Hatred Of Goverrnment Is Basically Wrong

Hello ptif219,

The greedy rich and powerful love false patriotism.

Fly a bunch of American flags to sell a bunch of imported cars.

Make America great again by jacking up prices during a pandemic. That's what the rich and powerful are doing for you.

They love seeing American flags dragged in the dirt behind a pick up truck, flogged to shreds right alongside a Trump flag.

It's like money in their pocket. They know that driver is gonna vote Republican and give the super-rich more power to rip us all off.

You show you have no clue. Democrats tried to shut down the econ0my to make Trump look bad and you are stupid enough to believe annd can't even see what a bunch os corrupt liars the democrats are
America can be greater if we drop the animosity.

We, the citizens of America, share this country. We are from many cultures. We have to be accepting of others who are different from us.

Our diversity is not 'something we have to put up with.' Our diversity is a strength. It is a benefit to have so many different views.

Freedom means we have to accept that we share a country with others who are different. Freedom means we need to live and let live. It's wrong to tell others how to live. If people aren't hurting anybody they must be accepted as is, no constraints, no limitations.

Freedom also means we are going to have public opinion shaping organizations such as Fox News, with Tucker Carlson and the like, looking to stir up as much hatred for others and for the government as possible. They will find plenty of willing ears. Hating the government goes back to hillbilly moonshiners wanting to make their own liquor and opposing government regulation of alcohol. It got to be a big thing in the country to hate on the government.

Fox News took over the rural cable districts way back when cable companies were divvying up the market. The big established networks didn't want the rural regions. Fox picked up on this rural resentment of government and Democrats a long time ago. Fox is a professional hate monger outfit parading as a news source. If they were really fair and balanced they wouldn't have to repeat it over and over. It would be apparent. They are anything but.

Fox uses sensationalism to get emotions all stirred up because studies show that when emotions are raised people are more susceptible to advertising. It works. Fox uses it. They don't present the balanced news at all. They present what gets people all riled up and then they hit 'em with a commercial because it works. Advertisers get more attention that way, sell more product, pay more to Fox to run ads in their scientifically diabolical way.

People of higher understanding can plainly see this dynamic. Those caught up in it don't want to admit it is going on.

Liberals and Democrats are not your enemy. We are your fellow American citizens. We love America and we want to see prosperity and freedom just as much as you do. We share our past, our history and more importantly we all share the same future.

Hatred of your fellow Americans is out of place. We are a union. We have to stick together. It's OK to disagree. Our country was founded on that concept of allowing people to have and express their own views. That's the beauty of America, our freedom. And yes, our diversity.

We have plenty of enemies. Your fellow Americans are not among them. We are all in this together. USA! USA! USA!

Hatred of our government in general is wrong. Our government is not perfect and never claimed to be. It has always been, and always will be, a work in progress. It is designed to allow freedom of expression and fair representation. If you don't like someone's views say why. Don't call them names or hate on them. That is counterproductive.

Government is not the problem. Government is doing exactly what it can be expected to under the influence of big money. It is big money that tells government what to do, not we the people.

If we want to take back our country, take back our government for We, The People, we have to get the big money out of government and return to fair representation. The problem is that corruption is totally legal. We have to make corruption illegal. It's a tall order. The current Congress won't do it, and simply voting them all out won't do it either because most of the replacements will be corrupted just as quickly. We have to make corruption itself illegal. We can do that. Start at the local level. Pass the Anti-Corruption Act in as many cities, towns and counties as possible. Put local candidates on the spot. Are they in favor of corruption or not? The smart ones will say they are against corruption. Make them prove it by passing anti-corruption laws. Model legislation is widely available. After we get this on local books we can send anti-corruption candidates of both parties to DC and get it nationwide.

This would be a good first place to go after we get over dumb useless hatred that only works for the super-rich who want to keep us dysfunctional.

Stop hating. Start thinking. For the good of America.

Yes, it's a long term solution because it has to be. There is no easy quick fix. But pursuing this is worth it. Let's leave America better than what we were born into.

Don't be strung along. See the big picture long term. Think for yourself. Do you really believe in America? Then show it. Make America Better.
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This sums up how America truly becomes greater...

The man that owns the boat, and the guy that rows the boat, rarely has time to rock it. Only the man who isn't doing anything to move the boat ahead is willing to risk capsizing it.

That is to say, we need to get back to a country that celebrates ownership and hard work, and those that are willing to do neither need a swift, hard kick to the curb as a reality check.
America is for people who appreciate the government we created, understand it is not perfect, and strive to improve it.

America is for people who can peacefully and lovingly share a country with other people not like them.

America is not for people who think they have a right to force their way upon others.

America is not for insolent extremists.
Remember when dems used the FBI and social media to force Biden on us, then stated the adults were back in charge?

Adults negotiate peace, psychopaths instigate WW3.