APP - Harkin says bribes are just "small stuff"

So we SHOULD accept bribing through legislative favoritism?

As Senator Harkin so eloquently put it, "We have to keep our eyes on what we're trying to do here. We're trying to cross a demarcation line. On one side is health care as a privilege, on the other side is health care as a right. With these votes, with the vote that we'll take before Christmas, we will cross that line finally and say that health care is a right of all Americans."

That's one small step for members of Congress, one giant leap for the American people. :)
As Senator Harkin so eloquently put it, "We have to keep our eyes on what we're trying to do here. We're trying to cross a demarcation line. On one side is health care as a privilege, on the other side is health care as a right. With these votes, with the vote that we'll take before Christmas, we will cross that line finally and say that health care is a right of all Americans."

That's one small step for members of Congress, one giant leap for the American people. :)

yes, we understand your zealotry for big brother knows no moral bounds.
That's one small campaign contribution for members of Congress, one giant payoff for the health insurance industry :)

fixed that for you.

As Senator Harkin so eloquently put it, "We have to keep our eyes on what we're trying to do here. We're trying to cross a demarcation line.

translation - "we're trying to change the constitution through legislation and judicial tyranny, screw the amendment process"
not sure this particular argument is about legalities, but more about ethics and, lets face it, there aren't a handful of lawmakers in office nowadays that have any of that.

What's hilarious is the whining being done right now. The kind of give and take that went on between Democrats in the House and Senate to get this bill where it is has been taking place in DC since the days of Washington and Adams, and to SUDDENLY have a problem with the way they themselves have done business in the past is just sad.
What's hilarious is the whining being done right now. The kind of give and take that went on between Democrats in the House and Senate to get this bill where it is has been taking place in DC since the days of Washington and Adams, and to SUDDENLY have a problem with the way they themselves have done business in the past is just sad.

None of this is sudden. I have believed the democracy is broken for some time now, so has SMY, I believe. He's way smarter than you, Douchey McChimp.
not sure this particular argument is about legalities, but more about ethics and, lets face it, there aren't a handful of lawmakers in office nowadays that have any of that.

SUDDENLY the party of Vitter, Sanford and Ensign are worried about ETHICS?!?!

Oh that is too rich!!
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None of this is sudden. I have believed the democracy is broken for some time now, so has SMY, I believe. He's way smarter than you, Douchey McChimp.

Maybe he definitely aren't. Have someone smarter than you (heh heh heh STY heh heh heh) diagram the second sentence in your previous post and tell you all the ways it is wrong...