Hatred Of Goverrnment Is Basically Wrong

The Republican Party has been failing for years to attract enough support with it's traditional message of small government and Christian values, so they have had to resort to dirty tricks such as gerrymandering, election suppression, and the racism of Trumpism using direct appeals to extremists and emotional government haters. Any way Republicans can get votes is now good enough for them.

They have even courted a very dangerous mindset that wants to abandon the struggle for free election democracy in Ukraine and essentially hand it over to authoritarian Putin's conquests. That is dangerous because giving Putin an inch is not going to stop him from taking a mile and worse, what kind of message does it send to China for America to be a push-over that gives in to a fight?

An evidence of "election suppression"? Is that why leftists were so horny for mail in ballots sent to old outdated addresses so that people could vote twice?
An evidence of "election suppression"? Is that why leftists were so horny for mail in ballots sent to old outdated addresses so that people could vote twice?

Leftists want to make elections as opaque and corrupt as possible. They want stuff like all-mail-in ballots, no voter ID, automatic voter registration, ballot harvesting, and the like all to increase the means to cheat and conduct voter fraud undetected.
Leftists want to make elections as opaque and corrupt as possible. They want stuff like all-mail-in ballots, no voter ID, automatic voter registration, ballot harvesting, and the like all to increase the means to cheat and conduct voter fraud undetected.

All accurate
Hatred itself is wrong. It really hurts the hater more than the hated.

But hatred of government is beyond dumb. It is hating the one thing that makes America America.

It's like hating our Constitution, the article that established government.
Forbes: A stunning 88% of Americans now believe the U.S. is on the wrong track.

The other 12% are idiots.
As for decades of this Christian Nation SCOTUS national religion of Christiananality Mohammed pedophilia under color of law interpretation "one nation under God with equal justice under law" where Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam for the suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement schizophrenic "man is God" thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists Klues Klucks duh Klans of why Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam to those crooks on Capital Hill, but SCOTUS isn't a Fourth Reich July 9/11 supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court ....


Did you cut up a dictionary and randomly choose words from the resulting salad-like pile? Just curious...

Did you cut up a dictionary and randomly choose words from the resulting salad-like pile? Just curious...

Yet 2 decades later yet another Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 Reichquester where granting standing to Bicentennial thieving US Navy Hospital Constitution Bill of Rights arson on a cross for thieving more than 2 dozen National Archives purchased US Constitution Bill of Rights to in all probability burn for their national religion of "serve the Pope or die" more perfect union with Islam "death to the infidels" in Federal Lynching churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement burning the NYC Twin Towers & Washington, D.C. Pentagon is obviously a rite and still not basically wrong in their Klues Klucks duh Klans dictionary .....
Real Americans support the US government.

Aware people understand it has issues. Who doesn't?

Perfection is a good goal but lack of it is not cause for giving up on something.

Patriots stand behind America.

Did you cut up a dictionary and randomly choose words from the resulting salad-like pile? Just curious...

Not even curious as to the cognitive dissonance of the not so master plan condescending arrogance avoidance Klues Klucks duh Klans national religion salad where if one is lying on the floor of a Navy Hospital waiting for medical care with little ability to even walk why does this Christian Nation want to know who stole & burned the US Constitution Bill of Rights off the wall & on a cross just as SCOTUS didn't want to know who stole & burned more than 2 dozen National Archives purchased US Constitution Bill of Rights over a few years as it wouldn't prove who stole & burned the Navy Hospital copy while their not so master race plays Klues Klucks duh Klans as to whom 9/11 participants are upholding SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court dictating 2 Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam for their national United States of Islamidiotocracy Christiananality Mohammed pedophilia religion Federal Lynching churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement....
Hello ptif219,

As if 'the government' is a single individual.

When, in your view, was the government trustworthy? Please name the year.

Also, when did the government cease to be trustworthy? What year?

You say "now" as if you can recall a time when you think government was 'trustworthy.'

OK, I'm just asking. When was that?

Because if you can't name a year, then your statement is meaningless.

As it is.

Because government is not a single entity. It's huge. There are parts of it which can be trusted to accomplish the intended function and there are parts of it that the public has less faith in it's effectiveness. It is an overly simplistic notion to consider whether government as a whole is trustworthy or not.

The USA is an amazing country. Most Americans are very happy to be Americans, have no wish to live anywhere else. We have a self-government that we the people formed ourselves and have the ability to modify and change at will. Control of our government has been largely seized by the rich and powerful. That makes things suck. No wonder people are unsatisfied. A lot of very foolish people blame the government for our problems. That's dumb. Our government is only doing exactly what it is told to do by We, The People.

And since most people shirk their civic duty then big money is very happy to take over directing our government to do as big money pleases.

Unfortunately, most Americans are not very well informed and do not take an active role in overseeing our self-government. Apathy runs rampant. Most Americans do not even know who their government representatives are at the State or Federal level. They leave it 'up to others' to worry about such stuff as they worry about their own lives. That is exactly what greedy rich and powerful people want. Public opinion has a largely negligible near-zero impact on Congress passing proposed legislation. The views of the rich and powerful have a very big impact on Congress passing proposed legislation. That is because corruption is legal and propaganda keeps the American public so divided that we won't unite against corruption. Because if we did we could really take back our government from the rich and powerful.

