Hannity calls out liar congressmen!

I have all the education I need to carry on a conversation with you, had it in the third grade, back to the basement with you.
I'm sure you are proud of your public high school education shop Forman.
I'm mocking you, I don't carry on conversations with non graduates.
I'm sure you are proud of your public high school education shop Forman.
I'm mocking you, I don't carry on conversations with non graduates.

mocking me? ha I am proud that I have worked to get where I am, we all take different roads mine was hard work and loyalty to my company, got your loans paid back yet freeloader
mocking me? ha I am proud that I have worked to get where I am, we all take different roads mine was hard work and loyalty to my company, got your loans paid back yet freeloader
I paid more in taxes than you make in a year shop Forman.
Glad your proud of a high school education, that is who faux news is after
I don't bag on hard workers who don't bag on the poor
Don't be so fucking proud of your shop Forman while you spit on a welfare mom

You teabagger

Oh yes because I am bagging on the poor, I am bagging on all the welfare queens, and disability frauds. People who can work and won't because they consider some jobs below them is B.S
Like nearly every single one of the Fukx news regulars, Hannity is nothing but a fucking liar and a fraud. I'm still waiting for this bloviating POS to subject himself to waterboarding. Until he does that anything else he says or dares or bets is just more of the same garden fertilizing bullshit!

There you go again with the same tired lame canard. Why is it the leftists can be such fascists when anyone dares to challenge their tired memes and failed ideological arguments.

While it is healthy to have a vigorous debate and opposing points of view, you and your fellow tards would prefer censure. Have you ever noticed, once in your pathetic dullard existence, that the right never clamors to shut down MSNBC or CNN or any of the myriad of leftist mouthpieces out there who are in the tank for Democrats? It's only the shrill brain dead left that whine and rant about ONE station that has the AUDACITY of having Conservative hosts.

But your a leftists dimwit; of course you don't think. It is not what leftists do. They gullibly wait to be fed their talking points by the White House or leftist media and then run to their blog sites to remove all doubt what mindless buffoons they are.

So here is the question AGAIN; if Hannity was a liar and full of crap, why wouldn't Pascrell take him up on his bet for charity? It would have been an outstanding way to show he was right and Hannity full of crap and benefit a charity of his choice?

The answer is quite obvious to anyone above the level of dimwit. Perhaps if you watched Fox once in a while, you wouldn't be such a clueless kool-aid swilling dullard?

Only uneducated teabaggers listen to hannity.
You white trashers might start trying college
Fear mongering is not better than education

This coming from the dimwit country club trailer home dweller who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're".

Let's face it, you're a kool-aid swilling leftist dimwit with the substance and depth of a mud puddle.
