Should anti-government hatred espoused in songs like this be disallowed or banned?
So you hate them for it but like it when Republicans say it?
Should anti-government hatred espoused in songs like this be disallowed or banned?
how sophomoric.
So because we have to have a government, we must love the one we have?
Basic truths:
We have to have government.
No government, no country.
Therefore, we must appreciate and support government.
General disdain for government is against our country, against America, anti American.
So you claim the founders were wrong to construct a government I love?
Basic truths:
We have to have government.
No government, no country.
Therefore, we must appreciate and support government.
General disdain for government is against our country, against America, anti American.
None of that precludes our, or any, government from being bad and worthy of despite.
If government is doing fucked up stuff, it's the people's responsibility, even duty, to deliver a thorough smackdown to those running it. They should be made an example of what happens when you screw everything up.
The current Regime tell me every day that they dont give a fuck what I think and that they are not on my side, that they are tyrants.
Hating them is the reasonable rational thing to do.
Exactly. The Biden mis-administration has had top appointees and politicians make more trips to Ukraine than our own border, to Ohio, or to other hot issues in America. They don't give a shit about us. All they want is power and money. Fuck 'em!
Let's see if this passes the sanity check.Basic truths:
We have to have government. No government, no country.Therefore, we must appreciate and support government.
General disdain for government is against our country, against America, anti American.
Should anti-government hatred espoused in songs like this be disallowed or banned?
Should anti-government hatred espoused in songs like this be disallowed or banned?
Would have loved to have seen this argument made in 2020 that its anti-American to be out protesting in the streets and since #BLM is at its core a protest against government, telling them they are also anti-American.
Government is necessary to a civil society, but you must never blindly accept government. It is our absolute obligations as citizens to question.
I appreciate our form of government and one reason is my right to hold it accountable.
The rightys have certainly claimed they are patriotic and lovers of America. Now they want to destroy it.