Half the country will vote for Trump. What is his appeal?

There's a reasonable chance this is somewhat true. The desire for a STRONGMAN to run things for them is probably quite common in the Conservative voter base. Conservatives tend to be in a mode to FIGHT against progress or exploring new ways of doing things and strongmen tend to provide a bulwark for them to feel secure.

It's not a surprising response, actually.
I don't know off hand. The point being results count. Too many Americans are poorly educated and underemployed.

No doubt Colorado is progressive in schools. Not all states are.

Do you agree that our nation benefits from a healthy and educated workforce? Do you agree that the path forward in a competitive world is for our citizens to be working in tech fields, not putting lug nuts on cars or making jeans?
Did you know putting lugnuts on cars and making jeans is part of the tech field, Sybil?
Did you know that you don't have to have a college degree to make some serious money and even be a leader in an industry?

You're an ingrate, Sybil. You don't appreciate people that put lugnuts on cars, make clothing, farm and ranch the food you eat, drive the trucks, trains, and ships, and run the services that provide you with everything you consume.
Half the country is comprised of dumb, low-educated, emotionally immature, mentally unhinged, borderline psychos and just plain old everyday, garden variety idiots.

Nothing complicated about it. :dunno:
IMHO everyone voting for tRump is a closet submissive. They want to be dominated. They need someone to tell them what to do and when to do it. They are lost without a director of some sort. Fox and Breitbart and such have figured it out. You notice they don't provide information, they dispense directions. They tell the tRumplings what their opinions are. It's why the Evangelicals are a natural fit. No self will at all.
I see that you have abandoned all hope of being able to support Kamala.
I see that you have abandoned all hope of being able to validly criticize Trump.
I see that all you have left is to bash We the People for not being pathetic losers like you.
Did you know putting lugnuts on cars and making jeans is part of the tech field, Sybil?
Did you know that you don't have to have a college degree to make some serious money and even be a leader in an industry?

You're an ingrate, Sybil. You don't appreciate people that put lugnuts on cars, make clothing, farm and ranch the food you eat, drive the trucks, trains, and ships, and run the services that provide you with everything you consume.
Guess who got a job any HS dropout could do.
I think things are far from fine, that we should do better, but a politically guided federal government should not be in charge of public education.
I call booooolsch't. I don't recall you complaining about CRT, DEI, Global Warming, Climate Change, or any of your religious doctrines being imposed by a politically guided government.
I love it when you guys act like something Trump did didn't happen then when you are shown it in real life you come up with whatever brain-dead excuse you need to get away from it.

You are the problem.
No one said it didn't happen.I said I didn't see it... You're trying too hard to make something out of nothing...