Hate the government, obey the police

Strawman; it's distrust the Government, which includes the police, but obey the police and laws.

I know, leftist idiots think you should just ignore police commands, run away or fight with the police. That's moronic of course.

in other words, obey the government and let the government sort it out later if you think government was wrong..........said no founding father EVER

And to resist can be a very dumb thing to do.

Best to comply...and if you think you have been wronged...to go through the process of reporting the officer and following up.

But...for the ones who want to teach their kids to "stand up for their rights"...go for it.

Teach them how to resist the instructions if a police officer.

What could possibly go wrong?

ask daniel holtzclaws victims.............
the job is to extort money and harass civilians, making them anything but decent.

Someone should run you off the road and then while you're laying there bleeding, take your wallet. Then when the police arrive, they tell you there's nothing they can do for you and leave.
yet you still haven't answered the very simple question.............would you follow ALL orders from a cop, even the unlawful ones. and if not, what would you do when given an unlawful order? or does your all too comfortable familiarity with familial law enforcement not allow your small brain to accommodate such a reality?

You are a fucking simpleton...and you are doing what simpleton's do.

So continue to do it...and I will laugh my ass off at you.

In the meantime, I expect a BRAVE guy like you will defy any police officer giving you instructions...and you will undoubtedly teach your kids to defy them also.


I am impressed.
The notion that the accused in america are legally entitled to a trial is fiction, 95% of the incarcerated in the US "take" a plea "deal" and never see a trial. Fweedumb.

Who forced them to take the deal? You're a prime example of how badly our educational establishment has failed us.
Some are comfortable with the police being able to murder citizens in the street with impunity, as we've seen. Certain citizens only of course, for now.

That fiction doesn't occur. But a lot of leftist and libertarian dumbfucks think you should ignore the police and run from them.
You are a fucking simpleton...and you are doing what simpleton's do.

So continue to do it...and I will laugh my ass off at you.

In the meantime, I expect a BRAVE guy like you will defy any police officer giving you instructions...and you will undoubtedly teach your kids to defy them also.


I am impressed.

you are actually the simpleton. I'll bet you dont even know what rights you have when dealing with police officers. do you? but I do, because i've been forced to. most big city cops dont take well to civilians carrying guns even though it's well within the law and a constitutional right. but then, you'd let the courts figure that out for you after you've been beaten and arrested, wouldn't you? coward.
yet you still haven't answered the very simple question.............would you follow ALL orders from a cop, even the unlawful ones. and if not, what would you do when given an unlawful order? or does your all too comfortable familiarity with familial law enforcement not allow your small brain to accommodate such a reality?

You are a fucking simpleton...and you are doing what simpleton's do.

So continue to do it...and I will laugh my ass off at you.


In the meantime, I expect a BRAVE guy like you will defy any police officer giving you instructions...and you will undoubtedly teach your kids to defy them also.


I am impressed.

And don't forget to add that "you are an armed government extortion agent."

You show them what you are made of!!!

You da man!
you are actually the simpleton. I'll bet you dont even know what rights you have when dealing with police officers. do you? but I do, because i've been forced to. most big city cops dont take well to civilians carrying guns even though it's well within the law and a constitutional right. but then, you'd let the courts figure that out for you after you've been beaten and arrested, wouldn't you? coward.

Oh...you are so brave!

I am in awe!

You be sure to let those cops know how you feel...what you think of them.

And be sure to let them know that you are carrying!

Fucking simpleton is what you are!
" am I being detained?"
" what reasonable articulate suspicion do you have that I have committed a crime, am committing a crime, or am about to commit a crime?"
Questions that should ALWAYS be asked of any cop stopping you for no apparent reason.

A police officer does not have to explain his probable cause to you before conducting a search or arrest (although they usually do on COPS).

If they are just asking questions you can ask if you are being detained and ask if you are free to leave. You must present identification if asked.
Oh...you are so brave!

I am in awe!

You be sure to let those cops know how you feel...what you think of them.

And be sure to let them know that you are carrying!

Fucking simpleton is what you are!

do you need a safe space? i see you're from new jersey, which also explains a few things, but here in TX, we can carry firearms OPENLY, so they already see it. and it's LEGAL, yet that doesn't stop your fucking heroes from assaulting us immediately, but you probably think THEIR safety is more important than the rights of the people, don't you, simpleton coward??????
How do you know what their reason is for pulling you over? What if you match the description of someone who's wanted in connection with a serious crime?

That's why you keep your hands where he can see them and have him your ID when asked for it. How hard is that?

And if, for whatever reason, the cop thinks you might be attempting to pull out a weapon with which you could injure or kill him, you might very well get yourself shot and killed.

The cop wont think that if you don't act like a moron and ignore his instructions. How hard is that?

Hope it was worth it to make whatever point you think you made.

A better point would be shout at the cop and ignore his instructions?

Of course, you being a middle aged white woman, the chances of you getting anything worse than tased or a face full of pepper spray, is pretty remote.

The law doesn't see any difference in gender or color. If you act stupid, you'll be treated badly.

Not the same for a man.

Didn't you want to type black man?

I've been pulled over several times. Not once was I threatened and followed the cops instructions explicitly. This is only hard to comprehend if you're an idiot and watch too much MSNBC.
A police officer does not have to explain his probable cause to you before conducting a search or arrest (although they usually do on COPS).

If they are just asking questions you can ask if you are being detained and ask if you are free to leave. You must present identification if asked.

how do you fucksticks function in society without knowing the law? oh, you immediately submit like a slave, don't you? I don't have to present identification unless i'm being arrested. and why shouldn't a cop have to explain before conducting a search or arrest? or do you think that government should be able to do whatever the hell they want and then complain to the government later when you've been wronged by the government??????
No. Just no. If you are a regular citizen, just going along doing regular citizen shit, and a cop pulls you over for nothing, you absolutely have the right -- maybe even the obligation -- to resist being searched, handcuffed, and otherwise hassled.

Cops are 95% decent ppl just doing their jobs. There are rogue ones though, and those are the ones who make the rest look bad.

Tbh I never argue with cops when they pull me over. I just think that's a shitty excuse for justifying the shootings that have been going on.