Happy Valentine's Day!

Boo! V-Day was my favorite day of the year when I was single. Now I hate it. I know, I know not very romantical. :(

Listen to it dudes! I just did, it really puts you in the mood!

But Darla, you're a feminazi! It's about killing your gf, how could you!

Because I get the tongue-in-cheekness of it, and it's funny, and I have definitely known people who fit "She bitched so much, she drove me nuts!" so it makes me laugh.

And it's just so twisted! I love men's reactions to it! They are afraid to say they like it, and they look at me side-eyed. It's an awesome song. And come on, who hasn't wanted to kill their SO?
Listen to it dudes! I just did, it really puts you in the mood!

But Darla, you're a feminazi! It's about killing your gf, how could you!

Because I get the tongue-in-cheekness of it, and it's funny, and I have definitely known people who fit "She bitched so much, she drove me nuts!" so it makes me laugh.

Bawahahaha! I had forgotten about this classic! Thanks
Okay, I'm flummoxed. Why was it your favorite day when you were single? And why do you hate it now that you're married?

In SF very few single girls wanted to sit at home alone on V-Day. There used to be these huge 'Anti-Valentines Day' parties that would get thrown for single folk and they were so much fun and a great atmosphere for meeting people.

I have no problem being romantic when it is spontaneous. I like that. When it is expected like it is today I'm not a fan.
Uh-oh...SF is on the thread. Now, SF, don't take this literally and send that special girl this song as a Valentine! They almost defintely won't have my twisted sense of humor and you will be enjoying your hand tonight! Again!
In SF very few single girls wanted to sit at home alone on V-Day. There used to be these huge 'Anti-Valentines Day' parties that would get thrown for single folk and they were so much and a great atmosphere for meeting people.

I have no problem being romantic when it is spontaneous. I like that. When it is expected like it is today I'm not a fan.

Yeah, the most romantic dinners I've ever had have all been spontaneous and for no special event. I do admit to being girly enough to like floral deliveries on any occassion though.