Half the country will vote for Trump. What is his appeal?

After her interview with Brett, President Trump is the only logical choice...if you love your family, your community, and your country...:)

How can you compare a heated interview to 39 minutes of slow dancing to Ave Maria and YMCA and think the former is worse than the latter?
IMHO everyone voting for tRump is a closet submissive. They want to be dominated.

There's a reasonable chance this is somewhat true. The desire for a STRONGMAN to run things for them is probably quite common in the Conservative voter base. Conservatives tend to be in a mode to FIGHT against progress or exploring new ways of doing things and strongmen tend to provide a bulwark for them to feel secure.

It's not a surprising response, actually.

Where did I make a comparison?

You are a Trump supporter and you are on here complaining about an actual DISCUSSION (albeit heated at times) while YOUR GUY was busy having a 39 minute dance party INSTEAD OF TAKING QUESTIONS.

I'd say you are in a glass house throwing stones.
A huge appeal is the Obama economy that Trump inherited. Obama fixed yet another Republican economic mess. The Reds do not run the economy, they loot it. McDonald Trump still takes credit for what he did not do and did not understand. His pledges for the economy are frightening to economic experts. Everything he does is confrontational and transactional. He lacks the talent and education to be in charge of the economy.
They are not our enemies.

There are matters of practicality and necessity involved on both sides.

Your oversimplified view of the world belies the simplistic trumper thought process.
they are.

but theoretically if there was an enemy would it be smart to depend on them?

you're just a miseducated imbecile; all globalists are.

you're not smart and sophisticated.

you're stupid.
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An interesting article that explores the mystery of Trump's appeal to half of American voters.

Half the country will vote for Trump. What is his appeal?

For me, Donald Trump is like pornography — he has no socially redeeming value.

He’s a narcissistic, misogynist, bigoted, autocratic bully who is a congenital liar and dangerously detached from reality.

Yet almost half the country appears poised to vote for him.

Democrats certainly needn’t like Trump, but we damn well better understand why so many people do and not simply brand his supporters as “deplorables” like their candidate....

...Denouncing Democrats as the party of Big Government has been standard Republican fare for decades. Today, slightly over half the country expresses an aversion to a government they consider too big, and almost all of them support Trump. The large minority who look favorably on a more active government reside overwhelmingly in the Kamala Harris camp.

Aversion to change emerges from classic conservatism’s respect for tradition. As Edmund Burke wrote: “When ancient opinions and rules of life are taken away, the loss cannot possibly be estimated. From that moment, we have no compass to govern us, nor can we know distinctly to what port to steer.”...

...Moreover, voters seem to recall a successful pre-COVID economy under Trump. Almost two-thirds tell pollsters the Trump economy was good. As President Obama reminds us, it was his economy, not Trump’s. But Trump benefits from having been seated in the Oval at the time.

Trump’s appeal was sealed by his authenticity — never a word I would associate with the former president.

But by giving voice to the concerns of his constituents, saying aloud what they said only in private and by being willing to suffer the opprobrium of the establishment for doing so, Trump proved to his followers that he really meant it — that he was authentic.

Despite the appeals, Trump’s weaknesses are legion, and he can be defeated. But no one should underestimate the challenge or the wellsprings of his support.

Maybe the writer's opening sentence puts a finger on Trump's appeal. He "is like pornography". Give this some thought. The writer of the piece seems not to have, and goes in another direction.
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It depends upon the strings. Obviously strings are always attached when taxpayer money is involved. Strings are attached to National Guard funding, interstate funding, business tax breaks, etc. Requiring the money be spent on text books or air conditioned classrooms instead of football uniforms is not an onerous requirement.

The MAGAts want to get rid of the Department of Education and, like you, see it as a federal intrusion instead of a central point of coordination. States band together to buy textbooks since it's cheaper to buy en masse rather than have each state write and publish their own. They're not forced to buy a certain textbook but willfully do so to reduce costs.

It is sometimes intended to be a federal intrusion. Imagine a Trump education department involved in a grant for text books on American history.
There's a reasonable chance this is somewhat true. The desire for a STRONGMAN to run things for them is probably quite common in the Conservative voter base. Conservatives tend to be in a mode to FIGHT against progress or exploring new ways of doing things and strongmen tend to provide a bulwark for them to feel secure.

It's not a surprising response, actually.
it's really just superior trade and border policies.

we need protectionism now.

globalist stupidity is a Chinese smokescreen for their own mercantilism.
It is sometimes intended to be a federal intrusion. Imagine a Trump education department involved in a grant for text books on American history.
business in front, party in the back.

MAGA K-12 fuck yes.
It is sometimes intended to be a federal intrusion. Imagine a Trump education department involved in a grant for text books on American history.
Which points out the authoritarian nature of the Party of Trump. They would, indeed, push onto the States their ideologies as expressed in Project 2025.
An interesting article that explores the mystery of Trump's appeal to half of American voters.

Half the country will vote for Trump. What is his appeal?

For me, Donald Trump is like pornography — he has no socially redeeming value.

He’s a narcissistic, misogynist, bigoted, autocratic bully who is a congenital liar and dangerously detached from reality.

Yet almost half the country appears poised to vote for him.

Democrats certainly needn’t like Trump, but we damn well better understand why so many people do and not simply brand his supporters as “deplorables” like their candidate....

...Denouncing Democrats as the party of Big Government has been standard Republican fare for decades. Today, slightly over half the country expresses an aversion to a government they consider too big, and almost all of them support Trump. The large minority who look favorably on a more active government reside overwhelmingly in the Kamala Harris camp.

Aversion to change emerges from classic conservatism’s respect for tradition. As Edmund Burke wrote: “When ancient opinions and rules of life are taken away, the loss cannot possibly be estimated. From that moment, we have no compass to govern us, nor can we know distinctly to what port to steer.”...

...Moreover, voters seem to recall a successful pre-COVID economy under Trump. Almost two-thirds tell pollsters the Trump economy was good. As President Obama reminds us, it was his economy, not Trump’s. But Trump benefits from having been seated in the Oval at the time.

Trump’s appeal was sealed by his authenticity — never a word I would associate with the former president.

But by giving voice to the concerns of his constituents, saying aloud what they said only in private and by being willing to suffer the opprobrium of the establishment for doing so, Trump proved to his followers that he really meant it — that he was authentic.

Despite the appeals, Trump’s weaknesses are legion, and he can be defeated. But no one should underestimate the challenge or the wellsprings of his support.
Unfortunately, whites are shown throughout history to be fear-driven people. Any time they aren't alone on top of the food chain they feel threatened. That's where monsters like Trump, Hitler, etc, have weaseled in to become a driving force. Same thing can be said of Christians here in America.
I went to college before the military, went back to night school to earn an MS at age 34 and, again, at age 52 for 10 classes (a year's worth) of welding classes. Going back for the MS was a bit difficult at first, but by the middle of the second class, I was back in the groove.
Stop making shit up, Sybil.
Again, China is not our "enemy".
Yet. If they attack Taiwan or other nations around them, they will become our enemy.
They are part trading partner, part competitor.

If you had a halfway intelligent child's grasp of the English language, you'd better understand the difference.

And you don't think the FDA thoroughly inspects every food and drug product that enters this country?
No, they don't.
Also, as I explained already, we are China's biggest and best customer.

They do not want to fuck that up by killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Time will tell.
I have more than answered your idiotic questions, beyond even what they rate or deserve, to the point of explaining reality to you.
Buzzword fallacy (reality).
But then again, I realize the futility of attempting to communicate with someone on your ignorant level.
Mantra 1a. Lame.
Unfortunately, whites are shown throughout history to be fear-driven people. Any time they aren't alone on top of the food chain they feel threatened. That's where monsters like Trump, Hitler, etc, have weaseled in to become a driving force. Same thing can be said of Christians here in America.
The Nazis and Hitler were fascists, idiot. That's a form of socialism, like DEMOCRATS.

You are a Trump supporter and you are on here complaining about an actual DISCUSSION (albeit heated at times) while YOUR GUY was busy having a 39 minute dance party INSTEAD OF TAKING QUESTIONS.

I'd say you are in a glass house throwing stones.
Oh...you forgot why he stopped speaking and started playing music. Remember the two medical emergencies in the crowd that were being treated?
it's really just superior trade and border policies.

we need protectionism now.

That's exactly what someone who votes Conservative and values a "strongman" leader would say. Protectionism seldom results in long-term benefits to the country, but it certainly helps one feel "safer" I suppose.

globalist stupidity is a Chinese smokescreen for their own mercantilism.

Thank your CEO's for that.
That's exactly what someone who votes Conservative and values a "strongman" leader would say. Protectionism seldom results in long-term benefits to the country, but it certainly helps one feel "safer" I suppose.

Thank your CEO's for that.
protectionism is exactly what is needed when you're hemorraghing jobs and capacities and the middles class is being extinctioned by globalist nazi population reductionists like yourself.