Happy indigenous peoples day threads outnumber Columbus 2-1!

Hello Micawber,

It is very remarkable that the event produced so much interest.

I must say I was quite surprised. I began the Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day thread thinking it would probably not generate much interest and quickly scroll off the page into oblivion. I expected that perhaps a few compassionate and considerate individuals might thank it or even make a short comment, and that would be it.

245 comments later, I am amazed.

I didn't think the right wing would care much about it, but a lot of the comments came from the right. Sadly, a lot of those people have already demonstrated that they have so much hatred in their hearts they are not worth talking to in my view, and since they have been placed on my Ignore List I did not see their comments, but I got the gist of it from the more tempered conservatives. They are angry at President Biden for making Indigenous Peoples' Day official.

That's kind of perplexing.

Nobody on the right has been attacked, nor has anything been taken away from them.

It was a good thing to do for people who have been pretty much nothing but shafted by our society for far too long. This didn't hurt anybody on the right, nor cost them money. What gives?

Do they just enjoy kicking the downtrodden for entertainment value?

Did Fox News tell them this was 'destroying America?'

I don't get it.
You almost tempt me into returning to Xtianity, just so that poor Jesus has at least one person who tries to follow His teachings.

sad....when lib'ruls find themselves painted in the corner by their own stupidity, they always announce it by attacking my religion.......it is the mark of the true lib'rul cunt........
meanwhile you almost tempt me to be an atheist, just so at least one of them would be rational.......
sad....when lib'ruls find themselves painted in the corner by their own stupidity, they always announce it by attacking my religion.......it is the mark of the true lib'rul cunt........

Poor, poor widdle PiMP. It really hurts when the arrow finds its mark, doesn't it?

Now yell the c-word some more like a good little choirboy. :laugh:
sad....when lib'ruls find themselves painted in the corner by their own stupidity, they always announce it by attacking my religion.......it is the mark of the true lib'rul cunt........
meanwhile you almost tempt me to be an atheist, just so at least one of them would be rational.......

You're a Satanist and deserve to be mocked as a minion of Satan.

You had a shitload of whining about Indigenous Peoples Day but it was one poster making a bunch of discussions and the mods got sick of it and merged them.

The dipshit Stolen Valor cocksucker also blocked the best posters from responding too!
You're a Satanist and deserve to be mocked as a minion of Satan.

It's amusing when one of the hater snowflakes, like PiMP, makes sure that *everyone* knows what his religion is -- because he uses it as a club -- then cries about being persecuted when someone clubs him back with it. Sister Stench is the same way.

You're right; his bff is not Jesus, it's that other guy, the one in the red suit. And I don't mean Santa. :rofl2:
It's amusing when one of the hater snowflakes, like PiMP, makes sure that *everyone* knows what his religion is -- because he uses it as a club -- then cries about being persecuted when someone clubs him back with it. Sister Stench is the same way.

You're right; his bff is not Jesus, it's that other guy, the one in the red suit. And I don't mean Santa. :rofl2:

I hold nothing against people like Debbie being religious. At least she doesn't openly contradict herself by claiming to be a Christian and then calling someone a "demmycunt" in the same post.
Poor, poor widdle PiMP. It really hurts when the arrow finds its mark, doesn't it?

Now yell the c-word some more like a good little choirboy. :laugh:

Isn't that amazing how so many of the claimed Christians here have an unholy vernacular? Use of words whose soul existence is dehumanization is a big no.
Isn't that amazing how so many of the claimed Christians here have an unholy vernacular? Use of words whose soul existence is dehumanization is a big no.

I'm not all that surprised. It's been my experience throughout my entire life that those who bleat the loudest about Jesus are the ones who follow His teachings the least. PiMP is no exception. As for him calling me a cunt, I don't care; the word has no meaning or power over me like it does over him. His use of it says more about him than it does about me.
I hold nothing against people like Debbie being religious. At least she doesn't openly contradict herself by claiming to be a Christian and then calling someone a "demmycunt" in the same post.

No, she has other ways of demonstrating that she follows Jesus about as much as you follow the daily doings of the Kardashians. :laugh: