Have always said it was an issue of good Christian people against evil abortionists

Complete, and utter nonsense. How do you find common ground with those who call for the decimation of social programs, while demanding that all zygotes come to term?

What I demand is for people to be accountable for their friggin actions, use birth control, be in control of yourself, just say no,, and if it fails pull your friggin pants up and raise the human child you created, you baby killing arse, that goes for the man, and the woman. Stop treating young people like they are children until they are thirty, teach em to take care of themselves.
Because the pro-lifers, for the most part, don't give a shit about the baby once it is born.

They seem to think a fetus is everyone's responsibility, but a child is solely the responsibility of the parents.

You are a friggin joke, we care about all life until death, and then hopefully we have spread the truth about Jesus and the afterlife, you care more about cats and dogs miscreant
Re: Have always said it was an issue of good Christian people against evil abo

You have successfully spouted out every rationalisation for the pro-abort crowd. See, you care more about murdering babies than you do about finding common ground with pro-lifers. Your talking points will never change, because all that matters to you is dead babies. Better dead than bred.

Mmmmmm dead baby bread.
I'm extremely sick of the finger pointing in Abortion talks.

The Left tends to want birth prevention for people who don't feel they will be fit parents.

The Right tends to think that every child conceived is gods will.

I tend to agree with both of you. I think we can have a plan that makes Abortion obsolete. I have a friend that works in Adoptions and the parents beat/rape the children often. But the blowback on that is they adopt for tax benefits.

Agree on a way to prevent pregnancy that doesn't mean ignorance of hormones and puberty. EVERYONE SINS! We all simply sin at different times in different ways. The worst kids I know today are born from young parents accidentally. You can't ignore it, only answer it with judgement, which the bible teaches against. Or with measures we have to prevent abortion.

If birth control and the morning after pill are "abortion" then everytime a woman rags she is aborting a possible baby. This is just ignorance.
as an issue of good Christian people against evil abortionists

I'm extremely sick of the finger pointing in Abortion talks.

The Left tends to want birth prevention for people who don't feel they will be fit parents.

The Right tends to think that every child conceived is gods will.

I tend to agree with both of you. I think we can have a plan that makes Abortion obsolete. I have a friend that works in Adoptions and the parents beat/rape the children often. But the blowback on that is they adopt for tax benefits.

Agree on a way to prevent pregnancy that doesn't mean ignorance of hormones and puberty. EVERYONE SINS! We all simply sin at different times in different ways. The worst kids I know today are born from young parents accidentally. You can't ignore it, only answer it with judgement, which the bible teaches against. Or with measures we have to prevent abortion.

If birth control and the morning after pill are "abortion" then everytime a woman rags she is aborting a possible baby. This is just ignorance.

I agree....and actually go a step further. I propose a compromise of 1st Trimester only abortions in most cases....that gives a woman 2-3 months to decide(depending on when she got pregnant in her cycle) on whether she wants to end the pregnancy or carry to term. In cases of rape/incest, extend it to the 2nd trimester. In cases where the life of the mother is in danger? It should be wide open.
I agree....and actually go a step further. I propose a compromise of 1st Trimester only abortions in most cases....that gives a woman 2-3 months to decide(depending on when she got pregnant in her cycle) on whether she wants to end the pregnancy or carry to term. In cases of rape/incest, extend it to the 2nd trimester. In cases where the life of the mother is in danger? It should be wide open.
I think the problem is that the pro birth side views all abortions as if they were late term. Personally, I'd push for early detection via accurate testing in the home, where an RU486 type pill could be used when the 'human' is the size of a grain of rice.
I agree....and actually go a step further. I propose a compromise of 1st Trimester only abortions in most cases....that gives a woman 2-3 months to decide(depending on when she got pregnant in her cycle) on whether she wants to end the pregnancy or carry to term. In cases of rape/incest, extend it to the 2nd trimester. In cases where the life of the mother is in danger? It should be wide open.

the problem there is a) the woman doesn't always know she's pregnant that early and b) given the scarcity of clinics and the cost of abortions, she may not be able to schedule it that quickly and c) not all fetal abnormalities can be detected that early; some of the most serious aren't caught until ultrasounds around 18 to 20 weeks.

24 weeks IS the compromise; and a vanishingly small number are performed after 20 weeks anyway - 1.4% after 21 weeks

from that same Wikipedia article:

In 1987, the Alan Guttmacher Institute collected questionnaires from 1,900 women in the United States who came to clinics to have abortions. Of the 1,900 questioned, 420 had been pregnant for 16 or more weeks. These 420 women were asked to choose among a list of reasons they had not obtained the abortions earlier in their pregnancies. The results were as follows:[2]
71% Woman didn't recognize she was pregnant or misjudged gestation
48% Woman found it hard to make arrangements for abortion

33% Woman was afraid to tell her partner or parents
24% Woman took time to decide to have an abortion
8% Woman waited for her relationship to change
8% Someone pressured woman not to have abortion
6% Something changed after woman became pregnant
6% Woman didn't know timing is important
5% Woman didn't know she could get an abortion
2% A fetal problem was diagnosed late in pregnancy
11% Other
those women should die giving birth if god deems it.

that is how they think

Reminds me... one of my friends... her mom had several kids, and wanted a tubal litigation with the last child. (She was having some difficulties with pregnancy.) Hospital was a catholic hospital and wouldn't do it. The family never used THAT facility again. They didn't care that another pregnancy might mean the existing kids would lose their mom...
Yay, it's all settled, then! We can continue to kill those sub-human Zygote filth! Tear our their organs and burn them with chemicals! Throw out their mangled, bloodied corpses as a lesson to all! That we will not be sexually terrorized by offspring. Kill those vile cockroaches!!
ys said it was an issue of good Christian people against evil abortionists

Yay, it's all settled, then! We can continue to kill those sub-human Zygote filth! Tear our their organs and burn them with chemicals! Throw out their mangled, bloodied corpses as a lesson to all! That we will not be sexually terrorized by offspring. Kill those vile cockroaches!!

Nothing like a little bit of over the top, absolutist bullshit.....huh?

C'mon dude....you're better than that shit. That's the kind of stuff I expect from ILA, PMP, and 007.