Half the country will vote for Trump. What is his appeal?

I think things are far from fine, that we should do better, but a politically guided federal government should not be in charge of public education.
I never said politically guided. I posted increased federal funding to bring poorer schools up to speed.

In some schools kids have to share 10-year-old textbooks. In 90210, they are given iPads. Which group of students are more likely to grow up, go to college and become successful, productive taxpayers?
I never said politically guided. I posted increased federal funding to bring poorer schools up to speed.

In some schools kids have to share 10-year-old textbooks. In 90210, they are given iPads. Which group of students are more likely to grow up, go to college and become successful, productive taxpayers?
Funding with no strings attached has a habit of acquiring strings but if it can be kept clean I agree with you.
3rd party and independents will garner anywhere from 5% to 8% of the national votes, so no.......neither trump or harris is going to get half of the vote. the author of the article is pure idiocy
An interesting article that explores the mystery of Trump's appeal to half of American voters.

Half the country will vote for Trump. What is his appeal?

For me, Donald Trump is like pornography — he has no socially redeeming value.

He’s a narcissistic, misogynist, bigoted, autocratic bully who is a congenital liar and dangerously detached from reality.

Yet almost half the country appears poised to vote for him.

Democrats certainly needn’t like Trump, but we damn well better understand why so many people do and not simply brand his supporters as “deplorables” like their candidate....

...Denouncing Democrats as the party of Big Government has been standard Republican fare for decades. Today, slightly over half the country expresses an aversion to a government they consider too big, and almost all of them support Trump. The large minority who look favorably on a more active government reside overwhelmingly in the Kamala Harris camp.

Aversion to change emerges from classic conservatism’s respect for tradition. As Edmund Burke wrote: “When ancient opinions and rules of life are taken away, the loss cannot possibly be estimated. From that moment, we have no compass to govern us, nor can we know distinctly to what port to steer.”...

...Moreover, voters seem to recall a successful pre-COVID economy under Trump. Almost two-thirds tell pollsters the Trump economy was good. As President Obama reminds us, it was his economy, not Trump’s. But Trump benefits from having been seated in the Oval at the time.

Trump’s appeal was sealed by his authenticity — never a word I would associate with the former president.

But by giving voice to the concerns of his constituents, saying aloud what they said only in private and by being willing to suffer the opprobrium of the establishment for doing so, Trump proved to his followers that he really meant it — that he was authentic.

Despite the appeals, Trump’s weaknesses are legion, and he can be defeated. But no one should underestimate the challenge or the wellsprings of his support.
His appeal is his tariffs and border enforcement.

the whole world is rejecting globalism because it's slavery.

you should get on the right side of history.
I go by results. The results are a poorly educated public which attacks Congress because they believe the election was stolen and that the media and medical experts can't be trusted.

You're free to think everything is fine the way it is, but I disagree. We can and should do better.
you go by being a totalitarian jizz eater first and foremost.

Funding with no strings attached has a habit of acquiring strings but if it can be kept clean I agree with you.
It depends upon the strings. Obviously strings are always attached when taxpayer money is involved. Strings are attached to National Guard funding, interstate funding, business tax breaks, etc. Requiring the money be spent on text books or air conditioned classrooms instead of football uniforms is not an onerous requirement.

The MAGAts want to get rid of the Department of Education and, like you, see it as a federal intrusion instead of a central point of coordination. States band together to buy textbooks since it's cheaper to buy en masse rather than have each state write and publish their own. They're not forced to buy a certain textbook but willfully do so to reduce costs.

A few years ago Texas caused a stir because, as one of the largest states and biggest buyers of textbooks, sought to limit mentions of the Holocaust, racial and LGBTQ issues.

IMO, having national standards is a good thing. If a state chooses not to comply, then no additional funding. Easy peasy.

A school district superintendent in North Texas apologized Thursday night after one of the district’s administrators told teachers that if they have books about the Holocaust in their classroom libraries, then they should also include books that have “opposing” views of the Holocaust.

At a training session last week, a school administrator with Carroll ISD in Southlake, Texas, tried to advise elementary school teachers on how to follow new district guidelines for the vetting of books. The guidelines were issued in an attempt to align with a controversial law in Texas that seeks to restrict discussion of race and history in schools.

Understood that our national government pays 8% of school funding. The rest is state and local. Poor states or locales, poor schools. Rich areas, better schools. This has been the case for decades yet no one in the White House, much less Congress, gave a shit over the past seven Presidential administrations or the past 14 Congresses.

IMO, our national security suffers if our citizens aren't healthy and well-educated. The divisiveness seen in the US today is a direct result of poor education. Poorly educated people can't differentiate between good and misleading information due to a lack of critical thinking skills. That's why some "Liberals" on JPP are anti-vaxxers along with all MAGAts.

In the 2019-2020 school year, 47.5% of funding came from state governments, 44.9% came from local governments, and the federal government provided about 7.6% of school funding.

and by education you mean indoctrination.

His appeal is his tariffs and border enforcement.

the whole world is rejecting globalism because it's slavery.
The only reason those issues take such a huge precedence over everything else in life is because trumpers like you are xenophobic, bigoted white supremacists who hate non-white foreigners, support the WH becoming part of the Kremlin and becoming a strong arm totalitarian dictatorship.
you should get on the right side of history.
You should get on the right side of civilization.
But by giving voice to the concerns of his constituents, saying aloud what they said only in private and by being willing to suffer the opprobrium of the establishment for doing so, Trump proved to his followers that he really meant it — that he was authentic.

Despite the appeals, Trump’s weaknesses are legion, and he can be defeated. But no one should underestimate the challenge or the wellsprings of his support.

Just what we've been saying all along: He appeals to the basest of human emotions: fear. Anger. Racism. Bigotry. Resentment. Grievance. Hate. Fear, fear, fear. It's okay now to publicly express these things.

Hitler did the same.
The only reason those issues take such a huge precedence over everything else in life is because trumpers like you are xenophobic, bigoted white supremacists who hate non-white foreigners, support the WH becoming part of the Kremlin and becoming a strong arm totalitarian dictatorship.

You should get on the right side of civilization.

all Americans are harmesd and put in peril by excessive globalist stupidity.

you're just a globalist moron.

you're party of civility is rushing toward war on two fronts.

you're very stupid.
Just what we've been saying all along: He appeals to the basest of human emotions: fear. Anger. Racism. Bigotry. Hate. Fear, fear, fear. It's okay now to publicly express these things.

Hitler did the same.

his appeal is a rejection of globalist stupidity.

this is why you're losing.

you're out of touch and dumber than a bag of poo.

so dumb boomer of you.