has this site gone right wing?

LOL. True.

But the mods there actively promote conservative viewpoints.

I think here there are still a fairly active number of liberals, it's just that the post volume from the conservative side is making up for that. And the conservatives seem to post the most threads. LadyT, evince, darla, etc., a lot of bigtime liberal posters, have all stopped posting, and the lack of a solid team to lean on is, I think, hurting the liberal partisans who are left ehre.
So, find us some friends to post. The site has been both, there rarely seems to be an equal measure of both and when there is I hear complaints from both sides about the partisanship of the site...


It's an ebb and flow thing. It will flow the other way, especially if and when the right wing comes back to power.
The internet in general is dominated by at least an independent conservative and libertarian point of view, besides those sites who's moderators actively promote liberalism and ban conservatives. This site was sort of a rare exception, and I'm not sure it will ebb back in the other direction unless some of our strong liberal posters come back.
It looks like only cons are left here.

I don't think I have ever met or come across more than a handful of left wing Americans. What you regard as left wing we regard as middle of the road. Your so called democrats are frequently to the right of the British Conservative party. I think this skewed view (that sounds good, Ill say it again, 'skewed view') is partly responsible for the ignorance of other cultures so often exhibited by Americans. The defence mechanism is, of course, 'we don't care what you think' etc, etc, ad nauseam.
The knowledge you choose to impart to your children at school and your population in general is truly entirely your own business but it certainly is not going to help you take your rightful place in the world order. When you kick heads on the way up they tend to be elsewhere when you are coming down.
Your education has been designed to over simplify your view of the world. You are taught fear and hatred at your mothers' knee (those who have mothers) and those attitudes stay with you for life.
A Ms Jane Elliot was recently conducting one of her workshops in the UK. She is an American ex teacher. She likes to be known as 'the bitch' (not the best start if you want British people to take you seriously). She came to show the poor ignorant British just how racist they are. She had been conducting these workshops for the last forty years - mostly in America.
Her workshop was not the greatest success in the world and she has vowed never to put on another one in Britain.
I mention this because this doyen of the American teaching profession, this self styled expert on racism and prejudice honestly thought that the world was like America. Total failure.
Not much chance, then, for the lesser educated mortals of the US to even begin to understand that when they winge and whine about 'liberals' and 'conservatives' and 'commies' and 'fascists' the rest of the world has a tendency to be just a little scathing.
And, my goodness, aren't THEY well represented here? US this and US that and Asshole this and Redneck southern that. There isnt a cats chance in hell that they will ever understand life outside their trailer parks.
I don't think I have ever met or come across more than a handful of left wing Americans. What you regard as left wing we regard as middle of the road. Your so called democrats are frequently to the right of the British Conservative party. I think this skewed view (that sounds good, Ill say it again, 'skewed view') is partly responsible for the ignorance of other cultures so often exhibited by Americans. The defence mechanism is, of course, 'we don't care what you think' etc, etc, ad nauseam.

isn't that equally shortsighted?....when you consider Asia, Africa, and South America both Americans and Europeans become extremely "left".....the fact that Europe has deteriorated more quickly than the US is hardly to your credit......
isn't that equally shortsighted?....when you consider Asia, Africa, and South America both Americans and Europeans become extremely "left".....the fact that Europe has deteriorated more quickly than the US is hardly to your credit......

You have rather missed, or avoided, the point. The point was/is that you bandy these terms about, well within earshot of those 'pesky furriners' and in so doing you make communication doubly hard for those whose job it is to try to make the world a better place.
Clearly you and your brainwashed redneck brethren will not be able to agree with that despite its glaring truth so I suggest you go and help your wife in the kitchen. She has a Sunday lunch to prepare.
isn't that equally shortsighted?....when you consider Asia, Africa, and South America both Americans and Europeans become extremely "left".....the fact that Europe has deteriorated more quickly than the US is hardly to your credit......

I wonder if you remember this:

You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!
It seems all the threads I see are from the right wing crack pots.
I'd say that has more to do with a slow news cycle and that not a lot of new political issues are coming to the for, that or a few issues are drowning out the others. If you look at the predominance of the right wing threads started most of them are the same old stupid brain dead "Man Bites Dog!" crack pot threads that they ussually post. Be patient or better yet, start posting new threads! :)
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I don't think I have ever met or come across more than a handful of left wing Americans. What you regard as left wing we regard as middle of the road. Your so called democrats are frequently to the right of the British Conservative party. I think this skewed view (that sounds good, Ill say it again, 'skewed view') is partly responsible for the ignorance of other cultures so often exhibited by Americans. The defence mechanism is, of course, 'we don't care what you think' etc, etc, ad nauseam.
The knowledge you choose to impart to your children at school and your population in general is truly entirely your own business but it certainly is not going to help you take your rightful place in the world order. When you kick heads on the way up they tend to be elsewhere when you are coming down.
Your education has been designed to over simplify your view of the world. You are taught fear and hatred at your mothers' knee (those who have mothers) and those attitudes stay with you for life.
A Ms Jane Elliot was recently conducting one of her workshops in the UK. She is an American ex teacher. She likes to be known as 'the bitch' (not the best start if you want British people to take you seriously). She came to show the poor ignorant British just how racist they are. She had been conducting these workshops for the last forty years - mostly in America.
Her workshop was not the greatest success in the world and she has vowed never to put on another one in Britain.
I mention this because this doyen of the American teaching profession, this self styled expert on racism and prejudice honestly thought that the world was like America. Total failure.
Not much chance, then, for the lesser educated mortals of the US to even begin to understand that when they winge and whine about 'liberals' and 'conservatives' and 'commies' and 'fascists' the rest of the world has a tendency to be just a little scathing.
And, my goodness, aren't THEY well represented here? US this and US that and Asshole this and Redneck southern that. There isnt a cats chance in hell that they will ever understand life outside their trailer parks.
There is indeed a frightening trend in American politics towards parochialism.
You have rather missed, or avoided, the point. The point was/is that you bandy these terms about, well within earshot of those 'pesky furriners' and in so doing you make communication doubly hard for those whose job it is to try to make the world a better place.
Clearly you and your brainwashed redneck brethren will not be able to agree with that despite its glaring truth so I suggest you go and help your wife in the kitchen. She has a Sunday lunch to prepare.
:good4u: I'd give you rep points for this but I just gave them to you for the previous post! LOL PiMP not only completely missed your point, he demonstrated your point via his own parochialism.
You have rather missed, or avoided, the point. The point was/is that you bandy these terms about, well within earshot of those 'pesky furriners' and in so doing you make communication doubly hard for those whose job it is to try to make the world a better place.
Clearly you and your brainwashed redneck brethren will not be able to agree with that despite its glaring truth so I suggest you go and help your wife in the kitchen. She has a Sunday lunch to prepare.

no, I didn't miss the point, I merely repointed you to the fact that lots of those "pesky furriners" think that both you and I are hopelessly liberal (though you considerably more than me).....you and I combined, are members of a very small "leftish" component in the world's political arena.....

as for the world being a better place, I find Europeans particularly unaware of what it means....Europe is often vaunted as the happiest place on earth.....babies, so long as someone has just provide them with a bottle and changed their nappies, are probably the happiest creatures on the earth.....however, like Europeans and probably for the same reason, they haven't a clue what the real world is like......
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