Happy Friday from Dixie... Southern Humor Inside!

Hey Dixie, did you hear about the latest class they are teaching at Auburn?

They combined Sex Ed/Abstinance courses and Oceanography. They are trying to teach them not to fuck with The Tide.
Wow, and the joke didn't involve shooting squirrels to cope with small town boredom!

I did that when I was a kid, we'd go hunting for rabbit, but the rabbits are much smarter than 12-year-old boys... so we would always get bored and start shooting squirrels. My Granny was old school, she told us to clean them, and she'd cook 'em up for us! Man... We were all excited to eat squirrel for the first time, it was a lot like greasy chicken. Me and my buddy are sitting there in Granny's kitchen, mowing down on our savage bounties, when my Dad comes in... when he sees what we're having, he says... Boy, you know that's a Rodent you're eating, right?

True fucking story!
I suppose game squirrel would taste better than roadkill squirrel, which is all there is to be had in my neck of the woods.

The only time I ever ate 'roadkill' was rattlesnake. On a camping/fishing trip, we ran over one, so we skinned it, cooked it, and had it for dinner. I wasn't real fond of it.. snake... some things just ain't made to be ett!
A friend of mine shot a rabbit when he was a kid, wounded it mortally, and it started crying, sounded just like a human baby. His dad made him go after it and put it out of its misery. :(
Dixie, I would have thought you had been to the rattlesnake rodeo in Opp AL.

The times I have eaten rattlesnake it was tasty. Very light meat with very little fat.

Squirrel is tasty if cooked properly. But your Dad was right. The only difference between a rat and a squirrel is the bushy tail and reputation.
We eat rattlesnake here alot. It is really good in Red Chile. I love squirrel, fried and then coverered in gravy. I have also eatten a really big rodent in Louisiana. Muskrat. There is a place in New Orleans that prepares it and it is good. Just have to put out of your mind that it is a big fricken rat. The one animal I can say should never be ett, is possum. Greasy nasty foul tasting meat. Hell when that animal is a live you can tell you shouldn't eat it.
We eat rattlesnake here alot. It is really good in Red Chile. I love squirrel, fried and then coverered in gravy. I have also eatten a really big rodent in Louisiana. Muskrat. There is a place in New Orleans that prepares it and it is good. Just have to put out of your mind that it is a big fricken rat. The one animal I can say should never be ett, is possum. Greasy nasty foul tasting meat. Hell when that animal is a live you can tell you shouldn't eat it.

There was a place in Maryland that served muskrat once a week. You could tell when by the line around the block to get in. I haven't ever eaten it, but would love to try it.

Squirrel & dumplings is another delicious wayto eat "tree rat".

Possums are foul, nasty critters. I have been told they taste good if you catch them alive and feed them sweet corn for a week. I never thought it would be worth the effort.
Done the squirrel thing. It tasts a lot like chicken.

You're right. Buckshot doesn't cost a lot.

Buckshot will ruin a lotta meat. I have hunted squirrel. For a good challenge, go after them with a .22 pistol.