Hamas-cheering Jew hating Democrats descend on Columbia in chaotic start to new school year


Hamas is a terrorist organization! Palestinians are a people that are being controlled by HAMAS- someone they did not elect in a Democratic Election.

So no! The Palestinians are not HAMAS!

You need a lesson in WORLD History and how the Palestinians ended up under HAMAS rule.

Right now, Israel has ended up under a a very bad man and RIGHT WING EXTREMIST AUTOCRAT- NETANYAHU's rule- SOMEONE THEY DIDN'T VOTE FOR EITHER!

And America could end up under another very bad man and RIGHT-WING EXTREMIST AUTOCRAT- TRUMP's RULE AGAIN- Someone the majority of Americans did not vote for the first time he was handed the OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENCY- AND SOMEONE THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS WOULD NEVER VOTE FOR!



What we did? We is the USA and we killed over 3 million Japanese after they bombed Pearl Harbor and we declared war saying we would not stop without an unconditional surrender. Has Israel gotten an unconditional surrender from Hamas? You are the one needing a lesson in history.

And quit with the Palistinians are innocent bullshit. They don't think Oct 7th was a crime and they cheeered in the streets when it happened.

Most Palestinians Do Not Believe Hamas Committed War Crimes

Only 5 percent of Palestinians think Hamas’s massacre on October 7 constitutes a war crime.
Palestinian support for Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza remains high, according to a Palestinian poll released on March 20. That support has increased since the Iran-backed terrorist group attacked Israel on October 7.
Seventy-one percent of all Palestinians supported Hamas's decision to attack Israel on October 7
Sir you are insane!

Your hatred and insanity has been duly noted by your INSANE HATEFUL POST HERE!


I bet you were cheering those Palistinians when they were cheering in the streets after 9/11 too, huh? What the fuck do you think Hamas is made up of if not Palistinians.
Pearl Harbor was before there was a United Nations. Bullshit yourself.
You need to wake up to reality. World history is not going to change because of the UN. Russia is now using chlorine gas on Ukrainians and Palistinians are brutally attacking Israel for no reason. All of a sudden Israel is wrong, bullshit.
IIRC, Kashoggi's grandfather was the king's doctor. Kash had practically been a member of the royal family, part of the royal inner circle. It was personal.

I have not seen evidence of Pres. Trump leaving Black U.S. soldiers behind in Iran. Please show me.

The Accords were making progress, then Biden and Hyena came in and that stopped.

Gaza was basically independent in 2006. What did you want the Accords to do about that?
You need to wake up to reality. World history is not going to change because of the UN. Russia is now using chlorine gas on Ukrainians and Palistinians are brutally attacking Israel for no reason. All of a sudden Israel is wrong, bullshit.
You sound like any other JPP loony.

That....I am not and will never blame Biden nor Harris for what happened that day....One thing I do know and you must agree...Natenyaho? funded Hamass and supported Hamass for decades. Our intelligence department warned Israel that Hamass was planning attacks and Natenyaho did nothing bc he was going through corruption trials and what better way to deflect, is to allow a war to ensue to keep you in power and that's exactly what happened...has nothing to do with the Biden administration. Now how they handled it, in most opinions, was wrong and fucked up, that I give total credit only. I am challenging you to prove me wrong and stand up and be a honest man, rather than some Trump chump, Bigdog.​

Warnings without details and dates are pretty useless. We saw that with our own 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.

First, you need to show me the evidence that you are right. So far, you only have conspiracy theories, Red.
I bet you were cheering those Palistinians when they were cheering in the streets after 9/11 too, huh? What the fuck do you think Hamas is made up of if not Palistinians.
No Sir, I support our consistent and current US policy. Our US Foreign Policy supports a 2-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict. It has not changed in the last 60 years. Well, Trump tried to change all that, but he was voted out of office.

What you have overlooked is the fact that most Palestinians are of the Fatah Party that were defeated unfairly by the HAMAS terrorists. And you have overlooked the fact that most Israelis also want a 2-state solution- and their own government has been Hi-jacked in an unfair election by their autocratic leader NETANYAHU.

What happened to you dude? Have you joined the ranks of the TRUMPTARDS and AUTOCRATS?

Excuse me, but I thought you were a DEMOCRAT who supports and promotes Democracy throughout the world!

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And the White lib democrats are just getting started, after a nice Summer off. :palm:

The NYPD arrested two people Tuesday as dozens of screaming anti-Israel protesters swarmed Columbia University and Barnard College on the first day of classes — resuming the chaotic demonstrations that paralyzed the Upper Manhattan campus at the tail end of last semester.

The rowdy demonstrators formed a picket line and banged drums as scores of students waited in lengthy lines to pass through security and gain access to the Ivy League school in Morningside Heights.

Protests also formed outside of neighboring Barnard College, CU’s sister school, where two demonstrators, including one shrouding their face and head with a keffiyeh scarf, were taken into custody."

These 'colleges' are blatantly violating Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Acts, and by law should be de-funded immediately and forced to rely on only private funds to keep their doors open. Just having some piece of AA shit or other resign isn't nearly enough.
No Sir, I support our consistent and current US policy. Our US Foreign Policy supports a 2-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict

there already is a two state solution. The vermin got tossed out of that one. Giving the gangsters more states is just laughable idiocy.
Are you insane? Are you a TRUMPTARD?

