APP - Harkin says bribes are just "small stuff"

strawfuckingman.....screw the pot smokers......

Well, OK. I was in my early 20's at the time and it was a house party and there were a couple of gals there and the guys they came with were about as exciting as a bale of straw after having passed the bong and....well, the invitation was there but, hey, it's not kool to takes a guy's gal when he's high. Know what I mean?

Anyway, to make a long story short, I didn't screw the pot smokers.
I think when something negatively affects the country the President should either have the power to intervene or inform the population what is happening/going to happen.

While the President's power may be limited I feel his responsibility to look out for the citizen's interests is all-encompassing.

I've never taken a close look at the intricacies involved vis-a-vis the President and the Fed so that's the best reply I can give.

Does that imply the President understand interest rates better than head of the Fed and all the PhD's that work for them?

Paul Volker is considered a financial lengend for his work in getting inflation down to manageable levels but it caused the economy some pain at the time. Should the President been telling him how to handle rates as to short term benefits for the President and his popularity vs. what is best for the long-term of the economy?
Does that imply the President understand interest rates better than head of the Fed and all the PhD's that work for them?

Hopefully, the President has equally skilled people or connections to them.

Paul Volker is considered a financial lengend for his work in getting inflation down to manageable levels but it caused the economy some pain at the time. Should the President been telling him how to handle rates as to short term benefits for the President and his popularity vs. what is best for the long-term of the economy?

As I noted I feel it's his responsibility to look out for the citizen's interests. If it's short term pain for long term gain then so be it.
Hopefully, the President has equally skilled people or connections to them.

As I noted I feel it's his responsibility to look out for the citizen's interests. If it's short term pain for long term gain then so be it.

So you think it's Obama's responsibility to lobby Bernanke in public (so the people know he's trying) to get rates where he wants them?
To address you last point, the bill under discussion is in no way a "step toward universal care" unless you want to admit it is deliberately designed to fail so miserably it will lead to a cry for anything else to take over, giving democrats the opening to push what they really want (total control). The bill under discussion does nothing more than fuck over royally the people currently enjoying adequate and above health care coverage while handing a massive profit boon to the major insurance companies. The bill literally punishes employer health care plans for being more efficient, such as putting a fee on self funded plans, which are the most cost efficient plans available. The federal health care plan is a self-funded plan - but, "coincidentally", it is the only self-funded plan exempt from the proposed federal fee. (of course...)

So are you saying Senator Harkin mischaracterized the bill?

The conclusion is obvious to people who aren't DNC dronebots. Either our system results in better care for those covered, and therefore it is desirable to extend that better care system to those without, OR the "everyone is covered" system isn't, in truth, covering everyone to the degree claimed. (ie: being a centralized budget item, health care is in fact more rationed to fit the budget than you will ever admit to.)

Let's give everyone a Cadillac plan......oops, but then we have that old transfer of wealth, stealing from the rich, Socialist dog argument to deal with.

You claim that patient comfort is not a significant factor in treatment. Every hospice in the nation would call you a flat out liar. Your only purpose in labeling nice furnishings and private rooms as "unnecessary luxuries" is because you know those items are not sustainable in a universal plan. By labeling them unnecessary luxuries, you think you can get away with making the claim that losing those options do not mean lower quality of care. It's a bullshit argument. Quality INCLUDES "unnecessary" factors that make receiving treatment less unpleasant. Denying that fact simply shows how absolutely, frontal-lobotomy STUPID one must be to blindly support only one possible solution to our health care problems.

I'll go one better. While hospices are usually associated with the terminally ill let's look at an individual with hypertension aggravated by worry and stress. If it's due to financial worries let's have a plan where those folks receive a lump sum payment up to $100,000. Pay down the mortgage. Erase all the CC debt. Relieve whatever is causing the worry and stress. That would be preferable care, wouldn't it?

In the meantime a guy who doesn't have insurance but suffers an injured intervertebral disc resulting in painful movement and, eventually, job loss....well, c'est la vie. He won't die whereas the fella with hypertension may very well suffer a fatal stroke so we shouldn't deny the person with hypertension the right to have such a policy and exempt him from contributing to a plan which covers people with spinal injuries.


