Dixie - In Memoriam
New member
I'll only vote for people that publicly say:
No more income tax
No more war on drugs
No more EPA
No more federal Reserve to name a few.
I have people to vote for. And I wouldn't throw my support behind an alien political view for anything.
My one vote means more when I vote for Libertarians.
When I vote for Reps, or Dems, my vote becomes worthless. It's the same as giving my approval. I don't approve!
I pick up new voters all the time for the Libertarians. A little here, a little there. People that don't vote, but now do. The Republicans better take note and become more Libertarian minded in action, or they'll start losing in more and more races.
And don't give me this "my principles are pretty much in line with our founding principles" crap. The Republicans are nothing more than big (police state) gov't. Much different than any founding principles you claim to have.
Do us all a favor, and call your reps and demand that they reverse their past deeds.
Oh, and I'll vote for any republican that sounds and acts like a true small gov't politician. As of this moment they have a chance, but if history holds true, they're not going to really do a damn thing.
Okay, here's the deal... In 2008, all 4 third-party candidates combined, received less than 2% of the popular vote, and NO electoral votes. That's the Libertarian, Constitution, and Green Parties, with one more Independent. So the Libertarians have a LONG LONG way to go, in order to challenge ANYONE in EITHER major party. This isn't going to suddenly change in 2012, or 2016, or 2020... it's just NOT! The two main candidates will be (R) and (D) ...regardless of your personal sentiments. So, to cast your vote for a 3rd party candidate, is essentially taking a vote away from one of the two parties in contention.
The other thing is this... The Democrats don't really care what their candidate stands for or says. They are going to vote for the (D) over the (R), and it really doesn't matter what is said. They literally could have nominated Vladimir Putin, and had someone more aligned with capitalist conservative principles than what they elected. It didn't matter that he would say one thing in St. Paul, and the totally opposite a few days later in St. Louis, he had a (D) beside his name and he wasn't George Bush! It didn't matter that he didn't support Gay Marriage, those who support Gay Marriage still voted for the (D) over the (R), because they viewed it as a "step closer" to what their ideals are, than the alternative, which they viewed as a "step back." You see, as dumb as they are, they are still smarter than you! They understood that one of the two major parties would win the election, and they knew their only choice was between the (D) and the (R).
Now, Liberty, I want you to think about this for a while... What if we ALL voted as you do, based on our own individual ideals and bullet points? No two people are alike, not even husbands and wives. So we would end up with everyone essentially voting for themselves, millions of candidates, each with one vote apiece. We could never elect someone president! Even if we honed our list down to three or four bullet points, we would find it difficult to elect a president suitable to a 'majority' because everyone is different. So what has to happen, is we have to look at the electable candidates, and what they stand for. In our case, that is the (D) and the (R) and no one else. One of those two people are going to win the election and serve as our president for the next 4 years, regardless of our fantasies and wishes. Sure, we may elect someone who isn't completely in line with everything we personally believe in, but that is just the reality of politics. We can work toward raising awareness for the individual things we believe in, through political activism, writing and calling congressmen, attending rallies, etc. We can work to influence whichever party is closer to our ideals, and possibly effect a change.
Then there is the question of, how much of a Fascist are you? When you say that you are for or against [insert issue].... does that mean, you would want that to be law of the land against the will of the majority of Americans? Would you really want to impose your will on everyone else, even though they disagree? I would like for people to agree with me, to understand my position on the issues, and take my side, but if they don't, I want us to do what the majority thinks is best. If your family is in the car, trying to decide where to eat, do YOU make that choice for them? Regardless of how they feel about it? Regardless of whether the majority want to do something else? Of course you don't, unless you are just a selfish and self-centered person who doesn't really give a damn about what others want. If most of them want to eat pizza, and you don't have any allergies or gastrointestinal reasons not to eat pizza, it doesn't matter that you wanted a burger, you are outnumbered.... you can go with pizza! From what you are telling me, YOUR family is at the Pizza Hut, and you are around the corner at the burger joint....and you just don't care.
So it all boils down to your selfishness... you want things a certain way, and you don't care if most people disagree with you. Your voting Libertarian, is equivalent to laying in the floor pitching a temper tantrum.