Has Evince passed away or been put in an asylum?

The reason Evince is almost always right on the major issues of our generation, and MAGA morons are almost always wrong is because MAGA gets almost all their information from propaganda sources, not legitimate reputable news sources.

Yep. Their orange master has convinced them that reality is "fake news." It wasn't hard to do for people who think that a TV game show host and bankrupt criminal makes a great president. lol
When Marissa Mayer closed Yahoo message boards in 2012, she ended most of their traffic. I spent 10 years looking for a site that allowed me the same freedom of expression as Yahoo did. You and Damo made it difficult for me but it was worth the fight.

And you were yurt on yahoo
Name 3 news sources that you consider to be legitimate and reputable.

Not FOX. They recently had to pay nearly one billion dollars in punitive damages for intentionally lying to their audience.

Newsmax is similarly facing a similar multi billion dollar lawsuit.

Giuliani and Co. lost a 100 million dollar defamation case for intentionally lying to Trumpists.

Trump is on the hook for half a billion dollars in punitive damages for lying, fraud, defamation.

Alex Jones is on the hook for billions of dollars for intentionally lying to his audience.

OAN had to settle lawsuits for lying about the 2020 election.

For credibility, I look to:

Agence France-Presse
Associated Press
NY Times
USA Today
Wall Street Journal
Not FOX. They recently had to pay nearly one billion dollars in punitive damages for intentionally lying to their audience.

Newsmax is similarly facing a similar multi billion dollar lawsuit.

Giuliani and Co. lost a 100 million dollar defamation case for intentionally lying to his followers.

Trump is on the hook for half a billion dollars in punitive damages for lying, fraud, defamation.

For credibility, I look to:

Agence France-Presse
Associated Press
NY Times
USA Today
Wall Street Journal
All your so-called credible sources are stenographers for the CIA. Cyberia opened the door for independent investigative journalists who are changing the world with evidence.

The same is true with the science establishment, they get paid to come up with the results they are told to find. Covid proved that for all the world to see.
Honestly,...I hope neither. For as much as we speak so poorly to each other in here I do not wish anything bad on anyone. Hope she is o.k. Havent seen her post in awhile and as we all know it just isnt like her to keep silent THIS LONG! :)

Hopefully deader than fuck/. Just saying....
So many good Christian sentiments on this thread.

Is it any wonder why religion is losing popularity? Younger generations are smart. They see hypocrisy pretty clearly.
So many good Christian sentiments on this thread.

Is it any wonder why religion is losing popularity? Younger generations are smart. They see hypocrisy pretty clearly.

You? From the left talking about Religion?????????????????????????? LMAO.............@.........STFU.
So many good Christian sentiments on this thread.

Is it any wonder why religion is losing popularity? Younger generations are smart. They see hypocrisy pretty clearly.

You’re making the assumption that everyone who has right leaning political beliefs is a Christian and that isn’t the case.
desh is um..she's OK.

I know a place where they call her "She who must not be named". :laugh:

She's left her mark on the internet. I find her amusing. I mean, I know her schtick. :laugh:

You russo bot hole!