Hannah Gadsby’s Picasso Show Was Meant to Ignite Debate. And It Did.

What the hell does this mean?


(BTW, so you don't need to insult me anymore, this is a Pollock, not a Picasso. But you should get the point)

I did not insult you...unless you are Gadsby!
So you don't believe the dramatists are artists? You don't believe that those who write social critiques like Swift et al are artists? You don't believe satirists like Twain are artists?

Interesting. You limit art so much.

Why? Because I disagree with your claim that satirists like Twain and Swift aren't artists? Or is it because I dislike Picasso where you like him? Or is it because I like Hannah Gadsby (and have seen more of her work) and you dislike her?

You keep lying. It is boring. Do better or be ignored.
You keep lying. It is boring. Do better or be ignored.

What am I lying about? YOU declared she was nothing more than a comedian when I noted she is an artist. However you clearly don't know much of her stuff (something that I do, because I've watched a great deal of it). If you think she isn't an artist then you don't think satirists like Swift and Twain and countless others are artists.

Or am I lying about you liking Picasso? What am I lying about, exactly.

You have deeply offended me by this accusation.. Now support it or risk being a troll who attacks people simply because they disagree with you.

I will accept your apology as soon as possible.
What am I lying about? YOU declared she was nothing more than a comedian when I noted she is an artist. However you clearly don't know much of her stuff (something that I do, because I've watched a great deal of it). If you think she isn't an artist then you don't think satirists like Swift and Twain and countless others are artists.

Or am I lying about you liking Picasso? What am I lying about, exactly.

You have deeply offended me by this accusation.. Now support it or risk being a troll who attacks people simply because they disagree with you.

I will accept your apology as soon as possible.

Call them artists. My statements have nothing to do with that. Step up your game, your trolling is tedious.
Your apology was missing. Please correct that.

Or tell me where I am lying.

Do NOT insult me anymore.

You refused to address several statements by Gadsby. You keep lying about the dispute being about the name "artist". I said calling someone an artist or not has absolutely nothing to do with my argument. I told you that several times and will not repeat it.
What am I lying about? YOU declared she was nothing more than a comedian when I noted she is an artist. However you clearly don't know much of her stuff (something that I do, because I've watched a great deal of it). If you think she isn't an artist then you don't think satirists like Swift and Twain and countless others are artists.

Or am I lying about you liking Picasso? What am I lying about, exactly.

You have deeply offended me by this accusation.. Now support it or risk being a troll who attacks people simply because they disagree with you.

I will accept your apology as soon as possible.

I think he is very very young

He doesnt seem to have truly gone through his beliefs with a fine tooth comb yet in his life

He stumbles like this here thread and then gets all flustered when his mis steps of logic get challenged and retorts like and angry toddler

He does this to everyone

Don’t feel singled out
You refused to address several statements by Gadsby.

I LIKE those statements. I like her art.

You keep lying about the dispute being about the name "artist".

I never said it was about that, but it is integral to the debate. I have REPEATEDLY tried to explain to you how her art is clearly something you don't like which IS the point of the thread. You greatly dislike her art. She dislikes the art YOU like.

That's all this is, really. 100%

I said calling someone an artist or not has absolutely nothing to do with my argument. I told you that several times and will not repeat it.

You should take the advice is a well-known artist that frequents these boards:
Quit being a fucking jerkoff.