APP - Harkin says bribes are just "small stuff"

Why, that would be the very same party screaming about the "ethics violations" of Senator Nelson.

are we talking about the GOP? or are we talking about MY party, that American Libertarian party, that curses the ethics of lawmakers like Sen Nelson, Sen Hutchinson, Tom Delay, and william jefferson clinton?

I'd like to know, because if you're calling me a hack, man have I got some news for you.
It has been done since the day they first convened the congress.

Its how these deals have always been made and to pretend its something NEW is horseshit.
Unless one of them quit in the past day or two...

So, you are saying that an extramarital affair is something Ensign and Vitter should have been removed from office over? That their personal tribulations are the same as backroom deals in the supposedly open negotiations that Obama insisted would be on CSPAN is the same thing as sleeping around on your wife?

And are you talking about James Terry Sanford? He's not a current Senator and hasn't been for a while it is hard to do that when you are dead. Methinks you mean Governor Sanford who is not a "Conservative Senator" who also had marriage issues.

Has any of those three said that their affairs were "nothing new" and should be ignored? I don't think so. When times come that the people get to see the proverbial sausage being made on the floor of the Senate, we should take advantage of it. Pretending that we should ignore it because it happened in the past is ridiculous. It isn't something we want our leaders to be doing, we should pay attention when something brings the roaches into the light.
It has been done since the day they first convened the congress.

Its how these deals have always been made and to pretend its something NEW is horseshit.
The field apples are found in those who are pretending that because it happened before it must be "good".
translation - "we're trying to change the constitution through legislation and judicial tyranny, screw the amendment process"

The very first words dealing with the Constitution are as follows.

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Take note of "promote the general welfare". When you think of a person's welfare, when you ask how a person is, when you say, "How are you?" are you not asking about a person's health?

Put another way have you ever asked someone how they are and they replied, "I'm doing great! Just found out last week I'm a diabetic." Or "Life is good. I finally broke my leg last month." Or "Things are fantastic! My oncologist said my cancer has spread so I won't have to worry about finances six months from now."

How can anyone separate health from "general welfare"? Isn't health number one on the "general welfare" list?
The very first words dealing with the Constitution are as follows.

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Take note of "promote the general welfare". When you think of a person's welfare, when you ask how a person is, when you say, "How are you?" are you not asking about a person's health?

Put another way have you ever asked someone how they are and they replied, "I'm doing great! Just found out last week I'm a diabetic." Or "Life is good. I finally broke my leg last month." Or "Things are fantastic! My oncologist said my cancer has spread so I won't have to worry about finances six months from now."

How can anyone separate health from "general welfare"? Isn't health number one on the "general welfare" list?
Do you know the difference between the word promote and that of provide?
The very first words dealing with the Constitution are as follows.

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Take note of "promote the general welfare". When you think of a person's welfare, when you ask how a person is, when you say, "How are you?" are you not asking about a person's health?

Put another way have you ever asked someone how they are and they replied, "I'm doing great! Just found out last week I'm a diabetic." Or "Life is good. I finally broke my leg last month." Or "Things are fantastic! My oncologist said my cancer has spread so I won't have to worry about finances six months from now."

How can anyone separate health from "general welfare"? Isn't health number one on the "general welfare" list?


HUGE difference. and you're also stretching the general welfare clause like the new deal dems stretched the commerce clause. apparently you didn't learn the lesson of unintended consequences regarding that total fuck up.
That the democratic party would go to the lengths they have to pass a piece of shit like this is amazing. We're not talking about the usual pork and earmarks found in the normal legislation process here. It's way above and beyond, and anyone with a genuine brain can see that plainly.

But what is even more disgusting is the blind lemming brain dead partisan hacks that are supporting it. Do you fucking assholes truly believe a piece of legislation that is going to make the rest of the states pick up Nebraska's tab for healthcare in order to secure the vote of a Nebraska senator is a GOOD bill? Get your heads out of the fucking donkey's ass for once in your pathetic little lemming like lives. It is a piece of shit bill in the first place that does nothing more for health care than give a few hundred billion dollars in profits to the very insurance companies you have been denigrating the last couple decades as a source of our health care problems. How the FUCK can you brain dead pustules not see that? And then to resort to outright bribery to get it passed - and it's perfectly fine with you jack asses because it is the jackass party doing it.

