregnant

True. Here's an interesting observation from my personal e xperience. When we first moved to Missouri, I was in grade school. The state elected (D) governors, reps, senators along with (R) ones. We received an outstanding public school education. Example: Our regular required h.s. English classes would be considered honors classes now. I base this on my own kids' and g-kids' educational experiences and curriculum. Gradually the state became more and more red, to the point where, thanks to gerrymandering and the deepending divide in the nation overall, it is now a solid red state where a (D) would have trouble being elected dog catcher. Education has suffered greatly as a result. My g-kids' education was nothing like ours was. I went back to college, nursing school, when I was 50. I was sure I would struggle to keep up with the students who were fresh out of h.s. I needn't have worried.

And alsotoo, retrieved just now from 538:

True. Here's an interesting observation from my personal e xperience. When we first moved to Missouri, I was in grade school. The state elected (D) governors, reps, senators along with (R) ones. We received an outstanding public school education. Example: Our regular required h.s. English classes would be considered honors classes now. I base this on my own kids' and g-kids' educational experiences and curriculum. Gradually the state became more and more red, to the point where, thanks to gerrymandering and the deepending divide in the nation overall, it is now a solid red state where a (D) would have trouble being elected dog catcher. Education has suffered greatly as a result. My g-kids' education was nothing like ours was. I went back to college, nursing school, when I was 50. I was sure I would struggle to keep up with the students who were fresh out of h.s. I needn't have worried.
I know I went back school after I got out of the navy and did 4 years of collage , being older I thought I would have a hard time too but didn't.
Then I went back when I was 40 got 2 more degrees, then I got an apprenticeship and had to go back again at 52 and got another Associates degree in electrical engineering.
Seems like I have been going to school all my life, I am retired now and there isn't going to be any more .
I remember back when somebody who got a High school diploma in NY could go to FLA and be hired almost at once over the people from down there, I am not sure if it is still that was but it was at one time.
True. Here's an interesting observation from my personal e xperience. When we first moved to Missouri, I was in grade school. The state elected (D) governors, reps, senators along with (R) ones. We received an outstanding public school education. Example: Our regular required h.s. English classes would be considered honors classes now. I base this on my own kids' and g-kids' educational experiences and curriculum. Gradually the state became more and more red, to the point where, thanks to gerrymandering and the deepending divide in the nation overall, it is now a solid red state where a (D) would have trouble being elected dog catcher. Education has suffered greatly as a result. My g-kids' education was nothing like ours was. I went back to college, nursing school, when I was 50. I was sure I would struggle to keep up with the students who were fresh out of h.s. I needn't have worried.
Sad to know, but as Mulder is fond of saying, "the Truth is out there". Results count and our nation has a lot of poorly educated, under employed voters.

I know I went back school after I got out of the navy and did 4 years of collage , being older I thought I would have a hard time too but didn't.
Then I went back when I was 40 got 2 more degrees, then I got an apprenticeship and had to go back again at 52 and got another Associates degree in electrical engineering.
Seems like I have been going to school all my life, I am retired now and there isn't going to be any more .
I remember back when somebody who got a High school diploma in NY could go to FLA and be hired almost at once over the people from down there, I am not sure if it is still that was but it was at one time.
I went to college before the military, went back to night school to earn an MS at age 34 and, again, at age 52 for 10 classes (a year's worth) of welding classes. Going back for the MS was a bit difficult at first, but by the middle of the second class, I was back in the groove.

Agreed our schools are failing our nation and our fellow American citizens.

PS to TOW: an example of the PM.

all Americans are harmesd and put in peril by excessive globalist stupidity.

you're just a globalist moron.

you're party of civility is rushing toward war on two fronts.

you're very stupid.

Typical right-wing drooler halfwit response.

Please explain how exactly all Americans are supposedly harmed or put in peril by equitable trade dealings with other countries.

They provide goods that are mass produced cheaply and plentifully enough so that average American consumers can obtain and afford them. Take that away and only allow domestically produced goods to be sold here, before you know it there will be shortages of everything and if you can find what you want, it will cost a fortune.

