APP - Harkin says bribes are just "small stuff"

Like I'm supposed to be impressed by this latest hissy fit of yours?

Are you going to state that you categorically were against EVERY heinous policy and action of the Shrub & company? If so, then that makes your accusation of "neolib" even more absurd.

But let me dumb it down for you, genius.....a "neolib" would have to be a "new Liberal" someone who use to be a conservative or a conservative that embraces a more extreme viewpoint.... like the "new conservatives" were someone who use to be liberal or a conservative that embraces a more extreme conservative view.

Since I've never been a political conservative, nor an extreme liberal, and have criticized Obama, your label is just a childish copycat taunt.

Grow up, man.

A neoliberal is simply a leftist. Prior to Wilson, a liberal was something very different - an advocate of market liberalism and natural rights. Obviously, neoliberals don't advocate either. A neocon is not a former liberal, they are simply members of the New Right. A populist (what Asshate is) is not of either category, just as libertarianism (the closest to liberalism) is a seperate ideology.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Like I'm supposed to be impressed by this latest hissy fit of yours?

Are you going to state that you categorically were against EVERY heinous policy and action of the Shrub & company? If so, then that makes your accusation of "neolib" even more absurd.

But let me dumb it down for you, genius.....a "neolib" would have to be a "new Liberal" someone who use to be a conservative or a conservative that embraces a more extreme viewpoint.... like the "new conservatives" were someone who use to be liberal or a conservative that embraces a more extreme conservative view.

Since I've never been a political conservative, nor an extreme liberal, and have criticized Obama, your label is just a childish copycat taunt.

Grow up, man.

A neoliberal is simply a leftist. Prior to Wilson, a liberal was something very different - an advocate of market liberalism and natural rights. Obviously, neoliberals don't advocate either. A neocon is not a former liberal, they are simply members of the New Right. A populist (what Asshate is) is not of either category, just as libertarianism (the closest to liberalism) is a seperate ideology.

Sorry pal, but your personal opinion and neologisms won't cut it here.
neoliberal would be "new liberal"...NOT just a "leftist" which is an entirely seperate defintion.
The "new right" is a new conservative, because there sure as hell is nothing "liberal" about them.

So, unless you are going to state for the record that you didn't support ANY of the heinous policies and actions of the Shrub & company, you'll have to just live with exposing "neocon" values.

And as I told that imbecile with his ass in his hat, he's no it was unnecessary for your moot point on that.
So, wtf would you describe a populist then? And so-called liberals are not liberals, because a true liberal is not a leftist.

Look it up in the dictionary, because I'm damned tired of doing your homework for you...then we can talk. And then remember that you yourself said that Asshat was full of it.
Look it up in the dictionary, because I'm damned tired of doing your homework for you...then we can talk. And then remember that you yourself said that Asshat was full of it.

I have defined populism countless times on this site, including in threads that you read. I am not going to waste time defining it for someone who should already know what it means, regardless.

And, yes, Asshate is full of it, which is part of what being a populist means...
You're a lying, racist, neocon you're many post bare witness to. You're no populist by any definition.

Neocons are "free trade" zealot globalizer bible beaters; I'm not. I beleive in elements of protectionism and trade restrictions to reinforce other values, like keeping jobs for americans.

I believe the fiat currency system is inherently totalitatarian and elitist. I want a currency backed by hard commodities, maybe a basket of commodities.

This makes me a kickass and really cool populist.
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