Hate the government, obey the police

Having been a professional investigator (in various capacities) for most of my life, I know that I have had more interactions with cops than anyone who has posted in this thread. The police will respect you more for exercising your rights calmly and showing that you know what those rights are than by lying or being belligerent. Just be mellow and ask if you are free to go. If the answer is "yes," shut up and leave.

And here is another suggestion which will make the Nordberg and Nomad twins crazy. Carry a legally licensed concealed weapon and say so right away. The first words out of the officer's mouth will be, "Okay, where is it." Answer. The officer will say, "Okay, let's just leave it where it is." Followed by, "Do you have a permit?" From that point on, civility is guaranteed, and you will probably get out of a citation.


Having been a professional investigator (in various capacities) for most of my life, I know that I have had more interactions with cops than anyone who has posted in this thread. The police will respect you more for exercising your rights calmly and showing that you know what those rights are than by lying or being belligerent. Just be mellow and ask if you are free to go. If the answer is "yes," shut up and leave.

And here is another suggestion which will make the Nordberg and Nomad twins crazy. Carry a legally licensed concealed weapon and say so right away. The first words out of the officer's mouth will be, "Okay, where is it." Answer. The officer will say, "Okay, let's just leave it where it is." Followed by, "Do you have a permit?" From that point on, civility is guaranteed, and you will probably get out of a citation.

pure and simple horseshit.

watch the video below and understand that this is AFTER the police chief acknowledged that open carry is legal and nobody would be detained, assaulted, or otherwise ILLEGALLY approached about open carrying.
