Because they are part of a cabal that wants to take over. Trump had 4 years to dismantle the American way, tear down the walls of separation and set things up for the wealthy to rule. Oddly the righty voters identify with the Republican party, which is a sandbox for the powerful to play in. The powerful teach the lower and middle-class people that minorities and immigrants are why they live lives of desperation and doubt.
LBJ said " If you can convince the lowest white man that he is better than the best colored man, he won't notice you are picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on and he will empty his pockets for you.'
The right has been taught to look in the wrong direction. They do not know who is using and looting them. As things get worse, they get angrier at the wrong people.
They see the people who are most like them as enemies. If they can restart the government with minorities and poor people being held down even more, they will prosper. That is not what the wealthy plan.