APP - Harkin says bribes are just "small stuff"

But that panel sets the standard, according to the law. so. you're a fool.

Really? Because if you had bothered to READ the article I provided, you'd know that what you state is not exactly the case.

But then again, honesty, decent comprehension skills and a basic knowledge of reality has never been your strong suit. Carry on.
Aren't the most screens possible the best way to mitigate the risk of breast cancer?

It's not a prevention, just a detection to try and catch the early, more treatable stages of various breast cancers, or to determine benign lumps, etc.

As the article I presented earlier suggested, there has always been controversy as to the amount of radiation exposure that accumulates over time with more frequent mammographies. check this out:

With five scientifically documented books totaling over 2,800 pages, Dr. Gofman provides strong evidence that medical technology, specifically X-rays, CT scans, mammography, and fluoroscopy, are a contributing factor to 75 percent of new cancers.

His 699-page report, updated in 2000, “Radiation from Medical Procedures in the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease: Dose-Response Studies with Physicians per 100,000 Population to here”90 shows that as the number of physicians increases in a geographical area with an increase in the number of X-ray diagnostic tests, there is an associated increase in the rate of cancer and ischemic heart disease. Dr. Gofman elaborates that it’s not X-rays alone that cause the damage but a combination of health risk factors including: poor diet, smoking, abortions, and the use of birth control pills. Dr. Gofman predicts that 100 million premature deaths over the next decade will be the result of ionizing radiation.

In his book, “Preventing Breast Cancer,” Dr. Gofman says that breast cancer is the leading cause of death among American women between the ages of 44 and 55. Because breast tissue is highly radiation-sensitive, mammograms can cause cancer. The danger can be heightened by a woman’s genetic makeup, preexisting benign breast disease, artificial menopause, obesity, and hormonal imbalance.
Yeah, just as I thought...ya got nothing.

Goodnight Gracie.

My suggestion is for the Federal Government to print a pamphlet describing the high points of the health plan and sending it to every household. Time the distribution as close as possible to the November elections. :)
Yeah, just as I thought...ya got nothing.

Goodnight Gracie.

I have everything.

The point here is that medical expenditures will all be polticized, politicized in the direction of the elitist "let them eat cake" model of the eugenics progressive movement.

The death panels will see to it.

They already made an attack on women's health, by trying to outlaw breast exams.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Yeah, just as I thought...ya got nothing.

Goodnight Gracie.

My suggestion is for the Federal Government to print a pamphlet describing the high points of the health plan and sending it to every household. Time the distribution as close as possible to the November elections. :)

Excellent idea--you should forward that to Howard Dean. Could you imagine the banshee wail from the neocon driven GOP if such a thing were done?
I have everything.

The point here is that medical expenditures will all be polticized, politicized in the direction of the elitist "let them eat cake" model of the eugenics progressive movement.

The death panels will see to it.

They already made an attack on women's health, by trying to outlaw breast exams.

You're full of it, as don't dare read anything that might provide proof which disproves the latest neocon talking point. You're a typical willfully ignorant, racist neocon coward, parroting the latest Rove talking point and dodging any rational, logical debate.

You're done. Take your ass in your pointed hood and just blather on.
You're full of it, as don't dare read anything that might provide proof which disproves the latest neocon talking point. You're a typical willfully ignorant, racist neocon coward, parroting the latest Rove talking point and dodging any rational, logical debate.

You're done. Take your ass in your pointed hood and just blather on.

You're done, fool.

Eugenicists want people to die. They want to cull the population for superior traits. Tragically, what's being selected is sheepdom, for sheeple like you.

Your inane blatherings are mental pollution.
You're done, fool.

Eugenicists want people to die. They want to cull the population for superior traits. Tragically, what's being selected is sheepdom, for sheeple like you.

Your inane blatherings are mental pollution.

You're a liar and a willfully ignorant, racist little coward as well.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
A RECOMMENDATION, NOT a law. And NOTHING in the various health care reform proposals would prevent a woman from getting a yearly examine. Here, get educated on the pros and cons

The FACTS will always be your undoing.