And when it comes to a universal plan, people will STILL be paying for their own care AND the care of those who cannot pay themselves. It's true whether the money comes from taxes, or forced payment of unwanted insurance premiums. And everyone with two connected neurons knows that as well. So when it comes to "people are not willing to pay for themselves and others", there is no functional difference between a system that only covers the needy and a system that forces everyone into your big government totalitarian mold. Your argument that other options cannot be considered because "people will not pay for their own care and for others" is beyond ridiculous. It is outright assininely stupid. Beyond stupid, actually. It shows the ridiculous desperation you're willing to stoop to defend your devotion to DNC socialists.

So why wasn't SS structured that way? Why the need for a government plan? Just help those who have no retirement funds.

The bottom line is the assholes pushing this bill do not give a ripe pig fart about actually improving health care in this country. Their focus is control, control, and more control. Power is what they seek. And for reasons beyond my comprehension, they have a following of stupid brain dead lemmings happily willing to give up their and everyone else's liberties because they are told government will take care of them.

Control of what? What is causing your nightmares? What devious, dastardly plan does the government have?

Please, let us all in on it. Have you discovered a top secret document with reference to a "Dr. Morrow"?
So you think it's Obama's responsibility to lobby Bernanke in public (so the people know he's trying) to get rates where he wants them?

If Obama and his advisers have reason to believe it will be better for the country, yes.

We all heard Greenspan say "oops" during the Congressional Hearings and who would have questioned his judgment?
So are you saying Senator Harkin mischaracterized the bill?
Unlike some who've sold their brains to the DNC, I have the ability to think for myself. But, no, I would not say Harkin "mischaracterized" the bill. That is way too lenient a description. But I would say he is lying his useless piece of shit political ass off.

Let's give everyone a Cadillac plan......oops, but then we have that old transfer of wealth, stealing from the rich, Socialist dog argument to deal with.
I suggest making sure everyone have basic access while leaving the "cadillac" plans available, since they, too, work. Why go for the cadillac plan for everyone since, by YOUR words, merely adequate plans are just as good? And you still cling to your assininely stupid argument that people will not accept a cover the poor plan, but they will accept "you'll pay for the poor AND take our plan up the ass" plan.

Face it, your arguments are pure trash, and your rhetoric just grows more desperate sounding as your illogic and outright lies are exposed for what they are.

I'll go one better. While hospices are usually associated with the terminally ill let's look at an individual with hypertension aggravated by worry and stress. If it's due to financial worries let's have a plan where those folks receive a lump sum payment up to $100,000. Pay down the mortgage. Erase all the CC debt. Relieve whatever is causing the worry and stress. That would be preferable care, wouldn't it?

In the meantime a guy who doesn't have insurance but suffers an injured intervertebral disc resulting in painful movement and, eventually, job loss....well, c'est la vie. He won't die whereas the fella with hypertension may very well suffer a fatal stroke so we shouldn't deny the person with hypertension the right to have such a policy and exempt him from contributing to a plan which covers people with spinal injuries.

Not even worth responding, except to point out once again how ridiculous and desperate your arguments are becoming. Just watch out for too much foaming at the mouth, it can end up shorting out your keyboard.

So why wasn't SS structured that way? Why the need for a government plan? Just help those who have no retirement funds.
There are many who would say we don't NEED an all-encompassing government plan. There were many who said as much back when SS was forced on us. The "need" for a government plan is YOUR claim. And like all plans of this type, even the most optimistic supporters have to admit it will end up on the skids unless it is seriously revamped. What socialist will never admit to is their schemes simply cannot be indefinitely sustained.

Control of what? What is causing your nightmares? What devious, dastardly plan does the government have? Please, let us all in on it. Have you discovered a top secret document with reference to a "Dr. Morrow"?
How many billions of dollars are spend on health care annually? Do you not recognize the POWER behind controlling that big a slice of the economy? The amount of money represented by the authority to accept and deny insurance carriers on the government's approved list could buy half of South America.

Do you have any concept of the old saying "power corrupts"? The way the "reform" bill is written literally BEGS corruption at multiple levels, and you can bet your lemming like frontal lobes that there are those already in line with their grubby little hands shoved under the table.
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Unlike some who've sold their brains to the DNC, I have the ability to think for myself. But, no, I would not say Harkin "mischaracterized" the bill. That is way too lenient a description. But I would say he is lying his useless piece of shit political ass off.

There's no misinterpreting your meaning there. :)

I suggest making sure everyone have basic access while leaving the "cadillac" plans available, since they, too, work. Why go for the cadillac plan for everyone since, by YOUR words, merely adequate plans are just as good? And you still cling to your assininely stupid argument that people will not accept a cover the poor plan, but they will accept "you'll pay for the poor AND take our plan up the ass" plan.