I'd say "may you assholes get what you deserve", but the problem is you fuck ups and your entire fucking party are taking the rest of us down the gutter with you. Not even Bush's administration was this outright in-your-face corrupt. And that is saying a lot.
Do you know the difference between the word promote and that of provide?

No one is giving something for nothing if that's what you mean by provide. Under universal plans people pay according to their ability, through taxes.

As for promote when one sees the per capita expenditures on medical compared with countries with a universal plan it is always less expensive to cover everyone. To allow the current ways to continue while ignoring people without coverage is more akin to discouraging the general welfare of the citizens.
No one is giving something for nothing if that's what you mean by provide. Under universal plans people pay according to their ability, through taxes.

As for promote when one sees the per capita expenditures on medical compared with countries with a universal plan it is always less expensive to cover everyone. To allow the current ways to continue while ignoring people without coverage is more akin to discouraging the general welfare of the citizens.
Absolutely ridiculous. When rejoicing in the "first step towards single payer (read government provided) health care" you sit here and tell me that nobody is working towards that?

Just stunningly and absolutely hacktacularly unfortunate.

HUGE difference. and you're also stretching the general welfare clause like the new deal dems stretched the commerce clause. apparently you didn't learn the lesson of unintended consequences regarding that total fuck up.

Stretching? If you care about the general welfare of family members or friends isn't their health your number one concern? Maybe it's not. Just asking.
Stretching? If you care about the general welfare of family members or friends isn't their health your number one concern? Maybe it's not. Just asking.
Again, providing or mandating is not promoting. Not even close.

And their ability to choose so long as they cause no harm to another is my main concern. I know some people are very willing to give up choice for more government provided "benefits", but I really am not security from the government is almost never worth the cost IMO. My beliefs are not pretended or hypocritically given up at the drop of a hat, and I have and always will firmly contend that just because the government can do something doesn't mean it should, it is not always conducive to freedom. I don't like even the first step along this path, let alone this step.

From the beginning of this I have spoken with you about this. I believe that the US can and should create something that would be incredible, that would actually improve rather than drag equally at the health care of everybody here, instead we simply and willfully follow others into mediocrity.
That the democratic party would go to the lengths they have to pass a piece of shit like this is amazing. We're not talking about the usual pork and earmarks found in the normal legislation process here. It's way above and beyond, and anyone with a genuine brain can see that plainly.

But what is even more disgusting is the blind lemming brain dead partisan hacks that are supporting it. Do you fucking assholes truly believe a piece of legislation that is going to make the rest of the states pick up Nebraska's tab for healthcare in order to secure the vote of a Nebraska senator is a GOOD bill? Get your heads out of the fucking donkey's ass for once in your pathetic little lemming like lives. It is a piece of shit bill in the first place that does nothing more for health care than give a few hundred billion dollars in profits to the very insurance companies you have been denigrating the last couple decades as a source of our health care problems. How the FUCK can you brain dead pustules not see that? And then to resort to outright bribery to get it passed - and it's perfectly fine with you jack asses because it is the jackass party doing it.

I'd say "may you assholes get what you deserve", but the problem is you fuck ups and your entire fucking party are taking the rest of us down the gutter with you. Not even Bush's administration was this outright in-your-face corrupt. And that is saying a lot.

Unfortunately, the people have been misled by all the bullshit put out by the opponents of a universal plan. How many US citizens have first hand knowledge of how a universal plan works?

Someone dies in the UK or someone waits in Canada or someone can't find a family doctor in France and it's blown up and presented as the norm.

Every industrialized country has a universal plan and the citizens in those countries insist on keeping their universal plan and, most important, every country started out with a plan just like the US has now. A "pay or suffer" plan. There isn't one example to the contrary. Not ONE example. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Whatever.

Yes, sometimes one has to do whatever is necessary. But this will pass. The people will see they were lied to, deceived, terrorized by a party that thrived on fear for eight years.

I suppose, in a sense, one can not blame the Repub representatives. They know their party is dying and once people experience the freedom and the liberty and the overall peace of mind comprehensive medical coverage offers the Repub will never be the party it was.