Hatred Of Goverrnment Is Basically Wrong

Hello evince,

America will shutter you hate filled assholes off

You are a pack of idiot losers

Or better yet we show them the correct way to act and how it is in everyone's best interest to do so.

You know, there are a lot of conservatives in America. We can't exist without them. Their work plus ours makes this country possible. We have to learn how to coexist.

That begins with ratcheting down the rhetoric.

We gotta learn how to share the love, even when the love is not shared back right away. Because like it or not, we share this country. All of us. We share it's past and we share it's future. Being divided hurts us. It's not funny. It's dysfunctional. We have to learn how to be more united. We have to learn how to appreciate one another in order to appreciate America.

Having conservatives in America is kind of like having rebellious kids.
Hello Nordberg,

They never loved America as it is. They have these special conservative glasses that only allow them to see a perverted version of America, while blocking out everything else. The glasses just magically appear after watching Tucker Carlson. Basically, the conservative vision of America is Christian white male dominance and subservient minorities, with no gay or trans people allowed, where big money controls everything. Freedom of speech is limited to whatever conservatives want to say, whether it is correct or flat out false. 'Evolution' and 'Equality' are bad words never to be spoken. And screw the environment, we don't need it. Plunder species at will, there's too much diversity. Really, in the conservative view, who needs the rest of the world, anyway? Put up a big wall and keep everybody else out. Unless they have money to buy their way in.

Seems to me it would be logical to have a system where if people wish to become Americans they can contract to work for the USA for a certain number of years, and only be left with a minimum to survive on until their 'debt to America' is paid off. America has caused so much damage to the world it only makes sense that we would create a system by which the impoverished and oppressed can become productive Americans and stop being part of the world poverty problem. We really sell ourselves short if we think we cannot eliminate world poverty over time. We most certainly can; and should.

We are America. We can do great things. Eliminating poverty would be a very great thing to do. And it would benefit us in the long run.

We cannot even get national healthcare.
Hello Nordberg,

We cannot even get national healthcare.

We can't have National Healthcare because corruption is legal and there is big money at stake. We can make corruption illegal but it will take a long time. It will have to begin at the local level and then spread. Cities and counties can pass anti-corruption laws and they should. That's why we don't have National Healthcare - because we don't correctly understand the challenge and we don't properly address it. It's us against big money power junkies. That should unite everyone.
Basic truths:

We have to have government.

No government, no country.

Therefore, we must appreciate and support government.

General disdain for government is against our country, against America, anti American.

Did Emperor Xi order you to post this?
Hatred itself is wrong. It really hurts the hater more than the hated.

But hatred of government is beyond dumb. It is hating the one thing that makes America America.

It's like hating our Constitution, the article that established government.

So, basically your point is

The rightys have certainly claimed they are patriotic and lovers of America. Now they want to destroy it.

Xi's Biden regime is not America. The United States Constitution, that you're waging civil war to end, is what defines America.

And I thought you Nazi wokesters outlawed the name "America?"
Xi's Biden regime is not America. The United States Constitution, that you're waging civil war to end, is what defines America.

And I thought you Nazi wokesters outlawed the name "America?"

Biden is mainstream American politics. Trumpism is the outer.
That was a real stupid post. Even for you.
Basic truths:

We have to have government.

Why? You make this statement without offering any evidence.

No government, no country.

Therefore, we must appreciate and support government.

You still haven't offered any type of argument at all, only a logical fallacy known as begging the question.

General disdain for government is against our country, against America, anti American.

Allow me to retort. Go fuck yourself nazi. Try not to turn your mother in to the gestapo for a loaf of bread you anti-American shitstain.
It is perfectly acceptable to be critical of parts of government that are not fulfilling the ideals of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.

What is flat wrong is to hate government in general.

Nobody is saying we should have blind obedience and loyalty to government. But to hate government for the sake of hating government is wrong wrong wrong. Big mistake! It's a trap that powerful people want you to fall into, a trap they created just for such weakness to want to blame the government. This is how they keep us divided that they may more easily conquer our minds and prevent us from banding together and stopping their greedy schemes.

Reagan did America a vast disservice with his Big Lie that 'government is the problem.'

No. Government is the medium. The problem lies with whomever directed/forced government to act incorrectly. Dastardly greedy people with big money, that's who. THEY are the problem. And so are we - for letting them get away with it. The only thing corruption needs to flourish is for good people to look the other way. Or be distracted by propaganda that claims government is the problem. (It is not!)

Down with apathy! Down with misinformation! Down with people who choose to be poorly informed! Down with the corrupt capitalist system that leaves people so strapped to make ends meet they don't have the time to become well informed! Down with the big money corruption of, and subsequent trashing of respect for, our beautifully conceived government of the people, which has instead become the government of big money.
The need for a government is axiomatic. There can be no debate about that. The bigger and more complicated a country is, the more they require a government. I cannot believe anyone would suggest it is not needed.
Hello Nordberg,

The need for a government is axiomatic. There can be no debate about that. The bigger and more complicated a country is, the more they require a government. I cannot believe anyone would suggest it is not needed.

It is not well thought through.

Our government is actually pretty amazing. To have survived a civil war, and now a completely over the top selfish, hateful and greedy president who tested every check and balance on executive power, tried to use the power of the office to steal an election complete with a coordinated violent disruption of Congress and still stand is pretty amazing.

To withstand a constant barrage of anti-government propaganda, and public approval ratings in the single digits is pretty amazing.

