Hannity calls out liar congressmen!

mocking me? ha I am proud that I have worked to get where I am, we all take different roads mine was hard work and loyalty to my company, got your loans paid back yet freeloader

Never argue with idiots; they will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.

Dude can't create a gramatticaly correct sentence or distinguish the difference between "your" and "you're". He is a delusional asshat whose contribution to the forum can be summarized by "teabagger" and "dropout."

So don't be bothered by his efforts to be a troll whore and bait you down to his extremely low IQ level. Just mock his ignorance and pity his pathetic existence that compells him to desperately seek attention by being a blowhard and thank God you are not him.
I don't bag on hard workers who don't bag on the poor
Don't be so fucking proud of your shop Forman while you spit on a welfare mom

You teabagger

Not only are you a brain dead low IQ arrogant dimwit; but a lying asshat to boot.

You really are THAT stupid. The irony for you is how hard you work at removing all doubt. But then, thinking about it, you don't really have to work that hard at being an ignorant dimwitted dullard, it seems to come quite easily for you.

Now run back to that gated trailer park you crawled out of; your second cousin wife is calling you.

Does anyone else notice how the cabal of dimwitted leftists who bombard this forum with their dimwitted ignorance have totally avoided the thread topic and as is to be expected from unintelligent dimwits, engaged in grade school attacks on the thread author.

Yet these dimwitted leftists will be the first to remind us how they care so much more than anyone else, how much more tolerant they are than righties and how they elevate intellectuality.

This isn't mere irony, but the epitome of hypocrisy that only dimwitted dullards can acheive. Yes dimwits, have your little circle jerk and while at it, insult Patroit for not having a degree and being a working man. It paints a clear picture of what incredible unintelligent lying dimwits you really are.

Carry on.