Has pepper spray replaced guns as THE CHOICE for home defense?

I predicted you'd say that. Looks as though I was correct.

You sure cry about it a lot for someone who claims no to want something, don't you?

You sure make ASSumptions about things that simply aren't true. It's sad you think honorable white people want to be like your freeloading kind.
I predicted that you'd lie, and I was right. You should apologize to your wife (if you have one) for disappointing her.

You don't apologize when there'e nothing to apologize for.

You should apologize to your baby daddy for producing such a worthless cunt. I know you have one but I doubt you know who he is. Your mother doesn't know who he is.
No, you asked what they had that I didn't I answered your question!

I answered with the same thing yesterday and the retard considered it envy. Because Troll is on welfare, the thought must be that everyone either is or wants to be on it.
You two little men are obsessed with what you think black men are getting that you aren't.

Here's something a black man is getting that you aren't, and there are lots like her who appreciate living large.

Food stamps and welfare. Sad part is you think it's normal because so many of your kind rely on whites to support them that you think it bothers me that I don't have them. Don't want them. Unlike your people, I prefer to support myself. Your kind prefers to have bastards and expect white people to support them.

And don't forget affirmative action. Most blacks would starve without all the special treatment whites give them.
You two little men are obsessed with what you think black men are getting that you aren't.

Here's something a black man is getting that you aren't, and there are lots like her who appreciate living large.


Last chance, I am jealous of nothing, I am married to a beautiful God fearing woman, and have no jealousy of anyone. I also do not care about inter racial marriages doesn't bother me a bit! Care to comment on the subject matter which you have derailed with your mindless blathering
You two little men are obsessed with what you think black men are getting that you aren't.

Here's something a black man is getting that you aren't, and there are lots like her who appreciate living large.


Just another piece of trash lowering herself.

You know what white trash women lowering themselves become by dating blacks? One step closer to single motherhood.