In a manner of speaking, yes. Just like SS.

Face it, your arguments are pure trash, and your rhetoric just grows more desperate sounding as your illogic and outright lies are exposed for what they are.

Not even worth responding, except to point out once again how ridiculous and desperate your arguments are becoming. Just watch out for too much foaming at the mouth, it can end up shorting out your keyboard.

My goodness. You are a disgruntled individual. :nono:

There are many who would say we don't NEED an all-encompassing government plan. There were many who said as much back when SS was forced on us. The "need" for a government plan is YOUR claim. And like all plans of this type, even the most optimistic supporters have to admit it will end up on the skids unless it is seriously revamped. What socialist will never admit to is their schemes simply cannot be indefinitely sustained.

Yes, a government plan is needed just like SS is needed and plans can be indefinitely sustained by adjusting them periodically.

Do you have any concept of the old saying "power corrupts"? The way the "reform" bill is written literally BEGS corruption at multiple levels, and you can bet your lemming like frontal lobes that there are those already in line with their grubby little hands shoved under the table.

You forget there is not one group of persons handling the plan. Governments are voted in and out and if one finds their opponent has "cheated" we all know what happens.

How many "employees" handling the plan will be getting multi-million dollar bonuses?
Hah. "Just like SS". You do know even your political masters admit SS will be broke before this century is half gone? What kinds of "adjustments" do you think will need to happen there to avoid that which will not piss off enough people to end liberal rule for a long time to come?

Actually, SS is already broke because after the government increased SS contributions under Reagan to create a surplus they promptly transferred that surplus, via sale of t-notes, to the general fund and spent it. All SS surplus has now is a bunch of IOUs from a government over 11 trillion dollars in the hole. They are barely covering SS obligations with SS contributions and outgo is growing while revenues are shrinking in this economic climate. (Even under the boom economy of the 90's obligations were growing faster than revenues - it's why it was an issue in the Bush v Gore election. It won't be much longer, maybe 10 years at the most, more likely sooner with the way the economy is going, when obligations will exceed contributions, and we have no reserves to meet the difference because it got spent. Then what? Gonna print up a bunch more $100 bills and hope the problem won't be noticed?

And despite the obvious problems with SS, you want to add government health care because SS is such a good example of a needed government program. A conclusion that can only come from a brain suffering from anoxia due to the head being solidly implanted in a donkey's rectal vault.
Hah. "Just like SS". You do know even your political masters admit SS will be broke before this century is half gone? What kinds of "adjustments" do you think will need to happen there to avoid that which will not piss off enough people to end liberal rule for a long time to come?

Actually, SS is already broke because after the government increased SS contributions under Reagan to create a surplus they promptly transferred that surplus, via sale of t-notes, to the general fund and spent it. All SS surplus has now is a bunch of IOUs from a government over 11 trillion dollars in the hole. They are barely covering SS obligations with SS contributions and outgo is growing while revenues are shrinking in this economic climate. (Even under the boom economy of the 90's obligations were growing faster than revenues - it's why it was an issue in the Bush v Gore election. It won't be much longer, maybe 10 years at the most, more likely sooner with the way the economy is going, when obligations will exceed contributions, and we have no reserves to meet the difference because it got spent. Then what? Gonna print up a bunch more $100 bills and hope the problem won't be noticed?

And despite the obvious problems with SS, you want to add government health care because SS is such a good example of a needed government program. A conclusion that can only come from a brain suffering from anoxia due to the head being solidly implanted in a donkey's rectal vault.

Stop spending money on other programs. Rebuilding two countries, Afghanistan and Iraq, while US citizens go without adequate food, shelter and medical care is, to any sane individual, an outrage.

Whose head is in whose rectal vault?
I admire your tenacity at being able to crawl out of bed every morning believing the things you do.

It's better to know the truth than to sculpt a 'feel good' reality based on denial.

The truth is that murderous psychopaths run the world and elitist brainwash, abstraction abuse, logical fallacies and historical revisionism are their tools.

Wake up, stooge.
It's better to know the truth than to sculpt a 'feel good' reality based on denial.

The truth is that murderous psychopaths run the world and elitist brainwash, abstraction abuse, logical fallacies and historical revisionism are their tools.

Wake up, stooge.

Are you a leader of a cult?