Hatred Of Goverrnment Is Basically Wrong

Government is necessary to a civil society, but you must never blindly accept government. It is our absolute obligations as citizens to question.

I appreciate our form of government and one reason is my right to hold it accountable.
Basic truths:

We have to have government.

No government, no country.

Therefore, we must appreciate and support government.

General disdain for government is against our country, against America, anti American.

so you're saying that the founding fathers were just stupid hillbillies who didn't know any better by not trusting government
So you claim the founders were wrong to construct a government I love?

I believe he claimed you were a fucking idiot for believing that the founders created a government because they loved it. you have either zero knowledge of history or you're just plain fucking ignorant about it.

the founding fathers distrusted all government. It's why they created one that they could control in several different ways.
Basic truths:

We have to have government.

No government, no country.

Therefore, we must appreciate and support government.

General disdain for government is against our country, against America, anti American.

None of that precludes our, or any, government from being bad and worthy of despite.

If government is doing fucked up stuff, it's the people's responsibility, even duty, to deliver a thorough smackdown to those running it. They should be made an example of what happens when you screw everything up.
None of that precludes our, or any, government from being bad and worthy of despite.

If government is doing fucked up stuff, it's the people's responsibility, even duty, to deliver a thorough smackdown to those running it. They should be made an example of what happens when you screw everything up.

The current Regime tell me every day that they dont give a fuck what I think and that they are not on my side, that they are tyrants.

Hating them is the reasonable rational thing to do.
The current Regime tell me every day that they dont give a fuck what I think and that they are not on my side, that they are tyrants.

Hating them is the reasonable rational thing to do.

Exactly. The Biden mis-administration has had top appointees and politicians make more trips to Ukraine than our own border, to Ohio, or to other hot issues in America. They don't give a shit about us. All they want is power and money. Fuck 'em!
Exactly. The Biden mis-administration has had top appointees and politicians make more trips to Ukraine than our own border, to Ohio, or to other hot issues in America. They don't give a shit about us. All they want is power and money. Fuck 'em!

No, this is all about UTOPIA.....this is a religious impulse.
Basic truths:

We have to have government. No government, no country.Therefore, we must appreciate and support government.

General disdain for government is against our country, against America, anti American.
Let's see if this passes the sanity check.

We have to acquire resources. No resources, starvation. Therefore we must earn resources, which usually involves work.

General disdain for the rat race and desire to take a vacation is against life itself, suicidal.

Yeah, it passes.

To illustrate the problem that renewable energy instability can cause, here is an example. When the voltage from German’s electric grid weakened for just a millisecond at 3 am, the machines at Hydro Aluminum in Hamburg ground to a halt, production stopped, and the aluminum belts snagged, hitting machines and destroying a piece of the mill with damages amounting to $12,300 to the equipment. The voltage weakened two more times in the next three weeks, causing the company to purchase its own emergency system using batteries, costing $185,000.
https://www.instituteforenergyresea...uipment damaged during disruptions of service.

Industry in Germany has been installing diesel generators and UPS systems along with batteries to prevent even momentary power outages that disrupt production to the tune of tens of thousands to millions of Euros. This trend is increasing as more solar and wind power is being used as these increase grid instability and there is little that can be done about it.

What will really be sad but funny is that if Leftist government gets their way and solar and wind dominate power production, the likelihood is that CO2 emissions will not be significantly reduced. The result of that won't be to dump solar and wind to return to something that works, but rather cast about for a new unicorn that will be claimed to be the panacea to Gorebal Warming.
Government is of course essential for civil existence. That should be self-evident.
but we should also recognize that ours, as defined by our constitution,
is a fucking mess of inefficiency and moronically divided political power.

It takes nationalist chauvinism at a mentally crippling level to not recognize that,
and this nation is afflicted with dangerous levels of exactly that.
Hello cawacko,

Would have loved to have seen this argument made in 2020 that its anti-American to be out protesting in the streets and since #BLM is at its core a protest against government, telling them they are also anti-American.

Protesting racist police is not anti-government in general. It is criticism of a specific part of government. Big difference. Rightful criticism of parts of government is healthy. Just not the whole thing in general. That is wrong.

