
Sorry, the Black Community deserves this acknowledgement, and so do women. It is a BIG first!

It’s a big first for all of us!

It’s is easy for a white guy to say we need to do this, but as a woman I need this acknowledgement of the accomplishment. We can drop the labels when the next woman VP is elected.

I appreciate your viewpoint- but as long as we continue to discriminate in terms of color or gender- negatively or positively- then we continue to acknowledge differences, negative or positive - when....in an ideal world......there shouldn't be any.
Consider me a brown idealist .
If we stop calling her ' first female ' and stop calling her ' first woman of color ' then maybe we can surmount our prejudices , good or bad, and start to treat people equally, regardless of genetics or gender. We didn't call Trump ' 45th male ' or ' 44th white tosser' did we.

It is worth shining a spotlight on this as a reminder and example to Iran, Saudi Arabia, People's Republic of China, Russia, Serbia, Mississippi, and the citizens of the world that there are places on this planet where some modest amount of equality of opportunity exists.
I appreciate your viewpoint- but as long as we continue to discriminate in terms of color or gender- negatively or positively- then we continue to acknowledge differences, negative or positive - when....in an ideal world......there shouldn't be any.
Consider me a brown idealist .
I understand and appreciate the sentiment, but this is a big deal , we broke the glass ceiling. I for one want it shouted from the roof top. We have waited for equality in this nation for a long time. Harris will go down in history! She deserves the acknowledgement.
you dont understand hw deeply ingrained identity politics is with the american left.

I don't have an issue with women being excited over the first woman VP but let's be honest, the same excitement wouldn't be there if it was a conservative woman. No way they would be celebrating like this if McCain/Palin had won. I mean look at the Girls Scout having to remove their tweet congratulating ACB for joining the Supreme Court. Says it all right there. And guarantee you if Nikki Haley is our next President they will not celebrating the same way. Can't wait for (feminist) women to have to explain to their daughters why they aren't excited about the first woman becoming President.
I understand and appreciate the sentiment, but this is a big deal , we broke the glass ceiling. I for one want it shouted from the roof top. We have waited for equality in this nation for a long time. Harris will go down in history! She deserves the acknowledgement.

Oh, she'll get it, I'm sure. I'm just looking to the future.

A little anecdote;

A kid comes home from school and tells his mum that he's been playing all day with his friends, Abdul and Simba.
' Abdul and Simba ? ' asks his mother . ' Are they black ? '
' I don't know ' says the kid. ' I'll ask them tomorrow '.

What that means to me is that- if we keep on emphasizing differences- we are actually creating them. Still- go Harris.
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After all the talk its telling that we have never had a President or vice president whose family was an American slave.

That is because the institution caused generational harm to an entire group of Americans, and we need to recognize that.

Blacks choosing to be slaves on the Democrat plantation and produce bastard children at a 75% rate does far more harm than anything you can pretend anyone else did to them.
Sorry, the Black Community deserves this acknowledgement, and so do women. It is a BIG first!

It’s a big first for all of us!

It’s is easy for a white guy to say we need to do this, but as a woman I need this acknowledgement of the accomplishment. We can drop the labels when the next woman VP is elected.

When you get something based on skin color and/or gender, it's not an accomplishment.
I understand and appreciate the sentiment, but this is a big deal , we broke the glass ceiling. I for one want it shouted from the roof top. We have waited for equality in this nation for a long time. Harris will go down in history! She deserves the acknowledgement.
Im anxiously awaiting the first LGBTQ black VP :rolleyes: how far do you want to take ID politics?
yeah it's just me. Go read the 1619 project you dummy. it's basically leftist cannon at this point

Leo Terrell was a firebrand civil rights lawyer and Democrat supporter for over 30 years till last June. He then publically supported Donald Trump which was truly earth shattering, needless to say he detests BLM.

Watch the whole video it's a real eye opener.

If we stop calling her ' first female ' and stop calling her ' first woman of color ' then maybe we can surmount our prejudices , good or bad, and start to treat people equally, regardless of genetics or gender. We didn't call Trump ' 45th male ' or ' 44th white tosser' did we.

Nope, I've always called him asshole