It was only his signature achievement! No freaking President writes any legislation friend. Congress provides and passes all legislation. The ACA was an Obama request and promotion and Obama owns it. Freaking BIG insurance companies lobbyist wrote the damned thing just like lobbyist write most legislation that comes out of Washington.
Coal was put out of business by leftist environmentalist politicians that coal country folks voted for their whole existence till Trump. There's plenty of value left in industrial coal as America's most plentiful and reliable energy source and it has a tremendous value as an American export. Clean coal technology exist. When properly installed it's as clean an energy as Oil and even more available.
What's your definition of "healthy?" A 2% GDP? Millions on food stamps? Coal country out of business, impoverished and addicted to pain killers?
Trump has created a 3+% average GDP, the lowest unemployment in decades and the lowest unemployment for minority races in history. Trump has shamed the cheap NATO bastards into ponying up their fair share of NATO dues. Trump has been tougher on Russia, Syria and Iran than any President in our history. Trump seriously is striving to secure our southern border and shame our swamp rat Congress into legislating sane immigration policy. Trump has put American's tax dollars back into their pockets. Trump's policies have brought back and continue to bring back jobs to America. Trump has trashed Obama's overreaching idiotic regulations written by unelected bureaucrats and thereby stimulated a powerful roaring economy. If all of that is breaking your heart friend, your heart is in the wrong place.
You are a certifiable moron.