Nobody said we are supposed to love our government. We need to appreciate it, care for it, nurture it, weed it, build it, protect it. Hating it is wrong. It is a do it yourself government; it is up to us to monitor what government is doing and to speak up when something is wrong. It falls on us to grow our government responsibly. Our government must grow. The idea of small government is dumb. Government grows under every administration. It even grew under Trump who famously carried on and on about trying to limit it. Dumb hypocrite.

There is no doubt much is wrong with our government, but to have general disdain for government in general, that is wrong. We have to have government. It is dumb and anti-American to oppose government in general. Our country is all about how to have a government that does not oppress us. Sadly big money has sought to create just that for the purpose of making the rich richer and more powerful.

What we need is for all Americans of all political views to unite on one principle: Corruption is legal; our government has been corrupted by the rich, and we have to make corruption illegal. Right wing propaganda prevents that by dehumanizing liberals to the point that right wingers won't even consider anything we say. They automatically assume they are going to disagree with whatever we say and simply look for ways to justify it. So dumb.

Liberals can make sense. Conservatives need to listen to it sometimes. Racial profiling is wrong. Racist police hurt our nation. Big money corruption of government is wrong. Right wing propaganda hurts our nation and forwards racism. Racism and government hatred must be taught. The American right does an effective job of it.

Hatred of government in general is like hating a garden because it has weeds instead of just getting busy and pulling the weeds out.
Hello Phantasmal,

Government is necessary to a civil society, but you must never blindly accept government. It is our absolute obligations as citizens to question.

I appreciate our form of government and one reason is my right to hold it accountable.

Absolutely! Well spoken. Thank you.

Here's the thing, and I will emphasize this:

We have to appreciate our government because if nobody supports it then it would not stand and neither would our country.

Hello. People need to think about that one. Can't get past that one.

It is traitorous to hate our government. It is distinctly anti-America to hate our government in general. To hate American government is to hate America.

But that doesn't mean extreme views are the only choices.

We certainly are not expected to blindly support our existing government. Blind loyalty is false. America had never been about that. Our beautiful Constitution describes a system where the people have the right to express grievances, the right of representation, and the right of criticism. We have no monarch. Our leaders are elected citizens. They can mess up. The very idea of a 'citizen' was a new concept with America. Britons are not citizens. They are subjects. They have a concept of citizenship only because the USA Constitution created it.

Americans built our country and our government and the work is ongoing, never done. It never will be done. Government is not a thing. It is a process. If our government is doing something wrong it is our fault. Government cannot be blamed for anything without also blaming the people who through misinformation, disinformation, apathy and propaganda simply made terrible voting mistakes. (Or worse, never even voted because so poorly informed and don't care.) Yes, we have made terrible voting mistakes such as ever electing another racist Republican ever again. And quite too many corrupt Democrats as well.

Corruption is our biggest government problem. Once we fix that a lot of other problems will vanish. But that is the same battle as the .01% against the rest of us and so far the 0.1% is winning. By a huge margin.
Hello Nordberg,

The rightys have certainly claimed they are patriotic and lovers of America. Now they want to destroy it.

They never loved America as it is. They have these special conservative glasses that only allow them to see a perverted version of America, while blocking out everything else. The glasses just magically appear after watching Tucker Carlson. Basically, the conservative vision of America is Christian white male dominance and subservient minorities, with no gay or trans people allowed, where big money controls everything. Freedom of speech is limited to whatever conservatives want to say, whether it is correct or flat out false. 'Evolution' and 'Equality' are bad words never to be spoken. And screw the environment, we don't need it. Plunder species at will, there's too much diversity. Really, in the conservative view, who needs the rest of the world, anyway? Put up a big wall and keep everybody else out. Unless they have money to buy their way in.

Seems to me it would be logical to have a system where if people wish to become Americans they can contract to work for the USA for a certain number of years, and only be left with a minimum to survive on until their 'debt to America' is paid off. America has caused so much damage to the world it only makes sense that we would create a system by which the impoverished and oppressed can become productive Americans and stop being part of the world poverty problem. We really sell ourselves short if we think we cannot eliminate world poverty over time. We most certainly can; and should.

We are America. We can do great things. Eliminating poverty would be a very great thing to do. And it would benefit us in the long run.