Happy Friday from Dixie... Southern Humor Inside!

A friend of mine shot a rabbit when he was a kid, wounded it mortally, and it started crying, sounded just like a human baby. His dad made him go after it and put it out of its misery. :(

are you sad that they didn't try to drown it in a sack first?
i cant believe how many uncivilized primitives we have on this board. i can just imagine you guys scooping up roadkill with a shovel to put in your soup. possum? rattlesnake? rats? squrilles?
i cant believe how many uncivilized primitives we have on this board. i can just imagine you guys scooping up roadkill with a shovel to put in your soup. possum? rattlesnake? rats? squrilles?

Nope, never ate roadkill. I think Billy said he did, but when he and friends were drunk and had just run over the snake.

But primitive? Eh, if thats the worst I am called today I can live with that.
Nope, never ate roadkill. I think Billy said he did, but when he and friends were drunk and had just run over the snake.

But primitive? Eh, if thats the worst I am called today I can live with that.
No, I don't think I said I ate road kill. Not adverse to doing so (if I had just ran it over), just never done so. Have eaten snake though, it's ok. Better battered and fried. As for rabbit, we have so many around my neighborhood killing them wouldn't even be a challenge.
Damn, and here I was, worried about revealing my childhood rodent-eating and roadkill experiences, and you guys have me beat by a mile! And yes, you do indeed hunt squirrel with a .22, doesn't have to be LR, squirrels are pretty easy to kill. Wabbits are hard! We always hunted them when it snowed, that was the best time, because you could 'track' them. Rabbit stew was delicious, I loved it growing up. Squirrel was okay, kind of like a gamy chicken or maybe quail, duck? But the revelation at 12-years-old, that I was eating a rodent, pretty much did it for me, I haven't wanted squirrel since. I am the same way about catfish, they just taste like a garbage pit to me....can't eat 'em.

In an attempt to top some of the 'disgusting eats' stories posted, I have to share this one... My Granny LOVED souse. Head Cheese! Living on a farm, we would have an annual pig slaughter, and the whole family had a role in the event. From hoof to the freezer in about 20 hrs. Granny's main duty, was the head of the pig. Cleaning the decapitation in the big kitchen sink.... then placing it in the pressure cooker. After hours of whistling steam and rattling thingamabob... and waiting for it to cool down... she would crack the lid to reveal a nicely cooked pig head, to which she would commence to 'picking' from the skull. Basically, everything in the pig head, except the brain (retrieved earlier), is picked from the nooks and crannies of the skull, and strained in cheesecloth. I can't tell you what happens in the next phase, because I was always in the can over the toilet... but a bunch of spices and stuff are added to the disgusting pig head goo, and it is formed into blocks... souse. Yummm! ;)
One of my first jobs out of college was removing asbestos from a college building. We had a crew of guys from South Boston, all in their 20's, who thought they were men of the world, seen-it-all's. We were all staying in the campus hotel in several floors and of course it was party time every night with some pretty outrageous stuff going on. Well we had this one guy from some place in Connecticut and more than once he shocked the hell out of these guys. One night he walked over to the campus pond, lured a duck close with some bread, then bashed its head in with a piece of steel conduit. He brought it back to the hotel, plucked it, gutted it, and fried it up on a portable hot plate. He then served dinner to one of the ugliest, fattest girls I've ever seen that drove up from his home town to see him.
Dude, rabbits are not hard. I damn near squished one with my foot the other night. As for squirrel hunting you could also use a .410.
A bullet to the head is painless. Being drowned is one of the most painful ways a living being can die. If you're an engineer, the time it took to drown the cat probably was worth more money than any bullet you could've bought.
Dude, rabbits are not hard. I damn near squished one with my foot the other night. As for squirrel hunting you could also use a .410.

Dude, you can use a fucking moose gun, if you wanted to. You don't need a .410, you don't really even need a .22, I've killed many-a-squirrel with a BB gun! As for actual HUNTING.... like, out in the woods with rifles and shit... rabbits are difficult to hunt. They have a very keen sense of awareness, very much like a deer, and they don't stick around if they hear you coming. Squirrels don't give a damn, they're stupid critters, they don't think you'll shoot them!
i cant believe how many uncivilized primitives we have on this board. i can just imagine you guys scooping up roadkill with a shovel to put in your soup. possum? rattlesnake? rats? squrilles?

How old is the roadkill? I mean there's a difference if it's from my tire, and fresh, compared to a frisbee beaf jerky speed bump type of roadkill.