Hate the government, obey the police

do you need a safe space? i see you're from new jersey, which also explains a few things, but here in TX, we can carry firearms OPENLY, so they already see it. and it's LEGAL, yet that doesn't stop your fucking heroes from assaulting us immediately, but you probably think THEIR safety is more important than the rights of the people, don't you, simpleton coward??????

Okay...so be the brave guy you seem to think you are.

Cop stops you...you give him all the shit you can!

Let him know you are above the scraping and bowing of the common guy. That you are smarter than he.

Make sure you tell him you consider him an armed extortion agent...and that YOU are armed.

Hell man...a guy with your balls probably wants to hunt grizzly bears with a Bowie knife!

in other words, obey the government and let the government sort it out later if you think government was wrong..........said no founding father EVER

Wrong; but then you get a lot wrong. When approached by cops be respectful and obey their commands. Most likely, the outcome will be positive.

Act like a moron, and the results can be very different. Why do you moronically pretend we are not a nation of laws?
ask daniel holtzclaws victims.............

Only an idiot claims an isolated incident is the norm. But in this case, he used blackmail on his victims. They knew he was acting illegally.

On December 10, 2015, an all-white jury convicted him on 18 of 36 charges, and on January 21, 2016, he was sentenced to 263 years in prison.
Tell ya what.

Teach your kids that if they are ever stopped by a cop...to be defiant.

You will be doing things to improve the gene pool.

Not often one comes across someone as ignorant as you...who would choose a screen name like you have...but it does happen. And best to get a good laugh out of it.


You know in most of the civilized world people don't have to fear the cops, they don't have the right to summarily execute you for any mild disrespect on your part and are restrained in dealing out death. Somehow their society keeps functioning, even though in places like Germany the police only kill about 10 people a year on average. Compared to like a thousand a year in the US.
Okay...so be the brave guy you seem to think you are.

Cop stops you...you give him all the shit you can!

Let him know you are above the scraping and bowing of the common guy. That you are smarter than he.

Make sure you tell him you consider him an armed extortion agent...and that YOU are armed.

Hell man...a guy with your balls probably wants to hunt grizzly bears with a Bowie knife!

the whole concept of standing up to bad cops is foreign to you, isn't it? you can't even imagine a lowly serf civilian daring to do such a thing, can you? I suggest you look up some open carry incidents on youtube, but that might shatter your bubble of your beliefs.
Wrong; but then you get a lot wrong. When approached by cops be respectful and obey their commands. Most likely, the outcome will be positive.

Act like a moron, and the results can be very different. Why do you moronically pretend we are not a nation of laws?

good thing that those approached by daniel holtzclaw just obeyed his commands, right?
Only an idiot claims an isolated incident is the norm. But in this case, he used blackmail on his victims. They knew he was acting illegally.

On December 10, 2015, an all-white jury convicted him on 18 of 36 charges, and on January 21, 2016, he was sentenced to 263 years in prison.

he isn't the ONLY one, and he used his power as a cop to do such a thing, yet you demand that everyone follow a cops commands. what the fuck does that make you?
You know in most of the civilized world people don't have to fear the cops, they don't have the right to summarily execute you for any mild disrespect on your part and are restrained in dealing out death. Somehow their society keeps functioning, even though in places like Germany the police only kill about 10 people a year on average. Compared to like a thousand a year in the US.

We don't have to fear our cops; that's for idiots. We do have to respect them like other countries.

If you think American cops are bad, you're going to hate German or Moroccan cops. You don't get out much do you?
the whole concept of standing up to bad cops is foreign to you, isn't it? you can't even imagine a lowly serf civilian daring to do such a thing, can you? I suggest you look up some open carry incidents on youtube, but that might shatter your bubble of your beliefs.

The whole concept of respecting cops seems foreign to you. You're grasp on reality is indicative of lunacy.
how do you fucksticks function in society without knowing the law? oh, you immediately submit like a slave, don't you? I don't have to present identification unless i'm being arrested. and why shouldn't a cop have to explain before conducting a search or arrest? or do you think that government should be able to do whatever the hell they want and then complain to the government later when you've been wronged by the government??????

"The U.S. Supreme Court gave its seal of approval to stop-and-identify laws in 2004. The case in question involved a Nevada police officer who was dispatched to investigate a roadside domestic violence incident. When the officer arrived, he found a woman sitting in a parked pickup truck and a man standing beside the vehicle. Whatever dispute witnesses had seen was apparently over, and so when asked to hand over his ID, the male suspect refused, claiming there was no evidence he'd broken the law. The officer explained that he was conducting an investigation, and that the man would be arrested if he didn't identify himself. Arrest me, the man said. The officer obliged, and Larry Hiibel was convicted and fined for obstruction. Hiibel appealed his conviction all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing that the order to identify himself had violated his Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights.

Five of SCOTUS's nine justices—Anthony Kennedy, William Rehnquist, Sandra Day O'Connor, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas—disagreed on these grounds:

1.) Nevada's stop-and-identify statute granted police reasonable authority that, when exercised appropriately (like during a domestic violence call) outweighs the privacy of a suspect.

2.) Asking for ID is consistent with the "purpose, rationale and practical demands of a Terry stop." By arguing that the Terry ruling allows for stop-and-identify (it's also what allows for stop-and-frisk in NY), the court rejected the idea that Nevada's law would allow police to demand ID without cause. There has to be a "lawful basis for the stop in the first place," and a domestic violence report falls in that category."
We don't have to fear our cops
that's an asinine position. we have cops who don't have to know the law, can make mistakes about the law, can arrest someone even if they haven't broken the law, and can point guns at people even if they haven't broken the law.
cops are the standing army our founders warned us about.