Has pepper spray replaced guns as THE CHOICE for home defense?

Guns don't kill, but gun shooters kill a lot of people though not as many as car drivers kill. Why don't you america-hating liberals ever complain about cars?. We could save 5,000 lives every year by merely lowering speed limits to 55 but you say no way.

Quote the person or persons here saying "No way" to reduced speed limits, racist liar.
You have stats on speed limits relating to highway fatalities.
Do you know how many die from guns in the home?

 Guns in the home increase risk: Rather than being used for self-defense, guns in the home
are 22 times more likely to be involved in accidental shootings, homicides, or suicide
attempts. For every one time a gun in the home was used in a self-defense or legally
justifiable shooting, there were 4 unintentional shootings, 7 criminal assaults or homicides,
and 11 attempted or completed suicides.i

I keep pepper spray in my truck and in my purse but I'd still feel safer confronting an intruder with a gun. I'm probably more comfortable handling a gun than the spray.

Are you married, and how old are you? You are just the kind of girl I want my son to bring home to meet the parents! lol
Yep I was banned for saying some things after you baited me into an argument, and then you whined to the mods when I verbally smacked you around, and hurt your little feelings, but you remember!

So it's someone elses' fault when you do something wrong?

Did you teach your son the same conservative values?
You asked for proof that lowering speed limits to 55 would save 5000 lives a year and i showed that when we did it in 1974 it saved 9000.!!! Address that, hater.

No, I didn't ask "for proof that lowering speed limits to 55 would save 5000 lives a year".

I asked for proof that I said "no way" to lowering speed limits.

We could save 5,000 lives every year by merely lowering speed limits to 55 but you say no way.

Try again.