Then you'll be wetting your diapers and blaming lib'ruls and high taxes or some other typical stupid right-wing shit.

You dumbass trumpfucks get ahold of words like "socialist" and "globalist" that you don't fully understand the meanings of, but you think make you sound smart and politically astute, so you make it a point to interject them into every post even though it's obvious you haven't the slightest idea what you're blabbering about.
Typical right-wing drooler halfwit response.

Please explain how exactly all Americans are supposedly harmed or put in peril by equitable trade dealings with other countries.

They provide goods that are mass produced cheaply and plentifully enough so that average American consumers can obtain and afford them. Take that away and only allow domestically produced goods to be sold here, before you know it there will be shortages of everything and if you can find what you want, it will cost a fortune.

Then you'll be wetting your diapers and blaming lib'ruls and high taxes or some other typical stupid right-wing shit.

You dumbass trumpfucks get ahold of words like "socialist" and "globalist" that you don't fully understand the meanings of, but you think make you sound smart and politically astute, so you make it a point to interject them into every post even though it's obvious you haven't the slightest idea what you're blabbering about.
is there a risk of buying food or medical supplies from sworn geopolical enemies?

or you could explain how it's smart to send all the jobs away and undercut all citizen workers in the job market with illegal immigrants.
is there a risk of buying food or medical supplies from sworn geopolical enemies?
We don't do that.

China is a competitor who relies on the trust and goodwill of the American consumer to continue reaping the financial rewards of having us as THEIR BIGGEST CUSTOMER.

What business person would knowingly and intentionally sabotage the goods they sell to their best customer if they wanted to remain in business?
or you could explain how it's smart to send all the jobs away and undercut all citizen workers in the job market with illegal immigrants.
That doesn't even happen, so why would I bother humoring you by answering your moot question?

You've just tried to use two of trump's many lies to justify supporting him which is strong evidence that you are either as dishonest as he is, or that you've succumbed to his brainwashing.

Probably equal amounts of both.
An interesting article that explores the mystery of Trump's appeal to half of American voters.

Half the country will vote for Trump. What is his appeal?

For me, Donald Trump is like pornography — he has no socially redeeming value.

He’s a narcissistic, misogynist, bigoted, autocratic bully who is a congenital liar and dangerously detached from reality.

Yet almost half the country appears poised to vote for him.

Democrats certainly needn’t like Trump, but we damn well better understand why so many people do and not simply brand his supporters as “deplorables” like their candidate....

...Denouncing Democrats as the party of Big Government has been standard Republican fare for decades. Today, slightly over half the country expresses an aversion to a government they consider too big, and almost all of them support Trump. The large minority who look favorably on a more active government reside overwhelmingly in the Kamala Harris camp.

Aversion to change emerges from classic conservatism’s respect for tradition. As Edmund Burke wrote: “When ancient opinions and rules of life are taken away, the loss cannot possibly be estimated. From that moment, we have no compass to govern us, nor can we know distinctly to what port to steer.”...

...Moreover, voters seem to recall a successful pre-COVID economy under Trump. Almost two-thirds tell pollsters the Trump economy was good. As President Obama reminds us, it was his economy, not Trump’s. But Trump benefits from having been seated in the Oval at the time.

Trump’s appeal was sealed by his authenticity — never a word I would associate with the former president.

But by giving voice to the concerns of his constituents, saying aloud what they said only in private and by being willing to suffer the opprobrium of the establishment for doing so, Trump proved to his followers that he really meant it — that he was authentic.

Despite the appeals, Trump’s weaknesses are legion, and he can be defeated. But no one should underestimate the challenge or the wellsprings of his support.
He appeals to that percentage of the American public to whom Adolf Hitler would have appealed. The ignorant, bigoted masses of people who inhabit every population.

