"Hate Begets Hate" and Civil Politics

Hello Flash,

Big money is big power in political campaigning. It pays for propaganda which can easily cause voters to avoid voting for a candidate if they believe rumors. It also causes voters to become disenchanted and avoid voting altogether.
There is nothing in the Constitution limiting power to white land holding males. Voter qualifications were left to the states and they could have said only females could vote. Some states from the time of the Articles of Confederation allowed free blacks to vote and some allowed property holding females to vote. So, any discrimination based on sex, property, occurred only in the states--the Constitution makes no such distinctions.

But you are correct that they clearly made the decision to not create a democracy in which the majority could impose its will on the minority.

Yes, let's talk about what actually happened, and you have here, thanks.
Hello Flash,

Big money is big power in political campaigning. It pays for propaganda which can easily cause voters to avoid voting for a candidate if they believe rumors. It also causes voters to become disenchanted and avoid voting altogether.

Concentrated wealth and power is the issue, power always does what concentrated power does. The american public allowed themselves to get mindfucked into believing that wealth redistribution to the aristocracy is not wealth redistribution whereas wealth redistribution across society is evil. Fits very nicely with the mindfuck of a male dominator god chain of command.
You are saying the wealthy decided your vote? Which candidate(s) did you switch to or away from before money changed your mind?

I meant did people view the system any differently with public financing. People still thought big money bought elections. However, the wealthy still had PACS because they could spend the money on the campaign but just could not contribute to the candidate or party.

It is not just the wealthy who have PACs. 10 million people contributing $5 each becomes a wealthy PAC. To think money from wealthy people is any more influential than money from the middle class is irrational. Large influential PACs composed of ordinary citizens joining together contribute large sums--unions, NRA, environmental, and ideological groups are examples.

Under what congressional power can Congress regulate how much a person can spend? That was struck down long before Citizens United.

Are you saying money and ads do not change votes? Then why is your mailbox full of political money requests? Your argument is inane. Money =power. Money = the ability to reach voters and the ability to offer your side over, and over and over again.
Are you saying money and ads do not change votes? Then why is your mailbox full of political money requests? Your argument is inane. Money =power. Money = the ability to reach voters and the ability to offer your side over, and over and over again.

Then give me an example of how money changed your vote.