Has Evince passed away or been put in an asylum?


This is why I think leftists are a bigger threat to America then any terrorist group. I have never stopped talking to people because of who they voted for. Want to guess how many people have stopped talking to me because I voted for Trump? Take a guess too what party affiliation they had.
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This is why I think leftists are a bigger threat to America then any terrorist group. I have never stopped talking to people because of who try voted for. Want to guess how many people have stopped talking to me because I voted for Trump? Take a guess too what party affiliation they had.

Same here.
No, Evince used to be a courteous and measured poster, but after years of relentless abuse, physical threats, and sexual harassment by Teabaggers, Rightwingers, MAGA morons she decided to fight fire with fire.

No, Evince CAN be courteous and measured, but she's a bipolar manic schizo full of crazy and hate.
She makes Teabaggers and MAGA morons angry because she's is right a high percentage of the time on the major issues of the day.
She was right that invading Iraq was going to be dumbass idea.
She was right that George Dumbya Bush was setting us up for an economic meltdown.
She was right that the Republican Party was systematically and illegally gerrymandering to disenfranchise black voters.

Other than when she calls RWers Russian bots, her claims are almost always backed up with credible sources.
See, this makes me think she is your troll account.

But if so, it would go back decades.

I don't remember you at AWE or USMB. Maybe you just channel her?
Trolls and socks are for Rightwing losers.

Evince, Phantasmal, Jarod, Damocles, Zappa, Mott the Hoople, and I have posted together on and off for about 20 years.
Other than when she calls RWers Russian bots, her claims are almost always backed up with credible sources.

The reason Evince is almost always right on the major issues of our generation, and MAGA morons are almost always wrong is because MAGA gets almost all their information from propaganda sources, not legitimate reputable news sources.
When Marissa Mayer closed Yahoo message boards in 2012, she ended most of their traffic. I spent 10 years looking for a site that allowed me the same freedom of expression as Yahoo did. You and Damo made it difficult for me but it was worth the fight.
The reason Evince is almost always right on the major issues of our generation, and MAGA morons are almost always wrong is because MAGA gets almost all their information from propaganda sources, not legitimate reputable news sources.
Name 3 news sources that you consider to be legitimate and reputable.
Honestly,...I hope neither. For as much as we speak so poorly to each other in here I do not wish anything bad on anyone. Hope she is o.k. Havent seen her post in awhile and as we all know it just isnt like her to keep silent THIS LONG! :)

Do you miss being insulted?
That poor bastard is dumber than fuck. Typical limp wristed, liberal welfare collecithing gender confused democrat. Poor retarded fuck
Honestly,...I hope neither. For as much as we speak so poorly to each other in here I do not wish anything bad on anyone. Hope she is o.k. Havent seen her post in awhile and as we all know it just isnt like her to keep silent THIS LONG! :)

Very nice of you to say. Sometimes it's good to walk away from politics discussion once in awhile. I hope she's well!
Trolls and socks are for Rightwing losers.

Evince, Phantasmal, Jarod, Damocles, Zappa, Mott the Hoople, and I have posted together on and off for about 20 years.

I've run into Truthmatters for the last 25+ years.

But don't recall you. Truthy was a pariah at Argue With Everyone - the pinnacle of political message boards and very active until it's sudden demise. Then again at US Message Board - which was for years a good board until a change in direction a couple of years ago. She was banned years ago - wrongly in my opinion - at USMB.

But then, people change their names - I obviously have not since 2008.

I notice all on your list except Damocles are far left.
Honestly,...I hope neither. For as much as we speak so poorly to each other in here I do not wish anything bad on anyone. Hope she is o.k. Havent seen her post in awhile and as we all know it just isnt like her to keep silent THIS LONG! :)

Neither???????????????????????????????? I hope the opposite.......