He is disgusting...and all of those people who will vote for him should be ashamed of themselves. Lucky for them their ignorance.
He appeals to that percentage of the American public to whom Adolf Hitler would have appealed. The ignorant, bigoted masses of people who inhabit every population.

He is disgusting...and all of those people who will vote for him should be ashamed of themselves. Lucky for them their ignorance.
Ignorant and bigoted is a bad combination. Such people are highly susceptible to fearmongering. The cure is better education, especially critical thinking skills, coupled with better mental health care for those stressed by fears.

The Effects on Mental Health
Fear-mongering has had a detrimental effect on our collective mental health as a society. We are constantly bombarded with messages from the media that induce fear and paranoia, which can lead people down a spiral of negative thinking and irrational decision-making. This type of thinking prevents us from thinking critically about situations to make rational decisions; instead, we are driven purely by emotion, which further exacerbates our anxieties and feelings of distress. Additionally, when people become overwhelmed with anxiety, they are more prone to developing mental health issues such as depression or even posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

How Do We Combat Fear-Mongering?
The only way we can begin to combat fear-mongering is by recognizing its effects and learning how best to manage them within ourselves before attempting any societal change. The first step is becoming aware of how our brains process information presented through fear tactics so that we can begin building better defence mechanisms against them. We must also focus on resilience-building strategies such as mindfulness meditation, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), journaling, art therapy etc., so that we can learn how best to manage our anxieties without succumbing ultimately into paralyzing states of fear. Finally, we need to educate ourselves about the sources from where these messages originate, beginning to work towards changing the public discourse from one that relies solely on manipulating emotions to one that encourages rational decision-making instead.

In many ways, communicating with the public is easier than ever. Whether you prefer YouTube, podcasts, TED Talks, blogs, or social sites like TikTok or Blue Sky, there’s no shortage of ways to put your message out there. “With social media, there has been a radical change in how we share science even compared to 10 years ago,” says Jay Van Bavel, PhD, a professor of psychology and neural sciences at New York University. “We have more of a voice than ever, and there is a thirst for it from the public.”

While the rise of social media has made communication easier, it has also fueled the spread of false and misleading information—about everything from climate change to election integrity to the very shape of the planet we stand on. Social media typically lacks the oversight and safeguards of legacy media to prevent and correct false claims. Its algorithms and peer-to-peer sharing model are a perfect setup for misinformation to be shared widely, especially within the echo chambers that form online.

The more people hear those falsehoods, researchers have found, the more likely they are to believe them—even if the information contradicts their prior beliefs (Fazio, L. K., et al., Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Vol. 144, No. 5, 2015). During the 2020 presidential election, false claims about election fraud were rampant. Three days after Joe Biden was declared the winner, Pennycook and MIT researcher David Rand, PhD, found a majority of Trump voters falsely believed that Trump was the rightful victor. Those beliefs were more common among people who followed election news closely (Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2021). Such findings suggest it’s important to nip misinformation in the bud before people have been exposed to it multiple times.
We don't do that.

China is a competitor who relies on the trust and goodwill of the American consumer to continue reaping the financial rewards of having us as THEIR BIGGEST CUSTOMER.

What business person would knowingly and intentionally sabotage the goods they sell to their best customer if they wanted to remain in business?

That doesn't even happen, so why would I bother humoring you by answering your moot question?

You've just tried to use two of trump's many lies to justify supporting him which is strong evidence that you are either as dishonest as he is, or that you've succumbed to his brainwashing.

Probably equal amounts of both.
yes we do.

food and drugs are both bought from China.

is it wise for enemies to control your supply chain?

just answer a basic question once in your idiotic life.
He appeals to that percentage of the American public to whom Adolf Hitler would have appealed. The ignorant, bigoted masses of people who inhabit every population.

He is disgusting...and all of those people who will vote for him should be ashamed of themselves. Lucky for them their ignorance.

he appeals to normal working people who aren't supply sider fascists or corporo-communist globalist libertarian self-delusion experts.
Ignorant and bigoted is a bad combination. Such people are highly susceptible to fearmongering. The cure is better education, especially critical thinking skills, coupled with better mental health care for those stressed by fears.