Government is not the problem. Apathy and propaganda are the problems. That is what causes things to suck. It's not the government. It's not your side or my side. It is the fact that we are so divided that we can't talk about what we have in common. Such as a government hopelessly corrupted by big money that we can't unite against the ones dividing us so that they can conquer us by using the government as their tool.

The very fact that anyone blames the government for our problems is emblematic of the success of big money to dominate the 99.9%.

No. Government is not the problem. Government is the symptom. Big money is the problem.

If you don't know I can't help you. The government is not for the people anymore
Hello ptif219,

The government is not for the people anymore

That is because corruption is legal.

Government is not the problem. Big money controlling it. That's the problem.

Anybody who can't see that is part of the problem.

Anybody who thinks government is the problem is part of the problem.

Government has no reason to want to 'get you.'

Government has no reason to be mean to you.

Government is not ripping you off. Government is not making any profits. Government is deeply in debt.

That's because the greedy rich and powerful control the government and prevent it from collecting enough taxes from the greedy rich and powerful.

Who is directing government? Who is telling government what to do? Republicans have the House, the Supreme Court, and a large enough part of the Senate to prevent anything they don't want. Republicans have most State governments.

Republicans could have solved immigration when they had all three branches. They didn't do a thing. No new immigration legislation.

Republicans could have voted to put up a wall. They failed.

Republicans could have repealed Obamacare when they had the chance. They failed.

Republicans could have cut Social Security and Medicare when they had the chance. They failed.

Republicans could have cut spending when they had the chance. They failed.

Republicans could have rejected the super-rich and powerful control of government when they had the chance. They failed.

Here's the way it is. Republicans are letting us down.

If we want government in control of the greedy rich and powerful the thing to do is put Republicans in charge.

Republicans ignore what the people want and only do what the super rich greedy and powerful want them to. Tax cuts for the rich.

Permanent tax cuts for the rich. Temporary tax cuts for the rest of us that expire in 2027.

Like your Trump tax cut? Enjoy it while you can. You'll be paying higher taxes in 2027.

Thank you, Donald Trump, for screwing us all as you helped out yourself and your rich buddies.

Make America gag again.
Hello Nordberg,

You type the most absurd shit. Trump and the right are playing with civil war. They are the ones who talk about it and predict it. Read the post and threads here. You rightys are talking about a civil war and separating the states. The Dems do not ever talk about that.
Outlawed the name America? How stupid is that? You have no bottom.

Republicans own government hatred.

It makes no sense to put haters in control of what they hate.

It is perplexing why anyone who cares about America ever votes for a Republican.
Hello Nordberg,

Because they believe lies told by the right deep into their black hearts. They take criticism personally. That is why rights here are so nasty. Ironically, they talk about patriotism and overthrow at the same time. The left sees America as it is and we work to improve it for inside and legal means. The rights somehow think destroying America will improve it. If they succeed, America will be a dictatorship. They will not be better off, and they blame the left for what they stupidly brought upon us.

The right is flirting with authoritarianism. Anybody who wants to let Putin have his way with Ukraine supports authoritarianism and opposes democracy and free and fair elections.

Fascists never think they are fascists.

They think telling other people how to live, forcing their own values on them, is 'wholesome.'

And they don't want to help the poor.

They want to blame the poor for being born into poverty. 'It's their own fault for making bad decisions.' Like getting born into the wrong situation.
Hello Nordberg,

Because they are part of a cabal that wants to take over. Trump had 4 years to dismantle the American way, tear down the walls of separation and set things up for the wealthy to rule. Oddly the righty voters identify with the Republican party, which is a sandbox for the powerful to play in. The powerful teach the lower and middle-class people that minorities and immigrants are why they live lives of desperation and doubt.
LBJ said " If you can convince the lowest white man that he is better than the best colored man, he won't notice you are picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on and he will empty his pockets for you.'
The right has been taught to look in the wrong direction. They do not know who is using and looting them. As things get worse, they get angrier at the wrong people.
They see the people who are most like them as enemies. If they can restart the government with minorities and poor people being held down even more, they will prosper. That is not what the wealthy plan.

What a good point. LBJ was spot on.

Poor immigrants have no power. They don't make the decisions that control our lives. The rich and powerful. They are the ones controlling our government. They make the decisions that help them and hurt the general population. Bankrupt the government to make the rich richer. Rip off everybody and use the government to make it all happen, make the laws and regulations that make the rich richer and everyone else struggle just a little harder. And then blame it all on Democrats, the left, the poor, minorities, gays and immigrants.

And the right buys it.

Hook, line and sinker.

Tucker Carlson sells it. Carlson is a hate peddler.
Hello ptif219,

The only ones claiming that is democrats

The greedy rich and powerful love false patriotism.

Fly a bunch of American flags to sell a bunch of imported cars.

Make America great again by jacking up prices during a pandemic. That's what the rich and powerful are doing for you.

They love seeing American flags dragged in the dirt behind a pick up truck, flogged to shreds right alongside a Trump flag.

It's like money in their pocket. They know that driver is gonna vote Republican and give the super-rich more power to rip us all off.