Hello ptif219,
The government is not for the people anymore
That is because corruption is legal.
Government is not the problem. Big money controlling it. That's the problem.
Anybody who can't see that is part of the problem.
Anybody who thinks government is the problem is part of the problem.
Government has no reason to want to 'get you.'
Government has no reason to be mean to you.
Government is not ripping you off. Government is not making any profits. Government is deeply in debt.
That's because the greedy rich and powerful control the government and prevent it from collecting enough taxes from the greedy rich and powerful.
Who is directing government? Who is telling government what to do? Republicans have the House, the Supreme Court, and a large enough part of the Senate to prevent anything they don't want. Republicans have most State governments.
Republicans could have solved immigration when they had all three branches. They didn't do a thing. No new immigration legislation.
Republicans could have voted to put up a wall. They failed.
Republicans could have repealed Obamacare when they had the chance. They failed.
Republicans could have cut Social Security and Medicare when they had the chance. They failed.
Republicans could have cut spending when they had the chance. They failed.
Republicans could have rejected the super-rich and powerful control of government when they had the chance. They failed.
Here's the way it is. Republicans are letting us down.
If we want government in control of the greedy rich and powerful the thing to do is put Republicans in charge.
Republicans ignore what the people want and only do what the super rich greedy and powerful want them to. Tax cuts for the rich.
Permanent tax cuts for the rich. Temporary tax cuts for the rest of us that expire in 2027.
Like your Trump tax cut? Enjoy it while you can. You'll be paying higher taxes in 2027.
Thank you, Donald Trump, for screwing us all as you helped out yourself and your rich buddies.
Make America gag again.