The Effects on Mental Health
Fear-mongering has had a detrimental effect on our collective mental health as a society. We are constantly bombarded with messages from the media that induce fear and paranoia, which can lead people down a spiral of negative thinking and irrational decision-making. This type of thinking prevents us from thinking critically about situations to make rational decisions; instead, we are driven purely by emotion, which further exacerbates our anxieties and feelings of distress. Additionally, when people become overwhelmed with anxiety, they are more prone to developing mental health issues such as depression or even posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

How Do We Combat Fear-Mongering?
The only way we can begin to combat fear-mongering is by recognizing its effects and learning how best to manage them within ourselves before attempting any societal change. The first step is becoming aware of how our brains process information presented through fear tactics so that we can begin building better defence mechanisms against them. We must also focus on resilience-building strategies such as mindfulness meditation, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), journaling, art therapy etc., so that we can learn how best to manage our anxieties without succumbing ultimately into paralyzing states of fear. Finally, we need to educate ourselves about the sources from where these messages originate, beginning to work towards changing the public discourse from one that relies solely on manipulating emotions to one that encourages rational decision-making instead.

In many ways, communicating with the public is easier than ever. Whether you prefer YouTube, podcasts, TED Talks, blogs, or social sites like TikTok or Blue Sky, there’s no shortage of ways to put your message out there. “With social media, there has been a radical change in how we share science even compared to 10 years ago,” says Jay Van Bavel, PhD, a professor of psychology and neural sciences at New York University. “We have more of a voice than ever, and there is a thirst for it from the public.”

While the rise of social media has made communication easier, it has also fueled the spread of false and misleading information—about everything from climate change to election integrity to the very shape of the planet we stand on. Social media typically lacks the oversight and safeguards of legacy media to prevent and correct false claims. Its algorithms and peer-to-peer sharing model are a perfect setup for misinformation to be shared widely, especially within the echo chambers that form online.

The more people hear those falsehoods, researchers have found, the more likely they are to believe them—even if the information contradicts their prior beliefs (Fazio, L. K., et al., Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Vol. 144, No. 5, 2015). During the 2020 presidential election, false claims about election fraud were rampant. Three days after Joe Biden was declared the winner, Pennycook and MIT researcher David Rand, PhD, found a majority of Trump voters falsely believed that Trump was the rightful victor. Those beliefs were more common among people who followed election news closely (Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2021). Such findings suggest it’s important to nip misinformation in the bud before people have been exposed to it multiple times.
ok totalitarian bootlick sellout traitor.
yes we do.

food and drugs are both bought from China.

is it wise for enemies to control your supply chain?

just answer a basic question once in your idiotic life.
Again, China is not our "enemy".

They are part trading partner, part competitor.

If you had a halfway intelligent child's grasp of the English language, you'd better understand the difference.

And you don't think the FDA thoroughly inspects every food and drug product that enters this country?

Also, as I explained already, we are China's biggest and best customer.

They do not want to fuck that up by killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

I have more than answered your idiotic questions, beyond even what they rate or deserve, to the point of explaining reality to you.

But then again, I realize the futility of attempting to communicate with someone on your ignorant level.
From your short opinion piece. You have your answer.

So the impetus to vote for Trump is to take a stand against progressive changes in society which primarily revolve around increased acceptance of non-standard ways of being.

Fair enough. People DO feel threatened when the world around them changes.

In fact this is WHY people vote Conservative.

I'm just curious if there was a candidate that would be SO TOXIC that even if they stood against all the stuff the Left wants you would still not vote for them?

Serious question: is there anything Trump could do that would EVER make you decide to vote against him? If so, what is that thing?
but theoretically, would it be smart to depend on geopolitical enemies too much?

be a smart person for one second.

give it a try.

They are not our enemies.

There are matters of practicality and necessity involved on both sides.

Your oversimplified view of the world belies the simplistic trumper thought process.