Hate the government, obey the police

the whole concept of standing up to bad cops is foreign to you, isn't it? you can't even imagine a lowly serf civilian daring to do such a thing, can you? I suggest you look up some open carry incidents on youtube, but that might shatter your bubble of your beliefs.

You are a phony.

My guess is if a cop tells you to do something...you fucking do it. You just don't have the balls to acknowledge it. That's where the balls come in...not in defying a cop.

And for certain you do not have the balls to give a cop any shit.

So...sell that bullshit to someone stupid enough to buy it. I am not that person.

LOL you can be a real bastard sometimes Skidmark! LOL
If a cop tells you to SIT DOWN...do not ask, "Why."

Do not even look for a chair.

Just sit.

And shut the fuck up.

You can say what you have to say in front of a judge...and almost certainly will not get shot.

and when a cop calls you stupid, never, ever, ever say “I’m smart enough not to be a cop.”
When I was a kid going to school in Boston during the 1960s, the old Irish cops were tough.
I was a twenty-year old college kid and a bit over-served, when some big cop, about fifty years old, didn't threaten me with arrest.
He lifted me off the floor by my jacket lapels and suggested that I go home, smiling the whole time.
He made it seem like a hell of a good idea. He earned my respect without causing me any harm.

Too many of todays law enforcement officers, especially in middle America and the south, are scared of their own shadows. Look at them sideways and they cap your ass.
Especially if you're African American. They all but soil themselves and reach for their guns.
No. Just no. If you are a regular citizen, just going along doing regular citizen shit, and a cop pulls you over for nothing, you absolutely have the right -- maybe even the obligation -- to resist being searched, handcuffed, and otherwise hassled.

Cops are 95% decent ppl just doing their jobs. There are rogue ones though, and those are the ones who make the rest look bad.

Absolutely you have that right and they have no right to kill you or beat the shit out you for doing so.

Having said that this not a philosophical discussion you want to have while breathing through a tube in ICU.

Discretion is the better part of valor.
You're a statist p-word and that's worse than anything you could call me. Have I ever mentioned that the only way to tell a Nordberg post from your posts is to look in the upper left corner? Are you the same person?

Do you think calling me a "statist p-word" bothers me in the least?

Do you think it even registers?

I doesn't.

You are a zero.

You are less than zero.

Eat shit and die.
Having been a professional investigator (in various capacities) for most of my life, I know that I have had more interactions with cops than anyone who has posted in this thread. The police will respect you more for exercising your rights calmly and showing that you know what those rights are than by lying or being belligerent. Just be mellow and ask if you are free to go. If the answer is "yes," shut up and leave.

And here is another suggestion which will make the Nordberg and Nomad twins crazy. Carry a legally licensed concealed weapon and say so right away. The first words out of the officer's mouth will be, "Okay, where is it." Answer. The officer will say, "Okay, let's just leave it where it is." Followed by, "Do you have a permit?" From that point on, civility is guaranteed, and you will probably get out of a citation.
I'm not sure where I stand on Owl back sassing the Police and then getting Tazed ... over and over and over and ...
I'm not sure where I stand on Owl back sassing the Police and then getting Tazed ... over and over and over and ...

I'd suggest she does...:laugh:

Good morning....
(that was my suggestion, as well;)

I would love to be a fly on the wall and watch Bowel shoot her mouth off to a cop for stopping her. She would look funny as hell slammed against the ground for resisting the police.
There's no guarantee you won't be shot anyways. Why wouldn't a cop shoot you? It's not like they have anything to lose.


I am always polite and respectful to LEOs, same as I am with anyone else. That being said, if they ask to search my car I will request that they get a warrant first. I don't own drugs, and don't carry weapons around in my car either, but that isn't the point. Are you guys all claiming that if you're pulled over for some reason, like speeding, tail-light out, improper lane usage, etc. and they ask to search your car and person, that you would let them absent a warrant?

I am always polite and respectful to LEOs, same as I am with anyone else. That being said, if they ask to search my car I will request that they get a warrant first. I don't own drugs, and don't carry weapons around in my car either, but that isn't the point. Are you guys all claiming that if you're pulled over for some reason, like speeding, tail-light out, improper lane usage, etc. and they ask to search your car and person, that you would let them absent a warrant?


You? Polite?
