Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? You talk like the Tea Party is an official party competing on the ballot, and it's not. There isn't some Big Board somewhere, with all the Tea Party camp huddled around, watching to see if "their candidate" will win on election night. The group has a diverse cross-section of 'local' opinions and political sentiments, and doesn't necessarily walk in lockstep together, in spite of what sort of stereotypes you've developed for "the Tea Party" in general.
It gets me how people act like (with the reporting) the Tea Party is going around stamping politicians on the ass with a Tea Party Seal of Approval! Then they go around showing off their ass, saying... seeeee... Tea Party Approved Baby! Vote for ME! LOL... it's just insane.
Certainly, there are candidates who appeal to a large percentage of Tea Party supporters, but people all have assorted and varied reasons and justifications for their vote. The Tea Party is not 'brainwashing' people into who to vote for! That's what DEMOCRATS do! That's what REPUBLICANS do! That's even what LIBERTARIANS do! The general idea, is to get people involved, get them off their couch and researching their candidates, and finding quality people they want to be their representatives in Washington. It's as simple as that, not some far-fetched concerted effort to elect a cabal of 'extremist nuts' to go sweep Congress with some right-wing radical mandate. I know that's how Katie Couric sees it, and Rachel Madcow, but really, that's not what the Tea Party is about at all.
The Tea Party either exists or it doesn't.