It may be popular to hate our government but it is actually a pretty dumb thing for a loyal American to do.

Our government is what ties us all together, makes us whole, makes America America. Keeps it all going.

Conservatives used to say: "America. Love It or Leave It."

We don't hear that any more.

That's because conservatives don't love the real America. They have this pretend vision of an America that doesn't really exist. A straight white Christian male dominated America.

Conservatives need to learn to love diverse America just the way it is. Stop trying to tell people how to live. Let gays be gay. Stop supporting police who discriminate against minorities. Stop hating the poor for being poor and agree to have our government help them. Stop defending the rich and powerful who corrupt our government from increased taxes. Stop trying to rig elections. Stop gerrymandering districts to rig the vote in your favor. Let American representation work the way it was intended to work. Stop supporting Senators who rig the rules to stack the Supreme Court.

Get real, conservatives.
Xi's Biden regime is not America. The United States Constitution, that you're waging civil war to end, is what defines America.

And I thought you Nazi wokesters outlawed the name "America?"

That was not thinking. You know better, yet keep posting what you know is a lie.
Mental contortions.

That is what the right has to go through to arrive at and maintain their very weird positions.

Or, more aptly referred to as juxtapositions.

Because they so frequently defy logic.

Such as they claim to be patriotic Americans but then I see so many disgruntled right wingers flying the American flag upside down or at half mast simply because they disagree with who is president. That's not patriotism. It's disgraceful. They should be ashamed. As if only the America they envision can be honored with proper and respectful display of the flag according to US Flag Code.

"All men are created equal," (except if they are gay. They they are to be discriminated against, not allowed to marry, can't have their children or teachers talking about their own parents in school, etc.)

What ever happened to "Insure Domestic Tranquility?"

Does hating on gays and trying to exclude them from full American life with discriminatory laws help domestic tranquility?

Culture wars in a mixed culture nation are not the acts of loyal Americans. They are the acts of Nazis.
That was not thinking. You know better, yet keep posting what you know is a lie.

It wasn't 3 weeks ago that Wokesters here - I think including you - were melting down over the use of "American" to describe the USA.
"Guatemalans are just as much Americans" and all that retardation that is so common from you fascists...
Mental contortions.

That is what the right has to go through to arrive at and maintain their very weird positions.

Or, more aptly referred to as juxtapositions.

Because they so frequently defy logic.

Such as they claim to be patriotic Americans but then I see so many disgruntled right wingers flying the American flag upside down or at half mast simply because they disagree with who is president. That's not patriotism. It's disgraceful. They should be ashamed. As if only the America they envision can be honored with proper and respectful display of the flag according to US Flag Code.

"All men are created equal," (except if they are gay. They they are to be discriminated against, not allowed to marry, can't have their children or teachers talking about their own parents in school, etc.)

What ever happened to "Insure Domestic Tranquility?"

Does hating on gays and trying to exclude them from full American life with discriminatory laws help domestic tranquility?

Culture wars in a mixed culture nation are not the acts of loyal Americans. They are the acts of Nazis.


That is the sewer that the left lives in.

After 4 years of open treason and outright hatred by the fascist left, suddenly anyone who disagrees with the president is an "insurrectionist."

After burning our flag repeatedly, after kneeling in contempt at our national anthem - the fascists suddenly are offended that Americans would fly the flag in distress.

Proving yet again that there is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy.
Hello Nordberg,

It is not well thought through.

Our government is actually pretty amazing. To have survived a civil war, and now a completely over the top selfish, hateful and greedy president who tested every check and balance on executive power, tried to use the power of the office to steal an election complete with a coordinated violent disruption of Congress and still stand is pretty amazing.

To withstand a constant barrage of anti-government propaganda, and public approval ratings in the single digits is pretty amazing.

It may be popular to hate our government but it is actually a pretty dumb thing for a loyal American to do.

Our government is what ties us all together, makes us whole, makes America America. Keeps it all going.

Conservatives used to say: "America. Love It or Leave It."

We don't hear that any more.

That's because conservatives don't love the real America. They have this pretend vision of an America that doesn't really exist. A straight white Christian male dominated America.

Conservatives need to learn to love diverse America just the way it is. Stop trying to tell people how to live. Let gays be gay. Stop supporting police who discriminate against minorities. Stop hating the poor for being poor and agree to have our government help them. Stop defending the rich and powerful who corrupt our government from increased taxes. Stop trying to rig elections. Stop gerrymandering districts to rig the vote in your favor. Let American representation work the way it was intended to work. Stop supporting Senators who rig the rules to stack the Supreme Court.

Get real, conservatives.

Actually, why DON'T you and your fellow fascists leave America?

North Korea and Venezuela are the paradise you work so hard to turn America into. Why don't you just migrate to where things are set the way you want them, instead of fucking this country up?
Actually, why DON'T you and your fellow fascists leave America?

North Korea and Venezuela are the paradise you work so hard to turn America into. Why don't you just migrate to where things are set the way you want them, instead of fucking this country up?

Because they are cowardly pieces of shit
When Government represents the will of the people and puts ideas into reality of growth with security , it is a great thing, however, the government we have now does not represent the people and is in fact an entity pushing agendas that hurt various classes of people. This government is destroying the American dream.
Because they are cowardly pieces of shit

It's actually because they know what they're doing. Their GOAL is to create misery. Leftism is a hatred of life and the living. The left are miserable creatures and want to make all of humanity as miserable as they are.

Life is a living hell where the left is in power - and that's what they want - misery and despair, death and hatred to mankind.