Keep talking!
The Palestinians do not want a 2 State solution. They have not wanted one for over 75 years, you dumbass nazi motherfucker, Jew hating Leftist son of a bitch, democrat party, national socialist piggy.

Do you even know what ... "from the river to the sea" means? :palm:
The Palestinians do not want a 2 State solution. They have not wanted one for over 75 years, you dumbass nazi motherfucker, Jew hating Leftist son of a bitch, democrat party, national socialist piggy.

Do you even know what ... "from the river to the sea" means? :palm:

They're not 'palestinians', there is no such tribe; they're Egyptians, Syrians, Iraqis, etc., and all their homelands still exist. Jordan got 85% of the Mandate territory in the two state agreement. They aren't refugees nor are they 'displaced', they're just gangsters and terrorists their Arab 'brothers' refuse to take in. If anybody wants them to have their own state, their fellow Arabs can easily give them one or return them home, no need to harass Israel. But we know why that will never happen.
They're not 'palestinians', there is no such tribe; they're Egyptians, Syrians, Iraqis, etc., and all their homelands still exist. Jordan got 85% of the Mandate territory in the two state agreement. They aren't refugees nor are they 'displaced', they're just gangsters and terrorists their Arab 'brothers' refuse to take in. If anybody wants them to have their own state, their fellow Arabs can easily give them one or return them home, no need to harass Israel. But we know why that will never happen.
The criminal Jews are required, by law, to withdraw to Israel- and take their squatters with them.
Palestine is a recognized sovereign state and the Palestinians will decide what to do with the abandoned squats .
Arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant are due too.
No Sir, I support our consistent and current US policy. Our US Foreign Policy supports a 2-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict. It has not changed in the last 60 years. Well, Trump tried to change all that, but he was voted out of office.

What you have overlooked is the fact that most Palestinians are of the Fatah Party that were defeated unfairly by the HAMAS terrorists. And you have overlooked the fact that most Israelis also want a 2-state solution- and their own government has been Hi-jacked in an unfair election by their autocratic leader NETANYAHU.

What happened to you dude? Have you joined the ranks of the TRUMPTARDS and AUTOCRATS?

Excuse me, but I thought you were a DEMOCRAT who supports and promotes Democracy throughout the world!

There will be no 2 state solution now, not after Oct 7th. Israel withdrew from Gaza in like 2005 trying to give them their space but they won't ever make that mistake again. When the Palistinians are ready to accept the state of Israel talks might begin but that will never happen and Israel will never again allow what is left of Gaza to return to what it was.

I don't care what "party" the Palistinians belong to, 80% of them supported Hamas in their attack of Israel on Oct 7th.

No I am not and have never been a democrat. Yes I do support democracy throughout the world. I also support any country obliterating any foe who perpetrates what the enclave of Gaza perpetrated on Israel on Oct 7th. To say it is all Hamas' fault and all the Palistinians in Gaza are innocent is utter bullshit. Just what nationality would you call those HAMAS members if not Palistinian? How many of these innocent Palistinians came forward warning Israel of an attack and how many have helped Israel to find these fucking monsters who butchered so many Israelis?

It is a sick situation because Oct 7th ruined any hope of any sort of peace between Israel and the Palistinians. Now we will have another generation of Palistinians who survived and will go to their graves hating Israel with all their heart and soul. The hatred and bloodshed will never end there and it is why I originally said Israel should have simply conquered all of Gaza and taken it back. Then told the west Bank try an Oct 7th on us and we will do the same, accept us and we are for a 2 state solution.
The criminal Jews are required, by law, to withdraw to Israel- and take their squatters with them.
Palestine is a recognized sovereign state and the Palestinians will decide what to do with the abandoned squats .
Arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant are due too.
Isreal is the sovereign state and they were the ones brutally attacked. No fucking law in existence is going to persecute them for responding to and making those responsible pay for it. Has HAMAS surrendered or returned the hostages?

No Palistine is not a recognized state by any country on the planet.
Isreal is the sovereign state and they were the ones brutally attacked. No fucking law in existence is going to persecute them for responding to and making those responsible pay for it. Has HAMAS surrendered or returned the hostages?

No Palistine is not a recognized state by any country on the planet.
The sovereign Palestinian state is recognized by the UN and 145 other countries out of 193. You are a mental turnip.
The Israeli state is recognized on the pre-1967 borders- and the occupying Jewish assholes ought to be grateful for that- as their ENTIRE state was formerly Palestinian territory.
The sovereign Palestinian state is recognized by the UN and 145 other countries out of 193. You are a in that mental turnip.
The Israeli state is recognized on the pre-1967 borders- and the occupying Jewish assholes ought to be grateful for that- as their ENTIRE state was formerly Palestinian territory.
How unfortunate Palestinians funded Nazi Germany in WW II in that Islam oil for Jews deaths contract brokered by the Catholic Church. Whether another 145 countries were accountable hasn't even been considered; but with Arab flaming flying chariot pseudoscience Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom & modern day drugs equivalent of Zyklon B in that not so master race suicidal super ego not so master plan of sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming warfare.......
How unfortunate Palestinians funded Nazi Germany in WW II in that Islam oil for Jews deaths contract brokered by the Catholic Church. Whether another 145 countries were accountable hasn't even been considered; but with Arab flaming flying chariot pseudoscience Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom & modern day drugs equivalent of Zyklon B in that not so master race suicidal super ego not so master plan of sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming warfare.......
You've become boring, Dave. Go troll somebody else with your philosemitic crap.